Thursday, April 09, 2009

Britney Spears Microphone Adventures #3

During the first few shows on this current Britney Spears tour, her microphone was left off completely. Either that or she didn't feel the need to say anything to anyone. First there was the infamous bit about certain parts of her anatomy which were hanging out which she shared with the arena. Then she told a Washington DC crowd, Merry Christmas a couple of weeks ago. This is becoming more and more fun to watch.

Everyone is making a big deal out of last night and her walking off the stage for about 48 minutes, and not the "brief pause" in the concert as reported by her own people. If your concert is only 90 minutes long, 48 minutes seems like more than a brief pause. I'm wondering how many cigarettes Britney smoked while she waited for the smoke to clear in Vancouver. I think she probably needs a little break. Instead it looks like her dad and her attorneys want to add lots more shows to the tour. They won't ask Britney of course. They will just tell her where to go and to follow their rules and to keep on making them money.

As long as I'm writing about Britney, Star Magazine says she and K-Fed are having sex all the time and that Kevin's girlfriend even caught them at it once. Of course other tabloids say Kevin and his girlfriend Victoria Prince are getting married. Honestly I don't believe the story. If he was having sex with Britney and Victoria, he wouldn't weight 700 pounds.

Britney certainly has c**ks on her mind though. Last night as she was walking off the stage, she said, "Don't smoke weed! Rock out with your c**ks out! Peace motherf**kers!" I think from now on they should leave her microphone on the entire time if she is going to come up with gems like that. In case you would like to read a review of the concert last night, the Vancouver Sun has a good one.


  1. The first one made my life. "Mah pussay is hangin' out!"

  2. i so want this little girl to get it together and be the performer she once was. it's heartbreaking she's exploited so much, but despite her tomfoolery i really want to see her succeed.

  3. Britney is a hoot. I think leaving her mic on is very entertaining.

  4. Backstage, she finished a bag of Cheetos. Well, probably.

  5. Anonymous10:00 AM

    Are they getting more people to see her after her comments?

  6. run brit run. this child has enough money to live comfortably for the rest of her life. her family needs to get jobs and move on already.

  7. Okay, here's a shameless plug for the article in the newspaper I work for: Britney Spears brings lipsynched circus to Vancouver. Following the Twitter announcements about the show last night was equally hilarious :)

  8. She is not well

    Why is she even on tour?

    This girl has issues

    Merry Christmas?

    Someone skipped the seroquel that night?

  9. Merry Christmas? How much are people paying to witness this disaster?
    gotta say though, she's making it interesting....what's next?

  10. This poor girl is always 2 missed dosages away from riding in an ambulance again. I've never liked her, but after seeing those two middle eastern tools, Osama & Adnan take advantage of her in the midst of her mental illness, and watching her her documentary, I just feel sorry for her. :-(

  11. Lainey's review of this concert was very good.

  12. A few people at the concert twittered that they were waiting for the air to clear because people were smoking pot. I doubt Britney would have a problem with that lol, but her dancers may not have been able to shake their asses properly if high. I dunno. mm BC weed

  13. Lainey writes like 12 year old valley girl, I'm not surprised.

    Please Brtiney, keep your excuses fresh at least. You were married to Kfed, a lil weed wasn't going to to ruin your lipsynching one bit.

    PS- the place was FILLED with kids and the bitch runs off screaming PEACE MUTHERFUCKERS in her mic.

  14. Sure, Daddy Spears, keep pushing that money train. Don't we all love trainwrecks? And this time there are going to be firsthand witnesses twittering about it. Now won't that be fun!

    Poor thing.

  15. Anytime I have been at a concert at GM Place there is always someone who wants to defy the no smoking rules, be it tobacco or pot. I have seen security drag more than one person out of their seats.

    And parents who, after all the controversay surrounding Britney over the past few years, insist on taking their young daughters to a concert where she is about to break out into a song called If You Seek Amy, which when you hear it, there is no mistaking what it says, you deserve to have that bite you on your ass. I'd pay good money to watch you faint from embarrassment when that is the number your daughter decides she wants to sing at the school talent contest.

  16. I'm on the 'stop this trainwreck before it's too late' bandwagon.

    She clearly needs to be committed, she's probably never going to live a normal life again, her poor kids are going to end up really messed up... seriously, just stop the tour, get her some high quality medical help and get her on the road to some kind of recovery. This just makes me sick.

  17. I think she says things like that to irritate her parents. She doesn't want to be touring right now. They are doing this to make more money off of her. They should have took over, but to give her the help she needs. Not force to sing and dance like a monkey.

  18. "I've never liked her, but after seeing those two middle eastern tools..."

    Oh, Surly_Secretary, you're SO right. Hooking up with those two towelheads was the WORST decision our Brit Brit has EVER made!!!

    God, I just love xenophobic A-holes!
