Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ben Widdicombe Blind Item

Which male model who used to be involved with an A (well, B+)-list Hollywood actress is telling anyone who will listen about her shocking booze and drug habits?


  1. My first thought was Paul Sculfor and Jennifer Aniston. Did he break up with Cameron Diaz?

  2. Yup. Paul Sculfor and Maniston.

  3. Would anyone really be all that shocked to find out Maniston is not only a pothead, but a fan of skiing?

  4. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Guess she hit the bottle because of Brad or was this before.

  5. Anonymous9:53 AM

    Thought she only did pot. What other drugs is she doing?

  6. anyone else wonder how these are blind items if he's telling everyone who'll listen....wouldn't it be coming out publically by now.

  7. I seem to remember one of Jenn's boyfriends who had to break off with her because he was in recovery for cocaine addiction and he couldn't be around her friends. My deduction was: she lives in the midst of a bunch of coke freaks, perhaps dabbling herself. Brad certainly never seemed like the posterboy for sobriety, and she married him.

  8. Sculfor definitely. Now which actress is it...
    I think likely Aniston

  9. Well, I can't see any JA booze or drug habits as being shocking.

  10. canadachick - without evidence it would be slander. The media can come up with a lot of bull - and much of it comes from their own PR, but openly saying the mini-van queen is a cokehead is a very stupid idea (hence the need for blinds in the first place).
    It's been known/thought for some time by many that she is into the bad stuff, though (Cox too apparently - though i'm not sure if she still is using or not?)

    The drink issue is news to me (but would explain the recent 'puffiness' and redness of her face in pap/red carpet shots).

  11. I mean, he is with CD now, right? I'd certainly find heroin use more shocking than coke or weed use, for cryin' out loud.

  12. Wait, CD is using heroin? Where have i been!

  13. bluedye-I think I remember that too-and it was either about Sculfor or Mayer, I believe.

  14. I'm thinking this one is Kate Bosworth. Is she still with that James Rousseau guy?

  15. oh, nevermind. I think they were seen at Coachella together.

  16. I dunno, I think we need some more guesses here - a lot of actresses have dated models. That being said, the only one I can think of right now is the one dating Halle Berry and the one that used to date Pam Anderson - he got around.

  17. Mark Schneckeburg(sp) & Jennifer Aniston

  18. aniston by sculfor . i remember an old blind item about a celebrity in holiday in Mexico discovering coke after a love affair failure! some people thought on jennifer aniston after the failure with Vaugh

  19. I guess I just don't understand how these gorgeous actresses can stay thin and not puffy (if boozing) or healthy-looking (cocaine or other drugs). Unless it's just a binge behavior and not an ongoing use situation. I know they have trainers, plastic surgeons, makeup artists and hair stylists, etc., but still. When I used to drink heavily, I looked like shit!

    I can see someone like Lindsay Lohan or Amy Winehouse with major habits, but they show it physically. I just don't see how Jennifer Aniston or Cameron Diaz can hide it so well. Having said that, the answer to the BI is probably one of them.

  20. If Anniston, is it really shocking? Not to me...

  21. I'm guessing it isn't Gabriel Aubrey so it must be Paul Sculfor.

  22. Now see, I read this and immediately thought of Miley Cyrus and her underwear model.....

  23. It wouldn't be slander if he said something like that, it would be libel and he would have to prove that she actually suffered damages by what he said, like losing a role.

    Given her box office track record and (I believe) she's said she's a toker, doubt under US laws she would have a winnable lawsuit. But she could always sue and put pressure on him, that happens all the time (and people wonder why the courts are clogged)!

  24. Marcus Shenkenberg and Pamela Anderson.

  25. Well Lainey has been talking for yrs about Aniston's cocaine habit - a pretty big one at that. The reason why everyone would be so shocked is cos she panders to the Minivan Majority who love to think that she's the ultimate 'gril-next-door' and who will be your friend... lies, lies, lies. How else do you think the girl stays soooo thin.

    She's super tight with Cox, and rosetta getty and that lot (eva mendes etc) they're all known coke abusers so go figure....

  26. Didn't Jason Lewis and Rosario Dawson date for a long time?

  27. Cameron Diaz had a substance abuse problem. Her looks have suffered.

  28. I think "Story: is right, but I can't begin to fathom who has been living under a rock for long enough to find Pam's drug use or drinking "shocking"

  29. I thought Cox's addiction was heroin. Although it seems to go hand-in-hand with coke.

    If it's Maniston, she hides it well enough.

  30. Beg pardon, but Pam Andersonhas never been A list (nor B+). She's never risen above C, and had to strain just to get that high.
