Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Courtney Love Wants To Punch Ryan Adams

Whether or not you think Courtney Love killed Kurt Cobain, you do at some point realize that Courtney was not born with, or had her self censoring mechanism turned off by drugs and that can make her entertaining. Sometimes.

In her latest MySpace rant she rails against the newlywed couple of Mandy Moore and Ryan Adams. She has long hated Ryan because she feels he owes her money from recording Rock N Roll. I don't know how she can remember what happened yesterday, let alone something that happened six or seven years ago, but her hate is our laughter.

"Christ ugh igh ugh Mandy Moore ick the thoufghg of her sticking her toungue downthat filthy hatch...i might as well go watch "Hostelle" ill feel better), ick, dirty sheets, ick no toothbrush, smelly ass, ick i LOATHE that guy."

I'm guessing that perhaps Courtney is a little jealous that Ryan is no longer sticking his tongue down her filthy hatch. Just a guess.

Remember, that Courtney is sober. OK, I couldn't keep a straight face with that one. You can click over to her blog if you want. I really want you to see what the rantings of someone who is completely wasted and has access to the internet looks like. Oh, and it looks like she wrote several thousand words so be prepared for a very long read.


  1. i don't know if she killed him....but living with her could make you want to kill yourself, no doubt.

  2. jokes aside, i really do believe she's got some degree, some form of mental illness. it makes me feel so sorry for her daughter.

  3. that's what i am thinking too, pookie. she's self-medicating...

  4. You should see the mess that is her Twitter updates. Sometimes 50 in a row, rambling about the most ridiculous things in the world. One day it was all about fabric. Yes, I said fabric.

  5. i'm surprised she didn't chat about Trent Reznor engagement!

  6. Princess, I totally agree. I happened upon her Twitter page and nearly fell of my chair. The woman is clearly off her effing rocker. She makes such a huge point of insisting that she's sober that you almost want to believe that it's something else going on, like some kind of schizophrenia (often triggered by drug use) or just the result of too much drug/alcohol abuse in the past.

    All I could think of when I tried to read her babble was what about her poor child? That kid must have three different therapists by now.

  7. She's kinda got the paranoid schizophrenic thing going on (and I'd kill myself if I was married to Courtney Love)

  8. I follow her on Twitter. One of the most entertaining parts of my day.

  9. I wish the internets had been a little more widespread and advanced during the Kurt Cobain ordeal. I bet Courtney would have been Twittering her ass off when he died. Maybe she would have said something incriminating.

  10. this is your brain on drugs.

  11. lol@ jax...

    Yeah, ol' Court is batshit crazy...

  12. But I love their duet of dark end of the street!!!

  13. Click over to her blog? Uh, no. There's no reason to be interested in this person at all.

  14. She's bipolar at the very least. Her twittering and myspace blogs are textbook examples if mania.

  15. ^^ OF mania, not IF mania.


  16. I met Courtney a few times back in the early '90s, and I have to say she was always very nice to me (no drugs were involved, I assure you--just double-chocolate espresso brownies). Although I wouldn't be surprised if her & Kurt's marriage was on the skids when he died, I've never thought she killed him/had him killed--I do think she really did love him, as much as she's capable of loving anyone in that way, and I don't say that in a snarky sense, either--I think she's terribly damaged on some level. (FWIW, I seem to recall hearing back in the day that her father the Grateful Dead hanger-on supposedly dosed her w/LSD when she was a toddler, and that her mom--who, irony of ironies, is a therapist--is a real piece of work might explain a few things about their daughter.) She's not stupid, and she can be amazingly insightful and very funny (I'm remembering some of her music business rants from years ago), but she's terribly self-destructive, incapable of censoring herself when it would really be for the best, and, well...broken in some fundamental way, and I think it's just plain tragic. Hopefully Frances can get past her family's demons and have a good, happy life--she does seem to have her head screwed on reasonably well, so I'm keeping my fingers crossed for her.

  17. yep, doll parts=broken,

  18. She was with Ed Norton for quite awhile. Period.
