Friday, April 24, 2009

Angelina Jolie To Adopt A Child With Her Brother

Only on a slow news day would I even think about talking about this. The National Enquirer is reporting that Angelina Jolie wants to adopt a baby with her brother James Haven. Uh huh. Actually how they phrase it is that she wants her brother to adopt the child because Brad won't let her adopt any babies for a year. So, the plan is for James to adopt the baby and then Angelina will be a co-parent.

Supposedly this plan has infuriated Brad. At this point I think basically every article written about the couple says they are going to break up and that the couple is not getting along and blah blah blah. I don't really care. I would ban them, but basically it feels like I am banning every celebrity and am running out of people to talk about, so unfortunately I need to let them stay. I think tabloids keep saying they are going to break up or that trouble is brewing because they want to say they were the first to report the break up. Plus, there is no drama or magazine sales when you have a headline that says Angelina and Brad still married.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if an article comes out and says that Angelina and Billy Bob are going to adopt a child together or that Angelina and Jen are going to adopt a child together to try and repair their friendship. The possibilities are endless. I do think they would draw the line at saying James and Angelina would have a child together biologically though. Maybe.


  1. No, no-please don't ban the Brange. I actually find their stories interesting.

  2. Are you saying that they are REALLY married??

  3. Oh and I forgot. I don't want them banned either.

  4. I'd be ok with banning them...I really don't find them very interesting at all. Brad appears to have the personality of a ground squirrel...and Angie? bleh...she was more interesting as a wild child..

  5. I agree Angie was much more interesting as a wild child. I would have loved to see how the wild child decided to raise her adopted children.

    Also last week one of the tabloids reported on the front cover of their magazine that Angie was pregnant again.

    They're all fishing hoping they'll get lucky.

  6. No ban on them Enty, please.

    There are better ones to ban than Brad and Angelina.

  7. I wonder if the truth on Brangelina and Co. will come out someday.

    I've been lurking on the ianundercover site and some of the stuff he puts out there is beyond outrageous. Beyond.

  8. Anonymous11:22 AM

    How many kids do they have 6? Isn't that enough to have?

  9. anonmum - isnt he just plain crazy though? you think there is even one ounce of truth to that?

  10. I've been lurking there too, if just for the sheer entertainment of some of the posters there. They are truly delusional over there!

  11. "Actually how they phrase it is that she wants her brother to adopt the child because Brad won't let her adopt any babies for a year."

    Riiight. As if Brad has any say.

  12. omg, I totally have been lurking at the IUC site and am AMAZED at the craptastic stuff that goes on over there .. borderline psycho .. I have posted and been blasted .. cracks me up .. if only 1/2 of what they say over there is true, AngieJo and Brad are the Mr. and Mrs. Satan of the world! LOL

  13. Anyone would have to be insane to believe anything at the crazy website.

    I like Brad and Angie but I wish the tabs would stop writing about them until they have some real or different stories.

  14. Say this is true. To properly "co-parent" she would either have to move her brother in or leave her own children to check in on her brother. Either way I would not be happy about that. If I were Brad, that is.

  15. Enty, if you keep talking about banning people, kinda makes the whole blogging on celebs thing kinda redundant, no?

    And, FWIW, ban Aniston first please. I'd rather read about the crazy Brangelina stories over the insipid "who-I'm-in-love-with-this-week" crap.

  16. Merrick-were you accused by keane of being on angie's payroll? *eyeroll*

  17. terrance, that is the scary thing, the regulars over there believe, without a doubt in their minds, everything this mans says and posts, including the fact that now he is in hiding because he has received death threats over this posts .. PUHLEEASE .. oh and anyone who dares question him, automatically is assumed to be angie or one of her minions. I myself was accused by being Angie. Delusional wackos

  18. I know, it's insane over there! He and Jonathan Jaxson are birds of a feather.

    Oh, and yes, George Clooney is the Ben Affleck of that site!!!

  19. AnonMom, so true! If he isnt bashing the jolie-pitts, he is outing people ..his credibility is zero to none, at least to those enough intelligent to know when they are being spoon fed crap!

  20. LOL another IUC lurker. Maybe she and her bro already had a bio child!!!!! LOL-don't ban them, they are such a guilty pleasure! And you forgot to mention the dog.

  21. I've heard ianundercover is just everything Perez Hilton wants to BS about, but legally can't on his other site.

  22. I think they are a pile of crap, myself. She is ridiculous. The Mia Farrow of the 21st Century. And she may not even sleep with her adopted son, but go straight for her brother.

  23. Juicy, I was .. I posted twice under 2 different names, under two different topics, and both times, Keane accused me of first, being Angie and then on the second post, accused me of being one of her minions .. totally paranoid with anyone who doesnt agree with them or questions the credibility of his postings. Now I just go there for laughs, more at the comments then the actual posts.

  24. ...what is this IUC you speak of?...i'm going there now...should be a fun afternoon!!

  25. Anonymous2:00 PM

    Brad and Angie seem weirdly normal to me, and I like them for that. They actually seem to spend time with and parent their children, which is refreshing.

    Can someone please explain to me why Jen never had a baby with Brad? It seems like a no-brainer to me.

  26. Anonymous2:24 PM

    IUC is a guily pleasure but there are a lot of looneys !!!!!!!! Not to sound like one but those photos of Brad and Angelina did look staged at the grocery store the other day.

  27. Anonymous2:52 PM

    OMG, I've checked out that Ian site and it is to Jennifer Aniston what JJ is to Angelina Jolie as far as loons. While I can't stand Brangelina and think it is only a matter of time before a split, that site is INSANE. The stories are ridiculous and sound like BS. The scariest part is that some actually believe the stuff.

  28. Mia Farrow should not take any shrapnel on this one.

  29. why not? just because woody was a perv doesn't mean she's a saint. just my humble opinion.

  30. "Can someone please explain to me why Jen never had a baby with Brad?"

    Because she would've had to stay sober for 9 months.

  31. ha! that never stopped angie! lol.

  32. too LOL.....i have posted and had a war of worlds with the almighty what a bitch that one is...oh and did you read that "angie's team' hacked her email account...cause you know that she has nothing better to do than sit around hacking emails and of course she learned how to doing the movie hackers LOL

    i did a recap of all the ludicruous things they'd said and people actually corrected me on stuff i'd missed..unbelievable.

  33. canadachick - i think i speak for many when i say "give us that recap!!!"

  34. I hope you all get this comment, because ITA about ianundercover! I couldn't start posting there, because I don't have time to sarcasticly destroy Every Single Comment.

    I always find it funny when people purport to hate something so much that they spend hours and hours reading and writing about it. And we're not talking about hating global warming or Darfur genocide--we're talking about actors.

    I love how most of the posters are too thick to understand those silly crytpo-blinds, and rely on the 'wisdom' of the mighty Keane, and one other chick to decipher them. Please.

    Yes, comments have speculated whether Knox is actually James Haven's bio kid, because Knox has J.H.'s eyes.
    He is Angie's brother, people. Of course her kids might look like him.

    And yes, most of the posters think it's 90% Angelina's fault that Aniston got dumped. They even forgive Brad, to the point than many people opine about how awesome the world would be again if he and Jen got back together.

    Besides drugs, I had always heard/thought that Jen wouldn't get pregnant because she is way too vain about her body, and she thought her fame was about to skyrocket at the time she was 'supposed' to start a family. It didn't, and she lost Brad. It happens.
    Some men really want kids. Brad fell for Angie & Maddox, IMO.

  35. IUC OMG roflmao. Arent they something?

  36. here ya go linnea :
    ok been reading this for a while…lets see if i got this right :
    Angelina is sleeping with her brother, the yankees, BBT, Clinton, A DOG, Strippers, random women, plants and maybe Eastwood and/or his wife

    and is doing possibly Meth, Coke, Heroin,crack, weed, pills……

    And Brad is adopting on his own, has 2 Sudanese Women pregnant, and is possibly adopting again with Angelina, who may or may not be pregnant

    They apparently like to share lovers and may or may not participate in orgies…..while at home with their 6 children and/or in other places

    Brad is romancing the nanny, the sudanese ladies, and someone in washington

    Jennifer Aniston is getting back with brad, may or may not be a narcissistic Bitch or the sweetest person ever.

    Angelina and/or Brad are being investigated by feds for possible tax evasion , or gun smuggling, or drug trafficking…possibly illegial adoptions

    They may or may not be married, she may or may not have had the twins - the twins may or may not have been born addicted……some random Holly person may have given birth to the twins……

    and hollywood actors/actresses have issued death threats against the author of this site ? And is that Sugar Ray person really Ian in drag ?

    some added : wait you forgot Billy Bob Thorntion is randomly adopting Maddox and Angelina is going to have a baby with her brother in the future

  37. canadachick, I remember reading that post and I was pissing myself laughing over it and then the backlash it created. The "Exclusives" that are posted are for shock value only, and I do not believe have any relevance to what is really going on, c'mon, who in their right mind would tell this hacker anything, yet, K&K continue to put him and his ramblings up there with the Holy Gospel as being true. It is not gossip, Enty gossips and snarks, this is pure lies and inneuendo just to get his minions to bite and head off in all directions. So freakin funny, like watching a train wreck

  38. merrick...i KNOW.....they're like a freaking cult over there

    ian "drink the koolaid"
    um no thanks.
    keane"drink it..ian says so has to be're an angie minion for not drinking it"

    scary bunch of loonies over there. I mean i love me some CDAN...but thank god there's no wackos here like there.
