Monday, April 06, 2009

Mom Dying And Kid In Jail

It is far to say that I Farrah Fawcett is as close to death as reports suggest, she probably didn't want to spend the last moments of her life seeing her son being thrown into jail again. Well, Redmond O'Neal didn't agree with that sentiment and did get thrown into jail yesterday for attempting to bring drugs inside a secure facility. In this case, the secure facility was a parking lot for a jail. Redmond didn't even try and get away with it, he told the cops before they searched him that he had drugs.

So, lets see. He was arrested in June of 2008 and plead guilty to felony drug possession. Then this past fall he was arrested again for felony possession but has said he is not guilty, and now this. Redmond is looking at some serious jail time if he is found guilty of course. I mean there is always the chance this was just a huge misunderstanding and that Redmond really was at his dying mother's bedside and not 30 miles away bringing drugs to a jail. At least Ryan O'Neal apparently stayed away. Let me do the math here. Plead guilty to one felony. If he is found guilty of the next two arrests and they are both kept as felonies, than that would give Redmond three strikes and life in prison. Redmond needs a very good lawyer.

I noticed that no one came to get Redmond out of jail. As of last night he was still being held. Maybe the family just said enough is enough. I wonder what Farrah thinks.


  1. Wow, way to throw your life away in half a year. :(

  2. By all accounts, just Patrick O'Neal has not problems with drugs.He is happily married with Rebecca de Mornay and has 2 daughters.
    Curiously, he was the son that had least contact with Ryan....

    I am sorry for Farrah, but apparently the man she chose to have a family with was the wrong one. And life is just a string of choices, isn t??

  3. How stupid do you have to be to take drugs to a jail??? And then not even try to hide it...just wow.

  4. Anonymous9:58 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Anonymous9:59 AM

    My same feelings Mexi.

    Drugs must have messed up his brain to think he could get away with this. I really hope this time he does a good long time in jail. People like him don't deserve a break. No matter who their parents are or who they know.

  6. I'm sorry Farrah has cancer, but as I recall she supposedly did plenty of drugs as well.

    Ryan is apparently a crap father but she was not Mother Teresa, either!

    I believe she was using as recently as that Playboy shoot when she wallowed around in gold paint. I read it was a big coke-fueled fiasco trying to get that shoot produced.

    Regardless, if she doesn't pull through I hope she can at least die peacefully and not in pain.

    Redmond is a complete dumbass and probably burned all his bridges. He therefore needs to take his licks like the rest of the common people who don't have rich parents or connections.

  7. I'm not so sure Farrah is innocent in her son's problems. Whenever I have seen her on a talk show, she always seemed whacked out.

  8. It is not uncommon for people under a lot of stress (i.e., one's mother is seriously ill and possibly dying) to revert to old coping mechanisms, including substance abuse. That isn't to say it's right or to defend Redmond, but rather to point out that we all deal with pain in ways that are familiar, and until Redmond learns how to be clean and sober, he's not going to deal with anything without drugs.

    Clearly their family is dysfunctional. I hope that all of them find some peace in this difficult situation.

  9. a felony isn't always a strike. straight drug possession is not a strike. Neither, for that matter, is drug sales. So he's not looking at life in prison.

  10. Ent Lawyer doesn't get caught up in those messy and confusing details, silly!

  11. he is really goofy looking.

  12. He doesn't have to go away for life. Just long enough so he doesn't have a chance to breed. Enough with the dysfunctional family stuff when you've got plenty of money!

  13. I'm with Gladys K.

    Wow he's quite a ginger!

  14. God, what a thing to do to your dying mother! Make sure when she's in the hospital to go to a jail and bring dope in for your dirt bag buddy. I would assume that the family is more concerned about Farrah than whether or not Redmond is out. I wonder why there was no long term treatment plan for Redmond, with that level of addiction you would think they would have SAVED money on attorney's and fines by putting him in a locked facility where he might have gotten help for his disease. Now the dept of corrections can deal with him for a long while on our tax dime. Thank you Redmond, thanks a lot - I'm sure they haven't told that poor woman what happened, she'll probably die wondering where her only child was when it ends for her.

  15. it has to be very sad to know your one child is a hopeless loser. this kid has been trouble for years. of course, with ryan o'neal for a father, he didn't have a chance. i also don't think she's blameless but come on. she's dying. if he can't keep his shit together at a time like this, there's just really nothing else to say.

    and sorry but this 'reverting to old coping mechanisms' bullshit is just that. he's never been CLEAN---these aren't 'old' coping mechanisms. he's just a junkie.

  16. Hey Enty, you also forgot that he got kicked out of rehab a few days ago for failing a drug test. That also violated his parole which will result in additional charges

  17. I understand he's a junkie but what a selfish little wad of snot this brat is. When your parent is dying EVERYTHING should be about them not you being a drug mule.

    When my mom died of ovarian cancer
    I slept in the damn hospital room so she'd have company. So she wouldn't be afraid or have to worry about anything.

    What's this troll Farrah and Ryan spawned worry about? Taking drugs into a JAIL. Which shows one he is as dumb as a rock and two he has no care for Mom who he should be with now.

  18. Expecting an addict to stop being consumed with drugs during a time of great stress, even if your mother is dying of cancer, is ridiculous. All those finger pointers need to ask themselves if they'd give up coffee, smokes or a stiff drink during the same period of stress. I doubt it.

    He does look like Lyle Lovett though. A rather unfortunate face.

  19. This is just a huge mess and there really is no single person to blame.
    Tatum O'Neil clearly stated how horrid her upbringing was, how she was molested by her fatherss friends and drugs were huge in both parents lives, John McEnroe stated how he couldn't believe how messed up both Ryan and Farrah were, how they constantly dieted and took coke to stay thin. Griffin O'Neal has struggled with drugs his whole life and has tried to help his brother but Farrah and Ryan have not really wanted Griffin or Tatum to be involved with him (remember the big family fight recently between Griffin and Ryan and this kid? All about drugs)
    This best thing for this child is probably to go to jail and get right away from his family. Very very sad to say that, but it's probably the only thing that would save his life.
