Friday, April 24, 2009

Green Day - New Video - Know Your Enemy


  1. Talk about "random." Did they slip you some free tickets, Enty? :)

  2. Billie Joe could sing the phone book, and I'd still be enchanted. Yummmm! :)

  3. Green Day is as good, if not better, today then when they first started recording. True that, Lisa!

  4. "Sorry, we're unable to offer this video to users in your region."

    Yes, again--because Canada is sooooooo far away from the USA.

    Now, having said that--I love me some Greenday but damned if this doesn't sound exactly the same as every other song they've come out with in the last 4 years or so. I'm unimpressed...but it's still fun to listen to.

  5. I've been listening to American Idiot for the past few weeks. Love these guys.

    Am liking the single on first viewing, though it's weighted drum/guitar. I want more Mike! Looking forward to the album.
