Thursday, April 30, 2009

Do You Believe Christina Applegate?

Let me start off by saying once again that I like Christina Applegate. That being said, I think she is probably lying in an interview she gave to People Magazine discussing the photo of her smoking a cigarette recently. She says it was a "rare slip-up." Uh huh. The photographer just got lucky huh?

"It's been very painful because I feel it was discounting all the work that I've done. The day I found out I had cancer I quit everything that was bad for me that I was putting in my body. Over the last year, with everything that's happened, there have been a couple of times that I've slipped up. That was one of those rare occasions - and of course they got the picture."

Of course they did. I guarantee you the photographers won't get another. I think she is probably still smoking but will confine it to her house or other places where there are no cameras. I would also imagine she probably would have denied she was still smoking if there was no photographer.

Smoking is tough to quit. I remember once I was visiting someone at the hospital and in the bed next to the person I was visiting, the person had a lung removed due to smoking. All of his visitors smoked, and despite the fact they were staring at someone who lost a lung to smoking, every few minutes someone would go outside and smoke.


  1. Smoking is an addiction, pure and simple. Doesn't matter to someone who's addicted that their buddy just lost his lung to it, it's not their reality.

    I believe her, simply because she has been pretty open with what's happened thus far. If she's finding it tough to quit, well, she is not in the minority there.

  2. I don't believe her. If it was a slip up - it wouldn't have happened so casually walking down the street.

  3. I'm in the midst of a cancer scare right now...there's NO excuse for smoking.

  4. Caring vibes to you GWG and I hope the scare turns out to be nothing more than a scare. As a smoker, I can tell you that it is very tough to quit. I had double pneumonia a few years back and snuck cigs in the hospital .. bad news I know, but even with the patch on, I smoked. As Elsie said, we really have no reason NOT to believe her, as she has been more open about this then most would be

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. I know several people including family members who had cancer or died of cancer and yet they continued to smoke.

    One day I went to the hospital for a test (non cancer related) and a woman who was dying of cancer went outside to smoke a cigarette. Of course everyone told her she shouldn't do it but she said "why stop, I'm already dying."

    It was sad but true.


  7. I started smoking when I was in my early teens and regularly by 17 which I did heavily for ten years. One day..oddly.. cigs just tasted like CRAP to me. The thought of having one even right now makes me slightly nauseas. The only time I 'slip' up is after a bottle of wine and that is not as often ( the wine not the smokes ) as I would like. I am one of the rare ones that got away easily and sadly I can't really take credit for it. Well, my body can.. but definitely not my mind!

  8. I'm more shocked about the fact that she's on the cover of People's 100 Most Beautiful issue...

  9. Thank you Merrick. I appreciate it. I'm having surgery on Wednesday and I'll know more after that.

    I'm not doubting that it's hard to quit but I just can't imagine anything is worth risking getting that sick or dying...especially after a previous occurrence.

    I worked in a drugstore throughout HS and we had a woman with a tracheotomy who came in all the time for cigarettes-she would smoke through the hole in her neck.

    It was heartbreaking...

  10. GWG, please do keep me updated on yoru status. Both my broher and father are survivors and anything I can do (cyberwise) to help you, know that I would. My thoughts and prayers are with you!

  11. Thanks so much Merrick. Does your name refer to Merrick, NY?

    My dad is a Hodgkin's and Skin Cancer survivor as well. Right now, I think I'm more nervous about the actual procedure than the outcome...but that may change. :)

  12. thinking of you GWG!

  13. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Green Wave Gal, good thoughts and prayers are being sent to you NOW....good luck from a fellow CDANer.
    : )

  14. GWG, what kind of skin cancer did your dad have?

  15. Greenwave Girl - my Mother died of cancer. The farther down the Missisippi you live the higher your chances for getting are, with New Orleans being the highest. My thoughts and prayers are with you.

  16. I hate the lying rebuttal

    Christina, you are still human and nine outta ten, you probably still chain smoke, cancer and all

    I've always been curious as to if she used drugs or not. Her former lover od'd and she's good friends with Cam...Hmm?

    And people who don't smoke can ALWAYS smell the smoke on you, you're not fooling anyone

    They kill me how they admit to "just a little bit"

    Gimme a break!

  17. I am religiously free of nicotine addiction. And if I ever "slip up", I may as well just head on down to the store and buy a carton, 'cause it's all over, baby. I had a real smoking problem and it was hell to quit. Some people just can't do it.

  18. Ummmmm...she is full of crap. She quit EVERYTHING that was bad for her...Oh. WTF, is that even possible? What's in the COFFEE cup?

  19. Three months smoke free as of yesterday. Yay!

  20. Sunny--that's what I've heard. I went to college in NO, but I'm from NY.

    Abigail-he had melanoma--too much sun over the years.

    Yay snautrag!!!

    Thanks for all the support everyone, it really means a lot! :) If I can't update you guys and gals myself, I'll ask lutefisk, mooshki, or jax to do it (they'll see my status on facebook). :)

  21. Yes, we sure will, Green. You know we're sending you all the good thoughts we can! :)

    Snautrag, congrats! I always thank god I never started smoking, because I can't imagine trying to quit.

  22. gwg, i didn't know that was your CDAN name. my uncle (father's uncle) also died of melanoma. and he was a surgeon who knew what he had. doctors are the worst patients. ask any nurse!

  23. Yes, bunny! Green Wave Gal = Ellen

    :) The Green Wave comes from Tulane University--my undergrad alma mater!

  24. Gwg, best wishes to you! I really hope you have nothing to worry about.

    Snautrag, Good for you! Good luck with quitting.

    I can't believe Applegate is smoking. If I were her I'd do anything imaginable to remain cancer free.

    Cancer scares me stiff. I've had 4 grandparents with CA and a Mom who died of OC. It's the reason I don't touch cigs. Why buy trouble?

  25. GWG - Hope all turns out well.

    notvoting: It could be herbal tea or something. Though it's probably coffee, and she's full of shit.

  26. If you slip up you don't do it in public like that. It's her decision to quit or not but to lie about it is silly. I also chuckled reading that she gave up everything, as we see her holding a Starbucks.

    GWG - been there, done that and I survived. It's a scary time but I hope your surgery goes well and you get good news.

  27. i smoked for 25 year before i quit 6 years ago. its hard. took me 2 full year of trying before it was over for good. catch the girl some slack.

  28. Ya know .. I can't jump on Christina's head over this. I get the need to smoke at times - even though you have been through a life and death illness. Believe it or not, for a lot of us who have been there, there is no magical 180 degree turn after we survive a life threatening illness. Addictions [bad marriages.unenjoyable lives, etc.] are still there .. sometimes they are even renewed after a major trauma. I - myself - have fallen back into smoking from time to time. Been good for almost a year now .. but last Summer .. after losing the love of my Life .. I did smoke almost an entire pack of cigs.

  29. AnnMarie, Ardleigh, Stiffkittens, JJ, and anyone else I may have missed...I truly appreciate the support.

    I'm 33 and out here in California on my own, so I'll take all the support I can get-cyber or otherwise!

  30. GWG, the name is from a character in the Anne Rice vampire series. Awesome reads, if you like this kind of fiction.

  31. Quitting smoking is HARD...I've done it, but I still get the urge...These movie stars are just human, like the rest of us. Her choice if she wants to smoke. Her choice is she feels the need to lie about it. There are lots of worse things to point the mess that is Lindsay Lohan, the loser that is Dina Lohan and why isn't that Ali kid in school?

  32. If Christina Applegate carries the BRCA1 or other mutated gene, she carries a higher risk of malignant regardless of cigarettes or cups of coffee. In fact, the churlish reaction to this photograph makes me angry.

    Sure - smoking is stupid, unhealthy and nasty. It causes lung and other cancer but has no proven link to breast cancer. It probably doesn't help but it doesn't cause it.

    My mother never smoked or drank much at and lived a healthy sporty lifestyle. Yet she still got breast cancer last year because it is mostly genetic. She survived thank god because they caught it in time but had to have intensive surgery and radiotherapy.

  33. I am currently 22 weeks pregnant and although I had pretty much quit the cigs about 9 months before I got preganant, I had acquired a weird habit about 9 months ago to smoking colts (cigarillos). I'd only smoke one or two a day and didn't really inhale them, but the cravings just got to be too much. I quit that totally as soon as i found out I was preganant and have been doing great, but I still get madddd cravings almost everyday. i was telling my hubby just yesterday that as soon as the baby is born I am going out to smoke a cigar with everyone else and he can stay inside with the baby. I won't do it, but I honestly believe i will proably start up again. Sad, but honest. So how fucked up is that???
