Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Evangeline Lilly Confuses Me

One thing I never understand about celebrities is their ability to say one thing out of their mouth while their actions are the complete opposite. Take Evangeline Lilly for example. Always quiet and press shy. She is rarely seen at events. See how that works Lindsay? If they ruin your life you avoid them. It is pretty simple. Anyway, I know that Evangeline has always been a bit touchy about relationships and being photographed. I am actually shocked she was never arrested for beating a pap while she and Dominic were dating. I really thought one day she would snap.

Anyway, this month she is in Women's Health. Oh, and on the cover. Being on the cover of course attracts attention. Giving a cover interview provides you even more. So, when she has a quote in the magazine that bemoans the fact that she hates being photographed in public or being approached by fans asking if she is still dating Dominic it all seems, well, kind of fake. I mean no disrespect t the fine people who produce Women's Health, but it isn't exactly the cover of Vogue or W or Elle she is gracing here. Someone from her camp thought it was a great idea she do some publicity. If she is so anti celebrity then why do the cover? Why do the interview? Being in Women's Health says I want to be noticed. Please over here. I'm the woman in Hawaii filming the television show who hates acting but supported myself doing ads for phone dating.

Please. Evangeline wants the publicity as much as anyone. I think she just hates being stuck in Hawaii because no one ever gets to notice her and give her the attention she wants. She even goes so far as to say that she has turned down roles that would make her a huge star because acting is not her first love. Uh huh. Well, if she hates it so much she should have told the producers of Lost. It isn't like they are shy about killing off people. If you don't want to be there, I am sure they would oblige.


  1. Uhm Enty, its HER JOB, as an actress you have to do publicity, its par for the course.

    How many times haven't you mentioned actors/actresses who don't do publicity or red carpets to promote their films, so not sure I am getting the big deal here.

  2. Well, what ever she has been doing to avoid publicity has worked for me as I have no clue who she is.

  3. oh poor baby stuck in Hawaii, come back to Porpoise Spit little girl!
    it's fricken rainy and stormy and BORING AS HELL in her hometown right now.

    like i said Enty, i don't know how the acting gig came up, she was never into it before.

  4. Awww you didn't mention the BEST part of her interview - where she says that they want her to be the next Angelina Jolie but she said no - HAHAHAHAHA

  5. And why exactly did she decide to be the face of late night sex chat lines then?

  6. teehee, enty: "It isn't like they are shy about killing off people."!

  7. @ Ms Cool: that's excellent :)

    she doesn't deserve to be known anyways. you're not missing much!

  8. Enty... This is yet another reason why I LOVE you! I've needed a good laugh lately and you always provide that. Thanks!

  9. Here is the money quote:
    "[The 'Lost' producers] have seen that I haven't picked up on the opportunity to become a big movie star. It frustrates [them] that they've given me this chance to become the next Angelia Jolie ... Sure, I'd love to be her, but just the humanitarian side."

  10. I'm a huge "Lost" - fan but there is nothing that annoys me more than people who don't seem grateful for the things they have. Then again, when you are not grateful for the things you have, you tend to lose them. When "Lost" goes off the air next year, so will Evangeline Lilly, probably nev er to be heard of again.

  11. i agree with MontanaMariott:it's a part of her job he dislike or not!

  12. I'm just happy to see a woman on the cover of a magazine fully dressed and not airbrushed beyond recognition.

  13. Ah, the ugly face of unemployment. She is doing press because Lost is in it's final season, and soon she will be out of a steady pay check.Not because she suddenly got all professional, it's just that she didn't get any movie offers this hiatus. She is getting a bit worried her 15 minutes might be over as soon as Lost is over.

    It's good that she doesn't like acting. She is not that good at it, and when her looks stop propelling her carer, she will not be to sad not to have one.

  14. Supposedly she has already made comments that when Lost goes off the air, she will retire from acting and just do humanitarian stuff. Yea, right. We'll see if that happens.

  15. i get the feeling someone was a juliet fan, ha ha!

  16. Poor Evie!! To be stuck in the depths of beautiful Hawaii with that gorgeous hunk of male Josh Holloway. My heart bleeds for you baby!

  17. okay, i gave up on lost sometime in season 2. short attention span, i guess.
    but i thought she was the gay actress? the one that got fired for dui?
    and enty thinks HE'S confused.

    maybe if she DID do more publicity....

  18. That's Michelle Rodriguez, bunny.

    Yep, I'm guessing we'll see more of her when her money starts to dry up.

  19. bionic bunny, the gay (bi?) actress fired for the DUI was Michelle Rodriguez. Evangeline Lilly plays the woman who was a federal prisoner before the plane crashed, for blowing up her stepdad. Rodriguez played a former cop who was the leader of the group from the tail section of the plane who lived on the other side of the island, where the kids first disappeared from.

    Unless you were kidding. If that's the case, pretend I didn't post this.

  20. if she hates acting she should really freaking leave lost! her character is terrible and no one would miss her! they 'kill' juliet but they won't kill her?! get the fuck out of my face with that bullshit lost writers!

  21. Is she readjusting her package on the cover?

    The next Jolie?! Pah! Holly Combs more like.

  22. "i get the feeling someone was a juliet fan, ha ha!"

    ME, ME, ME!!! :) And she isn't dead, so there!

  23. mooshki and procrast - NOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! I am trying to catch up, and you just ruined it for me!!!!! That´s it, I have got to stop reading these comments...:P

  24. linnea: i'm sorry, lol! but you know lost, nothings ever as it seems, so keep watching!

  25. whole, i wasn't kidding. i have no idea what's going on with the show, i just remember the gossip.
    and i remember jorge whats-is-name. i suppose when it's all over i'll buy the whole series and go from start to finish, then maybe i'll "get it".

  26. I like her and think she gets misread quite a bit. I believe she is down to earth and grateful. Some people always seem to put their foot in their mouth or get taken out of context from what they really mean. I think this is what happens to her. I don't see her as a partying fame whore or an egotistical diva at all. Give the girl a break.

  27. I have enjoyed LOST from the begining and while I don't think Evangeline is the best actress around I like her as a fairly real person. I think this is pure publicity but on her terms.

    Would all of you be happier if she was a druggie, abnormally skinny bitch like Lohan or any number of the bimbos that make the news with their bad behavior?

    Her latest photo shoot is great. Too bad Enty couldn't have posted one of those pics.
