Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Today's Blind Items - Easiest Of The Year

This A list actress is more famous for one lucky television role than the truly awful acting she has done in movies. Well, she had a recent breakup. Her publicity machine cranked out every story it could to say she was the one who had done the breaking up with her singer boyfriend. Well, this may be true, but then why would the singer have to change his phone number and e-mail address after she wouldn't stop trying to contact him? When she couldn't reach the singer why would she start calling all of his friends to beg them for his number? What she is telling his friends is that she can't move on without some kind of closure.


  1. Jennifer Love Hewitt!!

  2. Why do you hate Aniston so much, Enty?

  3. Anonymous2:05 PM

    Ick, Aniston? Really? REALLY? I mean I know she seems clingy but this still seems hard to believe. Wonder who the source is on this one. Its no secret John Mayer always wants to be seen as the one coming out on the top, no matter how he has to do it.

  4. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Ben Af...Jennifer Aniston. Sorry, force of habit.

  5. aww, it's aniston. i really like her, too. i hope she finds a good man to be with.

  6. aniston, obviously. she's such a loser.

  7. I don't think I read any story claiming it was her who did the breaking up, but yeah it's obviously Aniston.

    Well maybe she'll get back together with Brad once he finally announces the break with Angie. And then him and Aniston will rekindle their love with more children. But really I wonder who he'll pair up with next.

  8. I think Mayer is the loser but whatever. One has to ask who "leaked" this....

  9. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Too easy. Aniston. Desperate woman.

  10. not a huge fan of JA myself but let's not forget that john mayer has a reputation for being a huge asshole to the women he dates.

  11. Poor Jennifer Aniston and her patheticness.

  12. Aww man Enty, I thought you said this was easy. I just can't think of anyone ;)

  13. Anniston for the win.
    Her PR team cranked out that stupid "dumped him because of Twitter" story?
    She's always been very insecure/clingy/high maintenance in relationships. There have been more than a couple ex's that have let slip about that type of thing. Tate Donovan, Adam Duritz I think...

  14. closure? what exactly was she expecting from him?

  15. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Didn't she break up with him right after the Oscars or whatever awards was on TV recently. I read that the reason she broke up (which was lame) was because he wouldn't stop MySpace or Tweeter (can't remember which one).

    She is pathetic. Still think she is a stupid actress. Still don't understand why she would get paid big bucks for movies that have flopped.

  16. Could this be Enty's April Fool's Day prank?

  17. This is actually Ben Affleck.

  18. Too funny. Poor Jen needs therapy. Stat.

  19. I can see John Mayer being a "bad breaker-upper", which can definitely lead someone to wonder what happened, to want to talk about some stuff, and that whole needing closure thing. But for the love of all that is holy, control yourself and DON'T CALL that bad break-upper, augh!!

  20. I really hope this is an April Fool's Day prank. Otherwise, she's really lame....

  21. I didn't care for Jen way before the whole Ben and Angelina crapola. Every interview I ever read of her's was almost Gwyneth-ish.

    That being said, I'm so proud of finally getting a blind correct.

    Jen darling, move on from the fact that your Dad left your Mom, and Brad and John left you. You've got your dog.

  22. Hahahaha man that Aniston can't get a break. At this point you'd think she'd be smart enough to stop and think "is it me?" she's not bright enough I don't think. After all the ass kissing that she gets there's no way she would ever think there's something wrong with her.

  23. I like Aniston. If this is about her, then I hope she can get over JM.


  24. Aniston-zzzzzzzzzz
    never liked her

  25. OH NO NOT JENNY....

  26. This is obviously about Aniston. However, it's the same kind of propaganda bull-sh!t that her team has pumped out, just from his team now, and I highly doubt this is any more "true" than the stories in the mags. No one but the two of them knows the true story of what happened, and frankly, I doubt many people care.

  27. she's A list? Lisa Kudrow was the only "friend" I liked. She should be the one making big movies.

  28. "...she can't move on without some kind of closure."

    As if she's ever moved on from a relationship in her life. When she was with Brad, she was still bitching about Tate Donovan.

  29. Aniston. Of course.

    If she wants people to stop thinking of her as "America's Spinster", this ain't the way to go about it, honey.

    Never liked her, not even in her Friends days.

  30. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Aniston needs to get a role on Desperate Housewives. She would kill. (their ratings, *rimshot*)

  31. WOW... Enty must not like Jen at all, if he's making this BI so easy. But it's cool, cause I don't like her either. She should be so happy she's not with that walking disease anymore. She should also take a trip to the OB/GYN while she's at it...

  32. I have to go with Aniston on this too.

  33. Hahahaha this is just classic. Im not even going to say who I think it is.

  34. ooh... i hope enty reveals this in july. :-P

  35. If this isn't Aniston I'll buy Enty dinner for a week. My choice of restaurants though because I'm not getting stuck with a huge ass bill.

    This is pretty much Aniston's pattern. She did it to Brad Pitt. She did it to Vince Vaughn. And she'll do it to whatever moron is dumb enough to "date" her for longer than overnight. She'd better be careful and hope Mayer doesn't take up his blogging habit again. I think we all remember how he outted Jessica Simpson for bugging him after their breakup. Although, frankly, I'm getting a huge laugh out of Mayer's latest babblings about kissing Perez and turning gay just to prove a point. WTF was Aniston thinking? Not once, but TWICE! She's much more pathetic than I ever dreamed possible.

  36. for my friends fanatics....
    'and that is what the call closure..'

    totally anniston

  37. palealebrew10 -

    Sorry, but your comment me had me LMAO. Since when are Pitt and Jolie broken up? And even if he and Jolie are finished - why in God's name would Pitt go back to Aniston? He spent 2 full years trying to ease his way out of that marriage before he ever met Jolie.

    I'll never understand why so many of you Aniston fans are deluding yourself that he'd go back to her. Go back to her and do what - tan, toke and prop up her movie career again? Please GMAFB. Pitt has moved beyond that stage in his life and it's clearly still all Aniston cares about. One thing you should know about Brad Pitt - HE NEVER GOES BACK TO THE WOMEN HE LEAVES. NEVER. Especially when they've cheated on him in the past. Just asked Gwyneth Paltrow and Juliette Lewis.

  38. they both fuckin suck and deserve each other at this point.
    keep the douche to a minimum.

  39. Well said Jax!!!!

  40. Poor Maniston,always the fool.

  41. But does she realize she's running behind John Mayer? John Mayer. John "YourBodyIsAWonderland" Mayer.

    If that song title wasn't a dealbreaker, I don't know what is

    He is so corny...

    JA always came across as vain IMO
    She should just date herself, then she'd be happy...

  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. This strikes me as odd because I seem to recall a nearly identical "blind" implying pretty much the exact same thing when Jessica Simpson and Mayer broke up, including Mayer needing to change his contact info. And I think it's stretching things to say Aniston's "publicity machine cranked out every story it could to say she was the one who had done the breaking up with her singer boyfriend." Other than the Twitter thing (which I don't think came from Aniston's camp), I don't recall seeing any story about who did the breaking up other than the early stories saying Mayer dumped her when she returned from Europe. This whole thing has the stench of Mayer to me, who's been noticeably present on the gossip websites recently...

  44. Ah, yes! I thought I might find it. This is what Mayer wrote on his blog in 2007, presumably referring to Simpson: "Dear Ex Lover, Perhaps you didn’t understand the last time I told you to stop contacting me, so I’ll do my best to spell it out for you. I do not wish to have you in my life anymore. I don’t know how much more clear I can be about it. It would serve you best to move on with your life and find someone who can put up with you, because I’m done trying. I hope this is enough closure for you.” The "stop contacting me" and need for "closure" sounds a little sickly familiar, no?

  45. Tax Lawyer: Just means Messica and Maniston read the same magazines.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.

  47. mayer is such a tool, why do women want to have anything to do with him. that "say what you need to say" song is HORRIBLE.

    and my first thought was aniston too, to the point where it was almost to eacy, lol.

    was she on peewee's playhouse as the trumpeter? looks just like a pre-extensive facial surgery jennifer aniston

  48. i don't get the mayer attraction either. i find him revolting and don't like his voice or his music. when that atrocity about fathers and daughters used to come on the radio, i'd start screaming.

    i don't care if he has a huge dick. he IS a huge dick. no doubt about that.

  49. Damn Jenny .. changing the phone number and the email?? Pretty much closure ahoy!!

  50. i completely missed the a list part...

  51. Ben Affleck is sooooo last year. He needs to do something or John Mayer will replace him in the blinds.

    Ben likes to date Jennifers.
    I think he should hook up with Aniston.

  52. must be an april fool's joke, no way would a blind item be so blatant..

  53. wow. Tax lawyer, I think your right. Plus Enty will believe anything negative he hears about Jen cause he hates her so much.

    This whole jen A situation is making me rethink some of his other posts.

  54. Going against the grain here, but I don't think Aniston's acting has been "truly awful" in anything. She's not my cup of meat, but she's delivered, at worst, workmanlike performances in some stuff, while in others she's been good to really good. She has also been really quiet about this latest breakup, and I do not for one second think her relationship with Mayer was real in any sense of the word (except maybe real fake). So, unless this is just a bullshit rumor put out by Mayer to help sell his breakup song (see US Magazine for info on that), this isn't Aniston.

  55. Oh, don't blame Enty! He just fell for Mankini Mayer's Look At Me! Look At Me! How Desperate for Attention Can I Be Traveling Tour. Seriously, in a little more than a week we've seen (1) Mayer's return from his Mayercraft Cruise, where he kisses a man while simultaneously answering the age-old question of who wears short shorts, then (2) his greatly delayed admission that he did indeed kiss Perez Hilton years ago, followed by (3) his announcement of a new song (could it be about Aniston?!?!). And I don't even want to think about the 400,000 people who read the twit's Twitters! I'm quite sure that putting this out there is just another ham-handed tactic in Mayer's pathetic publicity blitzkrieg (I mean, it worked with Simpson, right?), but I think what bothers me the most about him is that he thinks people are so gullible. Smells like sociopath spirit.

  56. Poor Jen A ... she can cry on my shoulder in her bikini ... she can take all the bong hits she wants, i will just drink some beer ...

    Closure is a nice thing to have, even on a short-term relationship ... nothing more frutstrating than when someone just disappears from a relationship/fling without an explanation

  57. I enjoyed Aniston's performance in "The Good Girl."

  58. Why do people think Enty "hates" Aniston? Just because he doesn't buy her bullshit "girl next door" pr crap doesn't mean that he hates her and is just willing to believe anything that is negative about her. He just doesn't kiss her ass. It's so annoying how people feel like they have to handle the Aniston issue with kid gloves. It's as if she is the only woman in Hollywood that has had to go through a public divorce.

  59. Nicely put, Terrance. :)

  60. you never get 'closure' when someone dumps you. there's just no such thing. for whatever reason, you just weren't the one---or he wasn't LOOKING for 'the one.' but the bottom line is---it's over. move the fuck on.
    at 40, you'd think she'd get that. if this is her and she DOESN'T get that, she's going to be alone forever. nothing men hate more than desperation.

  61. Jennifer and John neverhad a real realationship, ever, never ever- ever, it was a contract, all these things being put out now are being put out with Jen's approval because no one on each side wants anyone to know that is was a contract because Jen said in a interview she would not ever do that.

    So don't feel sorry for Jen, she is not pining away after John Mayer, she still loves Brad, always had, always will, never wanted John, ever. He was chosen for a reason, he got his show, she got what she needed, and contract is over, just as planned. She is allowing herself to be the one dumped because if not everyone would say, "ah see, yes, Dawn at Glosslips was telling the truth, it is a contract, Ted at E was telling the truth, it was a contract, and the list goes on." There was no relationship between Jennifer and John. Her heart belongs to one man and it is not him.

  62. When Brad breaks up with Angie he will go back to Juliette. He will become a Scientologist and will take all the kids to Scientology classes. Juliette will give up the New Romantiques. She will have a new group and it will include all the kids, and they will carry on like the Partridge Family, touring the country in a bus. And they will live happily ever after.

  63. I was wayyyyy off when i read this. My first thought was "When did Jessica Biel and JT split??"

    I thought the "lucky TV role" = 7th Heaven (lucky seven)

    But whatev, I'm on the Mayer is a faghole boat.

  64. It's Aniston... and I'm delighted because it's clearly karma at it's best - she's a laughingstock and it's all thanks to her pitiful interviews!

  65. John Mayer is gay. It isn't him. I'm thinking someone like J Love too.

  66. I am so sick of Jennifer Aniston. BORING. Same old stupid stories with her.

  67. Of course it's that dumb hag Maniston. And I don't mean hag because of her age, I mean hag because she lacks a curious intellect and the means to look at herself in brutally honest way. No instead she'd rather rot away in LaLa land remaining obsessed with making her stale-ass b-movies where she looks like total crap with that fake robo-nose and thin lips. Yeah, she was very lucky to get Friends and even luckier to land Brad Pitt. Unfortunately, his one time attachment to her has given her career a longer life in this town than she deserves (I always saw Courteney Cox was the really funny one with true talent, but then again she wasn't married to Brad Pitt). In a few years when Jennifer is unable to keep flashing her tits, she will officially be done. Or maybe she'll just keep talking about Brad and her divorce. Never was a fan before, but go John Mayer! Ya got brains, dude.
