Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Kirstie Alley Gains Weight For Fame

I guess I should start out by saying I really don't like Kirstie Alley. OK, whew. Got that out of the way. Let's review her career, shall we? The 80's were her decade with Cheers and then she did that Veronica's Closet thing in the 90's and then nothing. Well she did do something. She ate and ate and ate. I don't blame her for eating. I have a huge weight problem and most of it is because I love food, but I have other issues as well. I don't mind that she gained weight. I don't mind that she only had a chance at a second career because she was a Jenny Craig spokesperson and then got a reality show. That's fine.

Here is my problem. She gained all the weight back, plus some that she lost while on Jenny Craig. That happens more often than not. But, what did she do? Did she try and lose the weight? Nope. What she did was call her publicist. The only time she has been famous in the past ten years is when she was losing weight. She got on Oprah. When is the last time you saw an actress who had not worked in ten years get on Oprah?

She wants that fame again. Instead of hiring a trainer and taking off the weight quietly, she called her publicist who called People who ran a breathless cover story about how she is going to lose it all again. A cover story? Seriously? So as her reward for gaining all this weight she gets a cover story and People is going to follow her as she loses it all again. She will probably get another show out of this and have some fame again. Then, when everyone realizes how annoying she is, it will all go away and the whole cycle begins again.


  1. Can't Scientology just zap those pounds off.
    I thought she had all the answers being a Scientologist? Maybe she should call Tom for a tutorial. Or maybe just get a script for depression. Oprah interviewed her and she was so uninteresting it was baffling. The woman is a bore.

  2. 9 months ago I weighed in at 240 lbs. Today I weigh 167. That's 73 lbs. I did it all by myself. No trainer. No fad diet. Just me, a new lifestyle and a heavy dose of the gym. I could easily go back to 240 if I wanted, but I've got 17 lbs to go and I feel better than I have in a long time. No amount of hiring a trainer or eating frozen foods that are mailed to you will change your habits and who you are. When it's all over what did you learn? How to be dependant on other people instead of food? How did that change you? It didn't. Losing weight isn't hard. People are just hard headed.

  3. Mack... that is fantastic. Good for you.

    I am way more inspired by your story that I've ever been by "insert celebrity weight loss endorsor here"

    It really is as simple as you tell it. Eat less and move more.

  4. Enty, I want to hear more about why you "don't like her"

  5. I guess Scientology can cure drug problems - as Kirstie used to be a huge coke head - but for weight you need to go to another religion.

  6. And by religion I mean "religion".

  7. Mack, I am proud of you. I have some weight to lose and it's always good to hear a story from a "real" person who's made it.

    And Allisonshine72, you forgot one big issue to get out of the way. Before you can eat less and move more, you MUST get right in your head. That's what kept me from losing weight and keeping it off. If you can change your attitude like I finally did, the weight will always come back.

    Of course, I still belong to the CDAN Pepsi Addicts club.

  8. sounds like another blind item solved !!

  9. Kirstie gives tubby girls a bad name.

    eat less, move more!

  10. "Of course, I still belong to the CDAN Pepsi Addicts club."

    LOL! It was SO hard for me to finally give it up, but pop is just about the worst thing you can put in your body. I still crave it almost every day. Sigh, recovery is hard. We need to start a PAA group. Pepsi Addicts Anonymous.

  11. We need a celebrity edition of the Biggest Loser. I'd love to her Jillian screaming at Kirstie "MOVE YOUR ASS." Oh, there'd be a catfight for sure.

    I always liked Kirstie in interviews, she's a little cuckoo and I like that in a woman. Her book was funny as hell with lots of cuss words. But, the COS crap knocked her off my list.

  12. Yep - another blind item solved. Congrats Mack!! I just lost 25 pounds since January. Not much compared to you, but it does take hard work and commitment. Period.

  13. This is kinda on topic and kinda off...

    How do any of you other ladies over 40 like me stop the constant food cravings?

    I wake up hungry as hell in the mornings and throughout the day, and am rarely hungry at night nor do I eat a lot of sweets (very thankful for that) and do get a little sporadic exercise and am hyper by nature, and generally regarded as slim, but these lbs. are packing on fast, and I know it's age/hormones related.

    I try to drink a lot of water to fill up my rapidly expanding gut.

    If I avoid carbs I get lightheaded and can't do shit, and when I do exercise I get ravenously hungry so I feel like it works against me.

    This sucks!

    Anyone else hungry all the fucking time at age 45?

  14. Wasn't there a BI about a celebrity who was gaining weight on purpose just so they can "lose" the weight on their own customized diet plan?

  15. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I was a pig myself, love to eat was close to 200 lbs. I didn't change my food habits when I was 1st married but did divorce my husband than started to ride bicycle. I believe I lost 20 lbs. at the time. My weight fluctuates. Recently I am at 154.00. I just started going to a diabetic clinic since the regular physician I had for some reason I was not too happy with him. Anyway this doc gave me sort of a diet so if anyone is interested. It is a hard diet especially for me who loves food but it has helped lose weight. Also you need to do exercise at least 30 minutes of it.

  16. I weighed 165 when I got pregnant with my daughter. At delivery I was at 189. Within 7 months I was down to 120. 10 years later I was at 155 when I was pregnant with my son and 183 at delivery. Again down to 120. Four years later I am at 130 ( about a 6 ) and don't plan on having any more children so I HAVE to eat right and exercise 3x's a week otherwise I will be back to a 12 in no time! I don't mind being a bit thicker but I am happiest at the weight I am now.. I do have to work to maintain it. My body naturally wants to put on a few lbs I think.

    btw..I think Kirstie looks fine thick or thin.. its a shame she is always making a big deal of it and saying she is ashamed of her size. As long as you are healthy all sizes look good to me!

  17. I will never forget that during her divorce her ex released Kirstie's monthly spending habits. If you can find it take a look. The Smoking Gun has her divorce papers. Her spending is lavish and excessive, like nothing I had read prior. After all, she was tv actress not the richest woman in the world. Her enormous household staff even included a fulltime animal handler for her 50+ exotic animals on one of her 7(?) multimillion dollar estates.

  18. She had to have gained more than 83 pounds.

  19. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Ent, remember she also came out in one or two of the Star Trek movies. Can't remember which one. She played a vulcan.

  20. what's with oprah and these scientology people?

  21. Today is International No Diet Day. Enjoy some cake!

    Kirstie Alley, Oprah, myself and millions of other people are living proof that diets DO NOT WORK. They will only make you fatter.

    If you let it, your body will guide you towards the right nutrition and a healthy weight. But you have to completely reject the diet mentality first. For anyone who has weight/ eating issues of any kind, I highly suggest Check out the Through Thick and Thin support forum as well. The experience, should you choose to accept it, will drastically change your life and put you in a mindframe where you are in complete control, and food is no longer the enemy. I am not selling anything on either of those sites, I am not plugging something to get something out of it for myself. I truly believe in intuitive eating, and it has changed my life for the better.

    I wish Kirstie and Oprah would go to that website as well. They need it.

  22. my motto is eat and exercise. teehee.

    for those of you who have food cravings all the time, oprah had a woman on who had some kind of surgery to help with this problem. it was a show from last week.

  23. teehee! lol Sofie & AnonMom!!!

    and way to go Mack! that's so awesome!

  24. Mack - well done.
    Selenakyle - I hear ya, sis

    I'm sick of Oprah. I want Oprah to retire.

  25. i'm so tired of this bitch. i saw part of the interview on 'oprah.' yeah, she was on there to pimp HER new diet plan. i should have known!

    this isn't complicated even though she's making it so. you take in more calories than you burn, you gain weight.

    get off your huge ass and do something, kirstie. eat healthy and eat less. there! no magic involved.

  26. I lost twenty two pounds by eating properly, end of story. If I actually get around to exercising, I suppose the rest will come off too. There is no secret to weight loss. It's basically just common sense.

    As for Kirstie, in the nineties I worked for a clothing company which regularly catered to stylists and celebrities, not just regular people. I actually had to send her a pair of bright yellow socks via courier, and even though it would cost three times more than the value of the socks to send it this way, she was adamant that she would not come to get them. That said, she was polite about it.

    As Terrance posted, if there was such a blind about a star with a customized diet plan, this makes total sense. Kirstie said in her interview with Oprah that she has indeed a plan she will be 'unveiling' shortly. This annoys me more than you can imagine.

    Why can't people get it through their heads that the only way is proper diet and exercise?

  27. its' so much more about excersise than food people. and once you are done to your goal weight you can eat the shit again, just be prepared to work for it!

  28. Thank you, Harriet! I'll check it out.

    I used to be skinny, ate anything and got tons of exercise. Now all of a sudden--wham! FAT.

    What they say about it all being "maintenance" after 40 must be true.

    Of course, I never had periods until my very late thirties so there you go.

  29. I checked out the site harriet and it seems really cool.. I definitely plan to read into this thinking a bit more.. thanks!

  30. Selena and Miss, I'm glad it interested you. For some of us, weight and health goes so much deeper than diet and exercise, and this is an idea that can really help you heal.

  31. Kirtie's high career note was 'Look Who's Talking'.
    And she's been recreating that 7months pregnat look ever since...

  32. I don't care at all about her weight. I just wish she'd dump the blonde hair. She's beautiful as a brunette.

  33. Mack that's awesome! Good for you!

    Moosh,sign me up for the PAA group!
    I need to quit.

    As for Kristie, I'd like to know why Enty doesn't like her.

  34. Mack, you are the real star of this thread. Kudos to you. I really admire people who take responsibility for their life and you deserve the credit.

  35. Sorry Kirstie .. but you weigh more than 232. She looks far heavier than me and I am 255 at 5'5. But regardless .. very glad she is deciding to lose again. The heavier you get .. the more at risk you are for Type II Diabetes.

    Congrats Mack .. good on you and keep it off! ; )

  36. Way to go Mack! I quit smoking 4 years ago and just now lost the weight I gained when I quit. I want to lose 15 more pounds and that's going to be a screaming dogfight since I am going to be 55 this year :) I attribute what I've lost to exercise and eating better. I am going to check out the intuitive eating site, too.
