Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Pamela Anderson Is A Hypocrite

Pamela Anderson has always been a huge PETA supporter. Chances are if you open a KFC, you will see Pamela Anderson out there at some point protesting about how the chickens were killed inhumanely. This hasn't stopped her from wearing UGG boots which last I checked were made of leather. And, it certainly hasn't stopped her from promoting meat if the paycheck is large enough. According to FOX News, Pamela Anderson and some other irrelevant Z listers will be appearing at the grand opening of Sapphire New York which is a combination strip club and steak house.

To me, it is this kind of thing that gives celebrity causes a bad name. If you are going to stick with something then stick with it. If you want to be taken seriously with your beliefs which is hard enough to do when it is Pamela Anderson, then don't compromise those beliefs just for a paycheck. I don't think she would eat the steak, but I do think that it makes everything she does for PETA suspect. I guess she could say she is only there for the strip club part, but that is probably just how she sold it to herself to justify taking money for meat. Hey, she has done that before hasn't she? I forgot that is why she decided to marry Rick Saloman.


  1. The thing is, nobody is consistent enough in veganism to be a credible spokesperson for PETA. I can think of a few who are very close -- Moby, Alicia Silverstone, Ellen & Portia, Paul McCartney -- but even they have their caveats, whether leather or otherwise. Nobody will ever be enough for PETA.

  2. is peta against people who eat meat or are they just wanting better treatment for animals? i don't agree with peta's public shenanigans towards others i must say.

    i do agree that she needs the money and is more than likely flat broke.

  3. Pam was the main backer for the(now defunct)steak house restaurant-Black Steel.

  4. Doesn't matter - PETA kills animals anyways.

  5. well peta isn't credible, so it's only fitting it's spokepersons wouldn't be either.

  6. lol @ kristen and pookie...

  7. There are a few celebs that insist that all wardrobe must be non-fur, and non-leather. i think Joaquin
    Phoenix is one. I know he's a strict vegan.

  8. Well, it's perfectly true

    From Newsweek: "Since 1998 PETA has killed more than 17,000 animals, nearly 85 percent of all those it has rescued"

    But, they're not the only euthanizers. It's the way they disrespectfully dispose of the animals they claim to care about

  9. Yes, to what Kate said. Natalie Portman says she would never wear leather "in her personal life" but she will wear leather on screen.

    I'm a PETA member-People Eating Tasty Animals

  10. Anonymous12:27 PM


    I can't stand Slutty Pam.

  11. @ Cheryl - beat me to it! Mmmmmmm - meat...

  12. Amen, Cheryl.

    It's whacked-out moral vegetarians that piss me off more than anything. Especially they when oppose it on other people and ESPECIALLY when they don't follow their own rules.

    I had this roommate who wanted to use different pots and pans for cooking and preparing meat. Guess what? She wore Uggs. I guess animal cruelty can be condoned if they're keeping your feet warm. Don't impose your morals on me if you don't follow them yourself.

    Peta is a horrible organization. If you're for animal rights, don't euthanize animals, you assholes.

  13. LOL Cheryl & Babs. While I agree we should be humane to animals, I've met cows, and the only thing they're good for is being eaten. ;)

  14. 'Bout time for some botox on that forehead, eh, Pam?

    And get a new make-up style while you're at it, for cryin' out loud!

    She could take years off if she'd soften some of those edges.

  15. K you guys, seriously. I'm taking exception. As a vegetarian, I'm sick of people not understanding the difference between vegetarians and vegans. My guess is that Pam is the former, in which case wearing leather would fit in with her beliefs.

    Second - you may not appreciate some of PETA's tactics, but it is NOT a horrible organization. My guess is you have no idea how many animals PETA has saved from testing in labs, abuse on factory farms, etc. You may not believe in euthanasia, but frankly, I think it's a kinder solution than cramming animals in a tiny cage until they go crazy. If it weren't for humans that don't spay/neuter, there wouldn't be such a problem.

  16. Like Rocket Queen says, there is a difference between veganism and vegetarianism, and even within the two, there are several different "branches". I also think it's possible to be an advocate for the humane treatment of animals while being a meat eater. You can say no to processed meats from the big plants and choose locally produced, organic meat instead. Maybe this steakhouse has that, as well as locally produced stripper meat? Huh? DID YOU EVER STOP TO THINK ABOUT THAT???

    I don't agree with PETA's practices or any organization that tries to prove a point by being threatening. You don't want to alienate people, you want them to joing your cause.

  17. But those rats won't hold still while I try to cut their nuts off.

  18. She;s rancid. She apparently stopped wearing ugg boots some years ago after hearing about what they were made off. Only to start wearing them again. She is so dirty looking...

  19. I thought she wore UGG knock-offs now. I saw her in a pair that looked like she bought 'em at Payless.

  20. PETA gets the headlines, so they serve a purpose... they bring attention to the cruelty, even if I don't always agree with their methods. It was PETA that has obtained some of the undercover video that has led to the introduction of legislature that will protect downer cows, and it was PETA that brought it to the Washington Post's attention that in the massive processing plants, up to 40% of the animals are still alive and conscious as they are skinned, boiled, and dismembered. The Post then brought it to the attentions of thousands of others. So, PETA does do some good. The Humane Society has, in the past few years, gone from a spay and neuter group to a viable animal protection agency. And because they don't have the wacky rep that PETA does, mainstream people actually listen to what they say.

    I am a vegetarian, not a vegan. I will eat eggs from a certified humane farm. However, I don't wear leather...and they do make Ugg-style boots that are vegan. (Crap, did I just defend Pam?)

  21. One of the three founders of PETA calls for drugs tested on animals to be banned even if they save human lives, despite the fact that she has Type 1 diabetes and uses drugs tested on animals.

    PETA tells celebrities it's A-OK to have plastic surgery because animals aren't used in plastic surgery research. Bull. Plastic and reconstructive surgery would not be possible without extensive animal experimentation. If anything, plastic surgery is more dependent on animal research than any other medical discipline, even pharmacology.

    And those animals euthanized by PETA? Every time it's brought up some stupid shill tries to claim it was a local problem. IT'S HAPPENED IN FIFTY CITIES. Even better, some of those dogs were put to death hours after they were caught: PETA didn't even give the families time to pick up their pets. In one instance the dog was running free because he'd escaped from a car accident, and they didn't even bother to check with anyone before euthanizing it.

    PETA is scum. PETA should not exist.

  22. In fact, it might be an understatement to say that the founders of PETA are psychopathic monsters. Evil, evil, evil people who are in it for the attention and publicity and money.

  23. The animals of this world suffer less because of PETA, period. The benefits of the organization outweigh the drawbacks.
    I truly don't understand where you're coming from to be so harsh, Charlene, unless you have some personal stake in it.

  24. I love animals as much as the next 50yr old woman with 5 cats, but someone needs to come up with a better word than "inhumane" to describe the so-called bad treatment of animals. Inhumane would signify that they were not treated human(ely) -- NewsFlash! they arent human, they are animals. Maybe inanimanely?

  25. That's not exactly what the word "humane" means, Cindy. The adjective typically describes someone who acts with compassion, mercy, and empathy -- traits which human(e) beings are supposed to possess, but often don't. And just because something ISN'T human doesn't mean they DON'T deserve to be regarding as sentient beings capable of feeling sorrow, fright, or pain.

    Okay. *takes a deep breath and steps down from soapbox*

    Look. I'm a big, huge, gigantic animal lover and animal rights person, but the ONLY thing PETA does that I approve of is send spies into laboratories and factory farms to act as whistleblowers. We need people to expose the horrific occurences there that are too often kept hush-hush and hidden. Most people I know would need therapy for decades if they were to witness a laboratory experiment -- I know I would. I'm not hardened enough to see that stuff.

    PETA honestly gives us animal rights people a bad name, really. Chastizing people for eating honey, for instance, isn't going to sway people. And they need to pick more intelligent spokespeople. Sigh.

    Please support your local Humane (there's that word again...) Society. There are a bunch of unsung heroes working at each branch all over America, and they aren't making shit for money. Trust me!

  26. Thanks for saying all that, Ernestine. At the end of the day, take what you like about an organization and leave the rest. I know PETA would like me to be a vegan, but I'm not and may never be. That being said, I give them and other animal organizations my time and money because they work to stop animal suffering at the hands of "humans" that aren't humane. Ok, I'm done now.

  27. boo. why would you ever start wearing uggs in the first place.

    i don't mind people who stand up for what they believe in, it's when they force it on you that really chafes my hide.

    mooshki, you crack me up.

  28. the problem with peta (among others), is they tell folks that animals should not be kept as pets. if they are not kept as pets, they are not spayed or neutered. this leads to over-population, which leads to more suffering.
    charlene already made a couple of my anti-peta points (thank you, charlene, i get tired of my own rants). and they ARE hypocrites. some people (and cindy, i believe you are one of these) believe the line that peta hands out. it's only been in recent years that a lot of information has come out.
    some animals need to be humanly euthanized, we've all been through this with seriously ill or injured beloved pets. peta does this because the animals in their "care" are inconvenient.
    i guess my biggest gripe of all, is think of all the good they COULD do, if they would take the money they spend on stupid advertising and beating good hearted people over the head, and using it like the humane society does. peta doesn't need the attention, the animals do.
    oh, and toward the diabetic thing??
    chew on this one:
    FELINE diabetes is on the rise. now, explain why we should ban ALL animal testing.
    and, yes, i lost my beloved cat to the disease after 4 years of insulin shots every 12 hours.

  29. It's been proven that the best way to sway public opinion is to start with the people who are already sympathetic to your cause, and then work your way through the middle-of-the-road folks until you have a majority. The tactics of some of the PETA members alienate people who would otherwise be sympathetic to the cause, and are completely counter-productive.

  30. just wanted to say i am in love with ernestine and rocket queen> peta does what it does, all large organizations have goods and bads. but the undeniable truth is they speak up for the small things that are hurt who cant say anything. Pam is a horrible spokesperson. i think that peta gets into publicity too much(llike someone said) and spend too much money on dumb shit. And people, look at the source that is stirring up this shit, FOX NEWS? they are the most right wing fact skewering news organization out there. i am sure they put as muuch of a bias slant on this as possible. ugg. (no pun intended)

  31. and yes i am a vegatarian. tho if an animal is killed humanely and certified organic free range and it isnt fois gras or veal (of course) than while i wouldnt eat it i have no problem with it. ( im not insane like the vegans, lol)

  32. Bunny, I have a solution to the animal testing dilemma:


    Seriously. FUCK them. These are assholes who've committed horrific crimes, deserve NO empathy, and SHOULDN'T be released, because the likelihood that they'll recommit their prior offenses is alarmingly high. So, let's be pragmatic here. Some would argue that solitary confinement is a worse punishment than serving as a human petri dish, anyhow. Perhaps some prisoners would actually volunteer. You never know.

    I'd say you're a hell of a lot more likely to discover a cure for a HUMAN disease by using an actual HUMAN BEING. I'm simply sick and tired of my tax money being used to fulfill the basic needs (not to mention frivolous whims like books and television) of these incarcerated fucktards.

  33. well fucking said ernestine.
    i mean common- do animals even get acne, i dont think so, yet we test facial products on them. this is but one example of the idiocy that is part of the labtesting conducted on animals. and no matter what they say a chimp with cancer is Not the fucking same as a human with cancer. Prisoners for testing!!! Ernestine, we should start an organization!

  34. .... but Pam Anderson cant be a part of it, blech
