Thursday, April 16, 2009

Snakes On A Plane

I think a few months ago I wrote about a guy who either got on a plane or tried to get on a plane with snakes and a bunch of other animals that he was trying to smuggle. Well, two days ago in Australia, a plane was loaded with 12 baby pythons in the cargo hold. Sometime during the flight, four of the pythons manged to escape from their packaging. When the plane landed, Qantas staff searched for hours all through the plane but couldn't find them anywhere. So, they fumigated the plane, and yesterday it went back into service.

OK, lets stop there. They looked for a few hours and gave up? Seriously, do they not watch horror movies? The snakes are only about 6 inches long, and so it isn't like they are going to actually eat someone on the plane, or bite them and kill them directly. However, if you saw a damn python dropping from your oxygen mask while you were in the middle of the flight, or reached into your seat back pocket to get the crappy airplane magazine out and you saw a python in there, you may very well have a heart attack and die.

Qantas says they fumigated the plane. Uh huh. Have you seen all of the places in an airplane and in the wires and everywhere else that a six inch python can hide? Come on. Those four snakes are still there and when they get a little larger and pets start disappearing from the cargo hold or the food on the airline actually starts getting eaten, you will know why.

Dear Richard,

I felt compelled to write to tell you, that while your food and amenities are still beneath the standard of a third world country, I must applaud you for your attempt at live theatre. I would never of thought of performing a stage version of Snakes On A Plane.


  1. I would die of a heart attack. Snakes have got to be my number 1 fear. LOL on the Dear Richard

  2. "Quantas never crashes."

  3. How hilarious this movie is airing on cable this weekend. If I didn't know better I'd think it was a plug to watch it. :)

  4. You know Enty, you should really consider somehow making a "Dear Richard" section as a regular part of the blog.

    There are so many possiblities as to what you could do with that....

    just sayin'


  5. Anonymous10:23 AM

    lol at Dear Richard.

    While this creeps me out, it's not the worst python story I've heard this week. It's a friend-of-a-friend thing so it might just be an urban legend.

    It had been a week or so since her pet python had eaten so she took it into the vet. Vet ran some tests, didn't see anything wrong. Just said take it home and check in a little while. Girl went home with snake. Couple days later, Vet calls after doing some research: "Just a question, does your python sleep with you?" Girl: "Yeah, why?" Vet: "He's starving himself so he can eat you."

    Now, what bothers me isn't the he's gonna eat you thing, it's the whole sleeping with a python thing. *shudder* And a quick snopes search-- fake.

  6. I watched part of the movie while making dinner last night, it was on tnt or FX or something. . .
    Snakes have never bothered me. Spiders on the other hand, ever since I saw that terrible movie with William Shatner, scare the sh-t outta me.

  7. Haha!

    I almost want the snakes to be alive and thriving, purely for the future lulz.

    This probably makes me a bad person.

  8. omg, we so need a weekly (or at least monthly!) Dear Richard feature!


  9. yes! I vote for a Dear Richard feature, also.
    there are so many places to take it to.

  10. Anonymous11:37 AM


  11. wonder if they made their way into anyone's luggage.

  12. I smell a reality show.

    I with it on the Dear Richard feature.

  13. Daddy please don't fly me on Quantas.

  14. i find this hysterical, but then i love snakes.

    more than likely, they'll never find them. they'll die with no food source. :(
