Monday, April 27, 2009

When Does Ali Lohan Go To School?

I know I have spoken about this subject briefly before, but it is really starting to tick me off. Ali Lohan and her sister are in Hawaii this week apparently taking a vacation from looking for work and not finding any. Over the past several weeks I have seen photo after photo of Ali taken during the day and at night always out and never going to school. I haven't heard that she has anyone come to the house and tutor her. She is 15. It is compulsory for 15 year old kids to get an education in California. Has anyone seen any pictures of her going to school? Coming home from school? No, because she doesn't seem to go. She also doesn't work, and so it appears that she has given up on any kind of education at the age of 15. I'm sure she has learned all she needs to learn from Dina and her sister.

How is she getting away with this? Is there some kind of special Lohan law that exempts them from going to school? Do you think you could get away with not sending your child to school?


  1. but Enty, she is a budding popstar, she'll be attending the School of Rock.

  2. She is retarded and therefore she goes to life skills school, not academia.

  3. she can be home schooled. we looked into it when the district wouldn't protect my kid from bullying. you don't have a teacher, and you don't need a degree. sad but true.

  4. In California a parent, or whoever does the homeschooling, has to have a teaching credential. I doubt Dina or Lindsay has a teaching credential.

  5. If religious wackos are allowed to home school why aren't plain wackos entitled to the same?

  6. Homeschooling doesn't mean the PARENTS have to do the schooling. She probably has tutors with the proper credentials that get paid a nice sum to pass Ali in her classes and certify to the state that she's doing OK. Just because you have a teaching credential doesn't mean you're immune to corruption.

  7. She's a reality star. Haven't you heard? They're exempt from getting a decent education. Why bother when people are going to pay them millions to act an ass on camera. LOL!

    I bet if someone questioned them the answer would be home schooling or tutoring.

  8. This family is just gross. All of them.

  9. It's really sad that the Lohans are this delusional. Ali doesn't need a real education because she is "THE" next BIG thing. Remember that comment she made about wanting fame really badly? They don't need education because there's no chance of a need for that fallback since the Lohans are so divinely blessed with envious talent. Why would Ali be bothered with geometry and chemistry when she's about to be singing with her incredible voice at big sold-out arenas? All about the $$$!!!

    God I can't stand them.

  10. When Lindsey was younger, the Lohans put the kids in a different school district than their own. Since they were not paying taxes in the better school district, they were required to pay to have the kids in an out of district school. They never paid the bills, & were asked to leave.
    Who knows if they went anywhere after that.

  11. I think they're basically grooming her to be a prostitute, whether they realize it or not.

  12. the word 'derelict' doesn't even begin to describe what these parents have been when it comes to their daughters.
    too bad retroactive sterilization is out of the question.

  13. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I'm sure it's tutors, and probably the same ones who taught Lindsay. I'm sure they're perfectly 'adequite".

  14. As far as I know, Dina and Ali are still residents of NY. Therefore, CA law (in re: homeschooling and such) wouldn't apply.

    Also AFAIK, school attendance is compulsary for minors under 16 in NY as well. However, parents can homeschool children in NY without any need for certification. (Parents are deemed to be "competent educators" automatically as long as they follow all the state rules.) A certified teacher or other educator has to conduct an annual review of the child's education plan each year, though.

    Read more about it:

  15. did Lindsay finish high school (or some equivalent thereof)? i don't recall.

  16. I recall that Ali was being picked on at school so Dina pulled her out. I remember Dina talking about that on their short-lived reality show. I don't know about the boys, but I remember her talking about Ali.

    The vast majority of parents who homeschool care A LOT about their children's education, so let's not lump them in with Dina Lohan.

  17. Don't forget that Jack Osbourne dropped out of school -- not sure if the sister did. Dropping out of school for these kidlet stars is the thing to do.

  18. Enty, Enty, Enty. I would have thought by now you'd have figured it out.

    Ali isn't Lindsay's sister. She's Dina's sister. That's why she looks 45 years old and doesn't go to school.

  19. I want to know where the Lohan's income is coming from. Linsday has done what -- one direct-to-cable movie and a handful of magazine covers in the past year? I know she gets paid for club appearances, but I could see those only breaking even at best with all the coke and vodka she consumes. Yet she supports her whole family, correct?

    Just a week ago Lindsay was crying poor because no one was hiring and now her whole family is vacationing in Hawaii? Sounds shady. Not to mention the scuttlebutt a few weeks ago about a porn producer letting her drive his fancy car, no strings *wink, wink* attached.

  20. Judging from her looks I'd say she finished her education approximately 13 years ago. Now she can just relax and party. Don't you KNOW who she IS?

  21. If you go onto Hulu's " most popular shows " of all time Living Lohan is 2 pages from the bottom of the list. Shows I have never heard of.. including Dating Brad Garrett did 10x's better than theirs. Even Hey Paula beat them out by several categories. Too funny!

  22. Please what can Dina teach her? Getting a head anyway you can?

    Maybe LaLohan is the Dominatrix.
    Which is kinda sick if this is how Ali is making money too.

    Would any of us put it past MommyDina(est) to sell her offspring for fame?? Would Dina really care if Ali got her diploma?
    As long as any of her kids could make a buck and get famous (infamous) I think Dina would keep them illiterate with a song in her heart.

  23. Jesus Christ dumb fucks. Since when does education equate to Hollwyood?!? doesn't!!


    Next subject.

  24. By the way, that is some serious side boobage.

  25. DNfromMN, that was funny.

  26. Ali is 45 years old. She finished school decades ago. She went to high school with her mom.

  27. This is so sad/ridiculous/stupid. She may be getting "homeschooled," but more often than not, withdrawing a student to be homeschooled is a total joke. I am a high school social worker who specifically works with kids who are habitually truant...I know how much she will lose by not finishing high school. I don't think she is exactly a "celebrity" like Dina would like...and by taking her out of school, her mom is ruining any chance she has.

  28. @mazemerizing-
    that wasn't true 10 years ago. the student has to pass the standardized tests in CA. i sure don't have a degree.

    also, you don't even need a teaching certificate to teach school. it depends on your level of education. for instance, mr. buns taught community college level and he has a master's.

  29. Well, I’m not sure what kind of education she has, but I’m pretty sure her parents have something to do with her school schedule. Maybe she’s truly homeschooled (tutors and stuff) or maybe she goes to school, but doesn’t care much, so takes long breaks. I’ve done that a lot at my last school year. I just went hitchhiking, went to visit my friends and didn’t care. I’ve found edubirdie review and ordered my assignments from them, so technically I was a really nice student who made all the tasks.
