Monday, April 27, 2009

How To Lose $30M in 3 Years

Normally you would think that if you spend $30M over the course of three years that you would have something tangible in return to show for it. A house, cars, clothes, a yacht, something. I mean, Brewster's Millions, notwithstanding, you just can't blow $1M a month every month for three years and get nothing in return.

Well, according to music producer Scott Storch, that is exactly what he did. Over the past three years he spent $30M on cocaine. He spent other money on other things, but $30M of his money went to the drug. He wiped himself out financially. I can't fathom spending $250K a week on a drug. That is a little over $1,000 an hour 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for 3 years that you spent on a drug.

That just blows my mind.

Scott says that he is now in recovery. Umm, yeah, but I wonder if he would have been in recovery yet if he had not run through all his money. It is an interesting theory. Did he hit rock bottom or did the fact he didn't have any money left make him hit rock bottom?

He told MTV, "I'm taking it back to square one (going back into the studio). I found myself slipping a little bit. I got involved in doing drugs. I had to get myself into recovery. Being in the life that I was living - very fast-moving, option to do anything you want, go anywhere you wanna go - it definitely takes its toll on you, and you lose your concept of reality. I had to get it under control. I had to take it back to the beginning and back to the Hit Factory (studio), where I made a lot of my hits."

Good luck to the guy. I remember when Britney was in her shaved head phase she was spending a lot of time with Scott. They were probably knitting together. Maybe taking a cross-stitch class.


  1. didn't elton john go broke also due to his coke habit?


  3. ^^^if one has an addiction to a substance, it can happen...

    he more than likely did not have an investments or residual income????

  4. Easy come, easy go.

    If this waste of human life had actually worked hard to earn that money, he wouldn't have lost it so readily.

    Stupid fuck.

  5. he must have been supplying everyone he knew. it seems physically impossible that he did that much coke by himself. or maybe he's exaggerating.
    i've known people with monster coke habits but $250,000 a week? no fucking way.

  6. What's the deal with these yutzes and the peace sign? If any of them can carry on a 3 minute conversation about global politics, conflict or socio-economics I'll eat my shoe.

  7. This guy is the very definition of "douchebag". Also, I believe he could spend that much money on drugs - like nancer said, he was probably supplying all his "buddies" (who are probably nowhere to be seen now that he's broke and supposedly clean), just to show that he was able to throw money around. And he probably could get pretty good stuff. It's not like he has to go to some dirty parking lot at 2 am to buy a gram of coke which smells like cat pee because it's mostly meth and baby laxatives. He's still stupid for letting it go that far, but addiction is a big animal. Now if he could just stop LOOKING like that. God, he pisses me off.

  8. GROSS.

    And he didn't do that much blow himself--it was the ONLY way he could get any chicks to even be near him.

    I doubt anyone could even free-base that much and still be alive if that monetary amount is correct, and I doubt anyone cooks their own anymore with crack being whack and so cheap...

    He was doling it out to whole club fulls of people, I imagine.

    Hell, in the 80's I was given a baggie as a tip many times while cocktail waitressing so I can totally see that happening to even get people to hang out with him.

    Like I said--GROSS.

  9. Stupid, yes.
    Douchebag, yes.

    As one who's dabbled with the Colombian powder, I find this very hard to believe for 2 main reasons:

    1) he would have to have been paying astronomical prices for his stuff, which doesn't make sense, because the more you buy, the cheaper it gets.

    2) he should be dead, or have serious health problems, or have his nose collapsed (see Stu Ungar, widely regarded as one of the best Texas Hold 'em players ever...he won the first WSOP he enetered). Long story short, he did so much coke that his nose collapsed and he was always seen wearing sunglasses after that.

    So while I don't doubt the idiot Storch blew $30 mil, and alot of it on coke, I don't totally believe this story.

  10. I would have liked to have been his dealers girlfriend over the last few years!

    Seriously though.. even though this is on a much smaller ex husband lost a few million dollars within a couple of years on partying..flying all over the world..dinners..women..etc.. The only thing he had left was a 500K house that his mother MADE him keep, otherwise that would have been fodder for another 6 months worth of partying. Some dudes just rage like no other. And yeah.. dude in the post would have never said a word about this unless he hit bottom i.e. being out of cash. And I am sure he owes a looot of people money right now too!

  11. He probably got ripped off trying to smuggle in large amounts but let's face it if you were doing that much blow you wouldn't live through the month even if you bought an ounce a day for every model in Miami and gave it away, your heart would explode and you would die of toxicity with amount of personal use.

    I don't doubt he lost in on cocaina, but more than likely he wanted to play white boy cartel and got his money stolen. Same basic problem he's an addict.

    One dumbass addict to lose 30 million.

  12. It's hard to believe, but he would probably have been buying kilos and giving away tons. If you bake it up into crack, you can go through a lot of cocaine, however, in a very fast time. Get five guys together, start torching up, and you'll put away an ounce in no time at all. Do that every day, and it would be a lot of money.

  13. ...or maybe Greasy Elvis stole a lot of money from him....didn't Davis supposedly steal Scott's expensive watch one time?

  14. It is possible he spent it like water on all the other stuff too, not just coke. It ain't cheap keeping hookers and all your friends amped up- the cars, the clothes, the parties, the "bills".

    Easy come, Easy go!!!!!!

  15. He did all those drugs and he still has a nose? Or veins?
    Holy Carp Batman! He's a medical miracle.

  16. Why is everyone taking what this cunt lip says as gospel? He's so full of fucking shit, like most people.

    The truth will eventually come out. And when it does, still nobody will give a flying fuck.

  17. Just looking at this guy makes me feel violent. He is so slimy.

  18. Ya, nancer, that's what I thought, too.

  19. LOL!

    They were doing needlepoint together, that's for sure. Britney & Storch.

    Am glad I never got into drugs. Phew.

    Fabulously Broke in the City
    "Just a girl trying to find a balance between being a Shopaholic and a Saver."

  20. Dumb question – is he related to that F-Troop guy?

  21. No doubt he dropped a boatload of cash on blow, but $30M? No way. $3M, maybe. Good luck to him if he's really trying to get sober.

  22. that's a big, unnecessary accusation.

  23. Read the MTV article with my dad a few hours before reading this post and my dad said the same exact thing Enty said about him being rehab because he ran out of money. Storch will be right back in federal prison--rehab--wherever in the next few years. He is tthe reason why humility is necessary when you find fortune and fame--because when you buy hundred thousand dollar cars for women like Lil'Kim and refuse to make albums unless your ten person entourage can travel for free with you--yeah, you are basically bound to hit rock bottom.

  24. Not only is he ugly, he's stupid.
