Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Could Jon & Kate Ever Divorce?

US Weekly has a cover story out this week that says Jon Gosselin has been cheating on Kate with 3rd grade teacher Deanna Hummel. She was the woman in the car. Her obviously self educated brother and roommate gave an interview to US and said the pair has been together for three months.

I love how this guy just throws his sister under the bus. I'm not sure what sibling would do that to another if they really cared about the other person. Plus, they live together so it isn't like they are going to run into each other. His explanation for throwing her under the bus is, "She's a nice girl, not a homewrecker. He is a bad liar. This isn't healthy for her. But she is refusing to help herself, so here I am trying to help her myself. I hope this clears the air."

It clears the air that you are a self serving fame seeker, so thanks for that.

He also says the couple has a lot of sex and he is forced to listen to them because his room is next to hers and they have thin walls and it doesn't help that he also has little eye holes drilled in the wall so he can check to make sure she is ok.

"A lot of the time, it was pretty, um, gross listening to her, you know, um — how do I say this? The walls are thin. Let’s just say that. I mean, no one wants to hear his sister having sex, let alone with a married dude who's, like, almost twice her age and who has eight kids and a maybe-crazy wife. Ick. Nast."

For the record I believe he is 32 and she is 23, but I could see how math is not his strong suit. Either is the idea I guess of actually leaving the apartment while his sister is having sex if it makes him so uncomfortable. If it is as, how does he say it, "Ick. Nast." If something were Ick or Nast to me, I doubt I would stick around and listen to it. I would probably go to the library and learn how to add numbers together.

If Jon is indeed doing the "Nast" with the 3rd grade teacher, can he and Kate ever divorce? I don't think so. I think they have to suck it up and pretend they love each other because if they divorce, a show called "Kate Makes Nine" just doesn't have quite the ring to it. I guess it could be "Whoever Has Visitation This Week Whether It Be Jon Or Kate Makes 9 While They Are Waiting In The McDonald's Parking Lot To Exchange The Kids."


  1. Ewwwwwwwwww! And LOL, Enty!

  2. I've only seen their show a couple of times and Kate was too bitchy for me. I think maybe the new reality show oughta be Jon, the teacher, and the Ick, Nast.

  3. I just can't imagine my older brothers talking about me like that. My mom would whoop em. Anyway, I think he does have a girlfriend and maybe Kate does too.

  4. i propose that "Ick. Nast." become the new "don't tase me, bro". teehee.

  5. Just a matter of time....

    If you thought Kate was a controlling biatch before, wait until next season....entitled "Jon locked in basement".

  6. I remember seeing on The Soup (which I love) that Joel called this possible show "Jon Minus Nine." Love it!

  7. I call this whole story BS, just trying to drum up interest for their show.

  8. i thought so too Laura, until the brother sold her out.
    who does that?
    it's not like we didn't see this coming, Kate isn't exactly the loving attentive wife.
    add that to emasculating your man at every turn, it's gonna happen.

    ps would be Kate Makes 9.
    lol..they have 8 kids.

  9. Sorry, but my best friend threw me under the bus when I was self destructive enough to be involved with a married man; best thing anyone could've ever done for me. If she hadn't done it I would likely still be questioning my worth, waiting by the phone, and being a married man's whore.
    Yay for the brother! I hope Kate puts the blame where it belongs, with her loser of a husband!

    Oh, and my best friend is still my best friend.

  10. Kate just makes it so easy to hate her. Jon has no balls. Kate keeps them locked away somewhere in that new, big house.

    Honestly, I think they have an "agreement" that allows each of them to do what they want and are leading independent lives. Jon just wasn't very discreet.

  11. WBotW, good for you for not blaming the messenger. Most people aren't that mature.

  12. Yes, Kate is a biotch, and Jon was indiscreet and ball-less. Butreally? How about the poor kids. Perhaps they deserve a mother who doesn't constantly berate their father in front of them (not to mention the whole country), and a father who can own a pair. Ohhh, I can visualize the therapy bills for the children when they get older!!! (and btw - if they were to ever divorce, can you just picture how much child support would cost???)

  13. the kids can use an additional stepmom

  14. Mooshki, at the time I was seriously pissed; thought she had betrayed me, wasn't my friend, etc. It didn't take too long for me to realize that I was much better off out of that relationship and that I hadn't had the self esteem or independence to end it myself.
    That said, I still get emails to my facebook and myspace telling me I should kill myself because my kids deserve better than to have a whore for a mother... And this is almost four years later :(
    It's funny, when my husband cheated on me, I blamed him, not the girl. He made and broke the commitment, not her. Not everyone feels the same way I guess.

  15. maybe OctoMom and Kate can hook up and do a new reality show...OctoKate plus 22

  16. Wbot i'm glad it worked out for you, but would you feel the same if she went ot the local newspaper with it? and got paid to tell her story?

    sorry the brother wasn't the messenger, he was a high paid carrier pigeon with shit for brains if he thinks this is going to 'help her out'
    no, it's going to help. not only will she get her heart broken and feel humiliated for being caught with a married man, but now every man she dates, every job she applies for and everytime someone googles her name, this will come up. that's a pretty high price to pay, to get 'help' from your own brother.

    should she be boinking a married guy? hell no! but there are other ways to pretend to help your sister that don't require a paycheck from a fuckin tabloid.

  17. Yikes, that sucks that you keep getting nasty reminders. I know people feel very strongly both ways about this, but I agree that it's the person who made and then broke the vows who deserves most of the blame.

  18. Jax, I think you're kinda right, but I bet this girl's going to eat all the publicity right up.

  19. moral of the story:
    better keep your man happy, girls.

  20. I am feeling Jax on this one. I guess time will tell what plays out as far as the other woman.

    My thinking here is regardless of her brothers motivations, she knows Jon is a married man so carrying on an affair with someone who is in the spotlight and has had a lot of media scrutiny these days is setting yourself up. And she is a teacher? tsk tsk tsk she should really know better.

    As for the brother... exposing the affair is one thing but commenting on the sex is just crass. My brother would get the business from me for that shiz.

  21. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Yesterday I saw a clipping on Entertainment Tonight about Edward's wife interview. If I got it straight she made it sound like it was the lover's fault that her husband cheated on her. I was with my mouth open. I was here thinking it takes 2 people to have an affair.

    In my opinion I feel whether it was the husband or lover that did the come-on, both are to blame.

  22. what choice does she have now?

    i agree it's the married people who deserve the blame....but sorry, if single women would stop spreading it for married dudes, they'd have no one to cheat with for the most part. maybe if girls would stop making it easy for married guys they wouldn't do it so and demand!
    It's not like the majority of cheaters want hookers!
    I'm kinda disgusting about how many young females think doing married guys is ok or no big deal.
    "i'm not the one that's married, he is"

    lol, i think i just argued both sides in a circle! awesome.

  23. ps, to clarify, i'm not blaming women for men cheating, they just don't have to serve it on a platter and play innocent later.

  24. i seriously can't stand this show. she is so evil! i don't know how anyone could be so mean and awful to someone she 'loves' so much. it also doesn't help that i'm the mother of 3 year old twins (+2 older kids) and everywhere i go people say "have you ever watched that 'jon and kate +8 show? man, you think YOU have it tough!" at that point i want to rip their heads off and shove dead fish down their neck hole, but i just smile and say something pleasant...but back on topic, it wouldn't suprise me one little bit if he was having an affair. he probably just wants to chill with a woman who treats him like a man, and not like a small child.

  25. Both Jon and Kate are miserable shites. Her for her personality, and him for cheating.

    Although the OctoKate thing was pretty good. I'd watch that. Can you imagine what Kate would say to Nadya????

  26. i don't think a lot of women realize how much a lot of married men prowl. i worked with men as a single woman for a very long time and let me tell you, a lot of married men are looking for a little on the side. they're blatant about it too.

    if kate really blames this on the other woman, then she's as clueless as elizabeth edwards. blame the guy who stood up there beside you and swore to God he'd be faithful to you. he's the one who found her, spent time with her, and unzipped his pants with her.

  27. It's so typical of women--well, women like Kate anyway--to blame affairs happening on the woman. This happened in my husband's family. His sister's DH went after her brother's wife. I have no idea how far it went, but I know that the woman blames HER 100 percent for it happening. She completely forgave her husband...the one who started the whole thing and kept it going for over TEN YEARS.

    If you ask me, she's more of an idiot than he is.

    As for Jon and Kate, I've never seen the show, but from what Ive heard about her, I'm not surprised that it happened. He should have kept it in his pants, but he's an immature dope.

  28. Anonymous1:50 PM

    MrsM5 - lol at your homicidal urges.

    Deanna has already denied this in People, I think, it's over at ONTD. She said she is in the process of kicking dear brother out and he only said it to get back at her. To me, that seems more plausible. I don't think Jon and Kate have a healthy relationship, but I do think Jon is smart enough to stick this out and play with himself or hire a hooker instead of trying to have a relationship. There is too much money at stake, and really, he's got a cushy job.

  29. DNfromMN - if Jon was thinking with his brain I might agree with him having a brain bigger than the size of a pea, but he's a typical male and moved with his peen.

  30. lol @ DN from MN - yeah, a pretty nice job for sure... but i would have to be pretty damn pissed at my brother to make something like that up about him. (i take that back - i dont think I would ever be able to do that.)

  31. Infidelity is disgusting and they both did something terribly wrong.


    I get the feeling they live separate lives and that they are putting on a front for the show. Kate is a huge witch and that's only what they show on television. On their show. Which probably means she's 10x worse in real life. I've heard they're horrible to fans and have alienated their family, and their kids are pretty bratty. Major FAIL on all ends.

  32. What I don't get is what single woman would even want a married man. The fact that he would cheat makes him smarmy and creepy. Big turn-off. At least for me.

    The wives forgive their husband and blame the woman because: a) they have more invested in the husband and much more to lose, especially if there are children; b) they can't make their marriage work if they blame the husband; c) they can't possibly fathom what kind of woman, other than a skanky loser would cheat with a married man/father; d) they are in denial.

    Too bad because without acceptance of what was done and for what reasons, the problems that made cheating occur won't go away and forgiveness will never truly be there.

  33. i've known a lot of women who got involved with married men. if it lasts awhile, the guy always starts telling her he loves her and will leave his wife for her. he convinces her he's in a miserable marriage and his wife's a bitch---or she's a nice person but he doesn't love her anymore. the woman feels like she's 'the one' and he needs her....then she waits.
    i only know one couple where the man actually left and they're still together. but 99% of the time, that's not what happens.

    not excusing any of it. just telling you this is why women do it and this is what men say to get them.

  34. MsCool - In the story I told, I think it's #4 more than the others. It was SO obvious that they had a thing for each other. She knew, she just stuck her head in the sand for all those years, wishing it would go away. When it came out, she made a big scene...but I was thinking, lady, you've known about this for THIS long, but only NOW, you're making this huge scene?

    There's no love lost between me and this woman, you can tell. I didn't like her that much when I first met her, but I lost all respect for her (and her smarmy DH, of course) when this was going on.

    I like the other woman. Her DH can be a real PITA. I understand why she did it, but I wish she didn't do know what I mean. She thought he really cared for her, and meanwhile, she hasn't heard a word from him since the whole thing went down, going on a year ago. She feels stupid, betrayed, deceived, etc. She said she's never going to bother with this shit again. If she needs attention, she said, and she isn't getting it from her DH, she's going to find a good way to get it, instead of resorting to that.

  35. For the brother I have a suggestion. Ear plugs.

    As for the single girls that cheat with the marrieds. My friend seemed to prefer married men and I use to give her the shit for it. When she hit her 6th married I told her not to tell me anymore but remember someday when she married Mr.Right she was going to be on the other end of that dynamic.How would she feel as the wife?
    She said she liked the drama of being in a triangle. All I can say
    is she has issues.

  36. Amen to your first paragraph, Ms. Cool! But that's probably why so many men lie about being married until they get a girl emotionally hooked.

    And, to be fair, aren't women almost as likely to cheat now as men? I know we're closing the gap. Equal opportunity suckage.

  37. I get the impression Jon feels trapped in his life. During the 'testimonials' of the season finale, there was a bit of a tiff going between Jon & Kate. He said he wasn't sure about doing another season & that he was tired of such a public life. She of course gave him the side glance & confirmed they would be doing more. He looks totally defeated now more than ever.

  38. speaking of cheating and stuff, I was watching private practice yesterday (i KNOW, I KNOW...) but on that show right now, (past three, four episodes) kate walsh is having an affair with a married man - at the same time as she is delivering his baby. When I saw that I just thought "oh man. She is soooo unsympathetic. I really can not indentify and support her" and turned the TV off. Its a weird plot line.
