Friday, April 17, 2009

Madonna's Former Chef Spills Secrets

I love this story from The National Enquirer. I don't know if it is true or not, but it is still fun to discuss. According to Eric Ienco who used to be a cook for Madonna and her house manager which I guess presumably means cleaning up after her, and making sure she has a healthy supply of red bracelets says she should spend more time with the children she has, and not adopt any others.

He makes it very clear that when she does spend time with her kids she is a very good mother. It is just that she doesn't spend much time with them at all.

"When she's with the children, she is a devoted mom. She just doesn't spend much time with them. It's a puzzle why she wants to adopt again. She's hardly ever with her children. She's got two full-time nannies and one part-time nanny. So why adopt a kid when somebody else is raising them? She gets up and has a coffee, then she does two hours of yoga. Then there's two hours of pilates and exercise. That's six days a week. After that she deals with her email, her calls and the rest of her business. And after that, she spends maybe half an hour with the kids. Madonna puts herself before the kids. When she adopted little David, he arrived at her home from Africa, and three hours later, she left to do pilates. Wouldn't you think she'd want to spend the entire day with her new son?"

She didn't need to spend any more time with David because there were not any photographers in the house with her. Why do you need three nannies to take care of three kids? I understand that she is doing her part to keep people from being unemployed, but that really does seem excessive. Whatever your feelings are about Brangelina, they do at least make it appear as if they try and spend individual time with each of their children and do try and go places together with them. You just don't see those same kinds of photos of Madonna. She did take all three kids with her to Malawi. I know there weren't many pictures of Rocco, but he was there. Besides that though, you never see them just going to places parents take their kids. The last thing she needs is to have another child.


  1. as much as i love pilates, i can't imagine putting that above a child i'd just brought home 3 hours before.

    btw, what kind of contract must the cook have had if he can talk about these things...assuming the story is true, which i think we will all tend to believe it is.

  2. no she doesn't need to adopt another kid. it's sad that madonna spends that much time per day exercising and still looks no better. smh. an extreme health nut. do we know that branjelina are not doing photo ops with the kids for publicity? although, i 'suspect' they care affectionately for them.

    i have no problems with nannies. as long as they are assisting the parents and not taking over for the parents. with the latter being the norm unfortunately.

  3. It's all about the image. I think we all saw through Madge's 'public exterior' a long time ago.

    And speaking of image - could someone PLEASE tweeze that poor little girl's eyebrows?

  4. I hate to she how she behaves once she sees Lourdes as her competition for all the young males

  5. Is it commentary on me or Madonna that I read that sentence as "Eric Ienco used to be a cock for Madonna?"

    "When she adopted little David, he arrived at her home from Africa, and three hours later, she left to do pilates."

    That's utterly disgusting.

  6. " do we know that branjelina are not doing photo ops with the kids for publicity?"

    Body language. You can tell how much the kids adore them, and vice versa. And how comfortable they all are around each other. Compare any picture of them to the one with Madonna and Mercy. And I'm not even a Branjeloony fan, but I do think they both really love and dote on all the kids.

  7. and Brad and AJ look tired enough for me to believe they spend time with all those kids.

    Madonna herself has admitted that she doesn't spend much time at home, that she thinks about being domestic but when she is home all she can think about is working and working out.

    I know that Lourdes and everybody else will have a fine education and have access to great stuff. David will have a good life with all of his material needs taken care of. As a mother though, I can't imagine leaving my kids so often when Madonna has enough money not to have to work all the time.

  8. Anonymous11:58 AM

    Madonna was never the mother type to me. I was shocked when she had Lourdes. She is not the stay home mother type, more business type.

  9. What a selfish b*tch!

    This is not hard to believe...

  10. I'm not about to judge her based on the fact that she doesn't trot her kids out in front of photogs so that it would appear she's spending time with them. I'm assuming the Madonna brand doesn't run itself, so she does have a job and part of that job is staying in shape.

  11. Madonna has never truly spent time with her children, except those that were in her womb. Even then, she was distant. Btangelina is 10 times worse though.

  12. Lisa, I agree. Just because we don't see things doesn't mean they don't happen. Celebrities aren't obligated to share anything with the public.
    We want to believe this is true because no one really 'likes' Madonna. It's coming from the Enquirer so there's already a credibility issue. The chef would have signed a confidentiality agreement, no? Yoga and pilates ARE exercise. People don't do four hours a day of each; they alternate on different days. And certainly not on just a cup of coffee. I'd believe two hours a day of one or the other after breakfast. Too many issues for me to believe this. Again we're being taken for idiots by a rag.

  13. Lourdes spends time with her daddy, Carlos Leon, and his family. I've seen them together a few times in Manhattan. She seems like a well adjusted girl - no airs -, so Madonna must be doing something right.

  14. Madonna wants what she wants when she wants it-NOW!

  15. Whether this story is true or not is a moot point for me. Why would she adopt another child while she's divorcing? Both are emotionally charged situations. Personally, I think she'd be better off taking care of the emotional needs of her other children through such a difficult time than add on top of that.

  16. Well, years ago I could see her being selfish and not giving her children enough attention, but I think she is doing what is necessary to maintain her career.

    It is mind-blowing to think she would adopt another child while divorcing, but its all for career PR. If I had small children at her age and had the means to spend a lot of time with them, I would. These are the years when you want to be most involved with their schooling and development, not to mention just being there for love and support.

    I haven't really seen a lot of pictures of Madonna with or without her kids, maybe a few with Lourdes when she is traveling. I also wouldn't go necessarily on what a former chef has to say, because there are a lot of kids out there that are abused every day by parents with way too much time on their hands. Even just a half hour of true devotion would be way better than that because they are well cared for.
