Thursday, April 23, 2009

Michael Jackson Involved In A Hit And Run

NBC News in Los Angeles is reporting that Michael Jackson's driver hit an ambulance parked outside Cedars-Sinai hospital. After hitting the ambulance the driver of Michael's SUV then got out of the vehicle with an umbrella and picked up Michael Jackson. The pair got into the vehicle and drove away without ever talking to the ambulance driver or passenger to see if they were ok. They didn't exchange information. They just left.

Is there really that much of sense of entitlement in this world? Just because you are a celebrity or work for a celebrity doesn't mean you can just drive away from an accident. I hate this kind of entitlement. No one knows if it was Michael's idea or the driver's idea but they both should have done the right thing. Can you imagine if any of us had done this? We would all have spent some time in jail by now. But, because Michael is a washed up singer with a lot of money he gets a pass. And his driver gets a pass.

Where is our pass?


  1. (1) It's not a hit and run. A hit and run involves a person, not a parked car.

    (2) If any of us did this we'd... have nothing happen to us. The ambulance company would collect insurance on the damage, and if they had evidence of who we were, they'd report that to their insurance company, who would come after our insurance company.

    Can the hyperbole, please.

  2. Not so much entitlement, as a loss of all morals and compassion.

    Things like this are the reason i hate people.

  3. Pimp: Normal people would check to see if anyone is injured, and stick around to deal with any legal issues (handing over insurance details etc).

    Just because it was parked, dosen't mean it's okay to just leave, so how is that hyperbole?
    Apathy is a very big problem with people today.

  4. DaveR, in my state, it's against the law to leave if someone is injured, or if there's more than $500 damage. They didn't check to find out if either of those were true.

  5. In CA it IS hit and run even with no injuries. IF someone is injured it goes from probable misdemeanor to felony, even with minor injury.
    It WAS a crime.

  6. So is feeling up children. What do we expect from the original paedobear?

  7. Cops have to do follow up over scuffed bumpers in hit and run accidents. It is ridiculous, but it's true.
    My car was hit in a parking lot and the bumper was damaged, it came to 1200 bucks repair bill. Thank goodness someone got the license plate of the car that did it. They totally tried to deny it, but their car had corresponding damage.
    It IS against the law to leave even if it is only property damage. Wacko's driver should have at the very LEAST left contact info on a sticky note or something- anything.
    Believe you me, one of us would be getting spanked over this.

  8. Where is this hyperbole you speak of?

  9. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Hitting a parked vehicle and leaving IS "hit and run". The term defines itself. Hit. Run. Nothing there about hitting people. If you cause property damage and you leave the scene, even if the whole world knows who you are, you are liable for criminal prosecution. That's not hyperbole, it's the law.

  10. Well, even if it was a hit and run Mike would still get away with it.

    Sad but true.

    Gotta love that good ole "sense of entitlement".

  11. You wrote: But, because Michael is a washed up singer with a lot of money he gets a pass.

    I beg to differ! It appears as if only one fact is accurate here.

  12. Enty, I think you got the "washed up singer" part right, but "with a lot of money" might be wrong.

  13. Yes Enty I agree that comment was confusing.

    We all thought Mikey was broke?

  14. Well, he just had a garage sale, he must have a couple dollars

  15. Broke is such a relative term. My version of broke is having to dig into the change jar to get enough money for gas to make it to work and back. For celebs, broke apparently still means you get SUVs and drivers and can travel all over the place.

    Anyway, we probably wouldn't have gotten jail time for this offense, but we would have gotten a fine and probation. How hard would it be for MJ's camp to own up to this crime and pony up some restitution.

  16. He probably thought that if he owned up to the accident someone would claim injuries worth more than the insurance payments.

  17. sue ellen, reports were that the auction was cancelled.
    he has money, he just has it hidden or tied up.
    did he sell his music catalogue? he owns the rights to almost every song ever written, or did, 20 years ago.

  18. Yup, in Calif this is hit and run. Whoever owns the car will be paying more in insurance and really should can the driver.

  19. I think I smoked my pass in my twenties.
