Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Someone Is Lying, But I Don't Care

I can't wait until Candy and Tori Spelling each have their respective books come out. Then, hopefully we can stop this who is the bigger martyr competition in which they seem to be engaged. Last week Tori said she would love to have a relationship with her mother, but that her mother won't call or e-mail and blah, blah, blah. Tori tries and tries to be a good daughter and wants a relationship with her mom for the sake of the grandkids blah, blah blah.

Well yesterday it was Candy Spelling's day to carry the cross and she said that she has called, texted, and e-mailed but Tori never calls her back, blah, blah, blah so Candy took to her own website to write a note to Tori because she knows Tori reads her site. So, even though she wants to work it out privately she has no choice if she wants to be a good mom, blah, blah, blah.

Candy did plug Tori's book for her which was nice. She said Tori's book comes out Tuesday and so then it will be even harder to get along. Yeah, well maybe they can kiss and make up and write a book together and make a really bad made for tv movie together. Those are the specialty of Tori. Obviously someone is lying in all of this and hasn't really tried to contact the other, but I honestly don't care. The only thing that would make me take notice is if Tori finally kicks Dean out or if Dean is doing Candy.


  1. BORING....

    Who cares?

  2. I'm Team Tori, just because So NoTORIous was awesome. And Candy would totally try to snag Dean from Tori, just because.

  3. ooooooh, BI reveal here about k-fed-lite?

  4. Mooshki -- I like NoTORIous much more than I would like to admit!

    I'm team neither, really. Both need to get over themselves.

  5. These two will never get along.

    I thought it was strange that Aaron left very little of his wealth to Tori which made me think that she isn't the perfect daughter.

    But... I also think her mother is a pill.

    Two witches, and neither will bulge unless someone twisted their arm behind their back.

  6. The only thing that would make me take notice is if Tori finally kicks Dean out or if Dean is doing Candy.

    Obviously you did take notice Enty, you did a whole post about it. You didn't even revive 'quick hits' for it. Anyway which is it, did she kick him out or is he doing candy? I am hoping he is doing candy.

  7. I still can't believe these two seahags got book deals.

  8. Anonymous12:08 PM

    I thought that these two plastic dolls had buried the hatchet.

  9. Anonymous2:21 PM

    I cant stand Candy. Tori says they don't have that great of a relationship but that its mostly Candy's lack of initiation so what does she do? WRITE A PUBLIC LETTER? Yeah I'm sure that's what Tori meant. I'm sure that's exactly what she wanted.

  10. Candy is a cheating,pill popping nightmare.

    aside from the soon to be anorexia, tori seems to have gotten her shit together.

  11. Gyaaaahhh!

    Aren't these people rich enough to stay the fuck inside or something?

  12. Perhaps they are both lying?

    It really seems to be all about the publicity with these two.

  13. I think Candy is lying about her texting abilities.
    She's how old and she's trying to reach her daughter by text message?

  14. Poor Tori didnt get much money off her dad. That's why she couldn't afford to get a new face, and get those ugly boobs fixed.
