Tuesday, May 05, 2009

Costume Institute Gala Photos - Part Two

Hugh Dancy & Claire Danes
Claudia Schiffer
Diane Kruger & Joshua Jackson
Elizabeth Hurley
Eva Longoria & Tony Parker
Eva Mendes & Francisco Costa
Emmy Rossum
Emma Roberts


  1. Liz Hurley's chunking up a bit.

    And does Claire Danes have a strange body or what? Damn, she's looooonnnngggg.

  2. Is Liz Hurley pregnant?

  3. The top of Claire Danes gown is stunning; the bottom, not so much. And LOVE the facial expression...

    Ciara is gorgeous but she should have worn a better dress. It almost looks dowdy on her.

    Claudia - too much. Maybe the dress doesn't translate..

    Cute little white lace dress on Diane Kroeger

    Elizabeth Hurley looks like she's hiding a bit of a belly.

    Eva L. - (yawn)

    Eva M. - (yawn)

    Emmy looks like a grey mermaid.

    Emma Roberts - I don't know what's worse - the dress or the expression..

  4. I thought Emmas dress was pretty horrible, too - what kind of material is it made out of?

  5. I love that Elizabeth Hurley is gaining weight. Remember when she said overweight women should not be allowed to wear bikinis?

    Enty, if you were Eva's date, I bet you'd have looked a hell of a lot happier than that guy!

    I like Emmy's mermaid look a lot! That fabric is really neat.

    What the hell is Emma Roberts wearing? FUGLY!!!

  6. Claire D. - I like her dress, or at least the part that I can see.

    Claudia S. - Looks like someone cut up her dress.

    Diane K.- Has worn that style before.

    Liz Hurley - Is either gaining weight around her middle or she's pregnant.

    Eva L. - Love her dress and her look. Classy.

    Emma R. - Doesn't belong there.

  7. These women need to just STOP with the "I gotta pee" pose with the crossed legs.

    Don't do it if you don't know how.

  8. selenakyle - Thank you! Thank you! I thought I was the only one who disliked the pee-pee pose. Why do so many (most) of them do it? Is it asthetically pleasing to have your right foot on your left side?

  9. Apparently that pose is called the "widdle" (I think I saw that on eonline.com) and it's supposed to make you look slimmer, which is why they all do it.

  10. Interesting when camera angle & hairstyle come together to give Eva Mendez Spock ears.

  11. emma roberts' ass looks HUUUUUGE in that dress. then she has bony knees and twig legs. very odd shape and not becoming at all. she's too young for this party.

  12. wow, elizabeth hurley and eva mendez. both gorgeous!

    eeep. oh emma. no.

  13. Elizabeth Hurley looks like Joan Collins - old and trying too hard.

  14. Oh, that picture of Elizabeth Hurley is JUST what I needed today hee hee!

    Girl is FAT! Yes, she who said she'd "kill herself" if she were as "fat" as Marilyn Monroe.

    hee hee hee

  15. Anonymous12:48 PM

    LOL@ pee-pee pose

  16. I like the top of Claire's dress -the bottom looks like chainmail.

    Ciara made an unfortunate choice. That dress looks like the designer couldn't make up their mind what to do.

    Ms. Schiffer looks like she made a dress out of old VHS tapes. Kudos for her showing she recycles. ;)

    Diane Krugers dress would have been
    better on Emma Roberts.

    Hurley's dress looks like she made her dress of cotten candy and if dinner was a bust at least she'd still have something to eat.

    Longoria went boring.

    Eva's dress isn't bad just BORING.
    Her date looks like he is off to get root canal.

    Emmy I like the color but neckline sucks.

    Emma looks like a candy apple. I love her shoes though.

  17. Eva Mendes hair pulled back TOO tight.Who's the old guy??

  18. Everyone failed this round.

  19. Claudia and Danes in this set.

    I just love how adorable and stylish Kruger and Jackson are together. I want to get a little matching boyfriend.

    Longoria, Mendes---yawn.

    Emma Robert's dress looks like something from the duct tape prom dress competition.
