Friday, May 15, 2009

Mary Jo Eustace Has A New Book - Love It

**I couldn't decide if the photo was Heather Mills or not, so just went with a different one**

I'm sure that at some point while writing her new book Mary Jo Eustace came to the conclusion that she was much better off without the king of the douches Dean McDermott aka Mr. Tori Spelling. It is because of that realization that she only slammed Dean and Tori just a little in her new book. In one portion of the book she describes how she met with Tori personally to beg her not to break up her marriage.

"I told her I thought (her) behavior thus far had been the height of insensitivity and rudeness. I tried to explain that we were a real family, with a new baby and a substantial history, and there were serious consequences to all of this...
"The toughest moment was when my husband kept calling her to see how the meeting was going. She told him it was 'going great' and joked that we were quickly becoming 'soul mates.' I left the room on that one."

Wow. Dean wasn't calling his own wife for status updates, but was instead calling his future meal ticket. I think Mary Jo shows a lot of restraint in this passage. I'm sure she is happy as hell now that he is out of her life, but at the time this meeting with Tori took place she must have been just devastated. What was Dean expecting his wife and Tori to decide? Was he having Tori end his own marriage for him? Did he think Mary Jo would give her blessing after she sat down with Tori? There are few people in the celebrity world I dislike more than Paris Hilton, but Dean McDermott is right there neck and neck with her. When Tori finally wakes up or finds some new boy toy and dumps Dean, I think he will fade faster than Lindsay Lohan's career.


  1. Is that Mary Jo Eustace? I thought it was Heather Mills.

    Maybe since the post is about a gold-digging manwhore that left his wife for a meal ticket, Enty decided to post a picture of the ultimate gold-digger!?!

  2. Hmmmmm, I could have sworn that was the tool-shed known as Heather Mills...... I agree with princess leia!

  3. i thought that was heather mills too!!

    nasty little story though. what a douche---let the girls fight it out while you're elsewhere, just checking in by phone from time to time.

    i can't wait for the divorce. i hope he ends up with nothing.

  4. ha! I just saw Tori this am on television talking about her new book and had a small conversation with my friend who was over about the former wife and what a crappy deal she got out of it. Having to see those two as an active part of "celeb" culture must be vomit inducing.
    Glad she wrote a book and moved on. When Tori gets daddy's money back its bye bye douchebag. I love Karma.

  5. I totally thought that was Heather Mills.

    To be fair, I don't really know what MJE looks like, but I still think that's Heather.

  6. It is Heather Mills

  7. Heather Mills ftw.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. It's def Heather, but check this out:

    I think the pic might be a little golddigger humor from ENT.

  10. hehe, I thought that was Heather Mills, just googled the two to find out.

  11. When Tori dumps HIM???

  12. i reiterate the age-old truth: it'll end how it started. exhibit A: billy crudup.

    brangelina and dori, look out.

  13. I remember Tori saying a few years back something about Dean's nasty ex-wife who was writing a tell-all. Then Tori was the first one to come out with a tell-all, including details about her affair and subsequent interaction with Mary Jo. Who's the nasty one?

  14. Anonymous12:27 PM

    I saw an episode of their show, and Tori made it plain that she's terrified that Dean will do to her what he did to his first wife.
    How Tori could sit down with the then-Mrs. McDermott and feel...justified(?) in being there is beyond my ability to fathom.
    I don't know WHO I want to do the ultimate dumping in this match....mmmm, I'll go with Tori, finally believing that Dean is cheating. But in THIS case, he won't have been cheating, and he won't be able to convince Tori otherwise because he was a bastard to his first wife.
    Karma, I give you Tori and Dean!

  15. why the picture of heather mills?

  16. Oh yes, I bet she was just the height of poise, restraint, and diplomacy during that conversation. Why I bet she was even wearing a monocle while she spoke with Tori! Maybe even a top hat! *eye roll* Not buying it.

  17. if this meeting was the one tori wrote about in stori telling, then mary jo asked her to meet with her. in mommywood,tori says they all had dinner together last oct for jack's bday.she said she felt inferior to MJ, and when she told dean that, he just said "welcome to my world." why the hell MJ is writing about this 4yrs on i don't know.

  18. Why buy any of their books? It's all useless.

  19. I used to watch MJE's show...I'm pretty sure that pic is MJ, not Heather Mills.

    I HATE MJE...she's snotty and suffers from holier than thou syndrome--but, she was completely f'd over in this whole thing so she gets my sympathy--especially given the fact that she (they) had JUST adopted a child when Dean left her, the scumbag. Scum trumps snot every time.

  20. I go with MJE too. Dean saw a meal ticket and bolted. Also, what a low life to phone in on a 'meeting' to see how it is going. Just by looking at Dean you can see what a bastard he is. BTW - what does Dean actually do for a career?

  21. Loathe the Spellings. Team Eustace all the way. How they feel about themselves is NOT her job; it's theirs.

  22. Enty, i'd save judgement if you havne't actually met or heard MJE.

    she's a total shrew.she could give Kate G lessons.

    i don't condone cheating,but damn why is god's name would you meet with your husbands new gf and beg her to leave you guys alone.
    he's already checked out honey! and its not up to her, its up to him to WANT to stay.

    what nonsense,get over it Canadian Aniston. if it was soo terible stop exploiting it for cash!

  23. Let's hope Dean runs off with the Parisite. Now that would be true Karma.

  24. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Ugh, Tori is the most ugly person on the face of the Earth, inside AND out.

  25. The grainy photo is Mary Jo Eustace. I've seen her on her Canadian cooking show, and this does look like her, not Heather Mills (who now has short hair).

  26. Mary Jo looked like fun on tv. Gotta dish, Jax!

  27. LOL, as if her life wasn't crappy enough, how bad is it if people can't tell the difference between you and Heather Mills? I agree, they're a trio of nastiness, and again, it's the kids who'll end up suffering.

  28. OMG, Dean has a picture of Tori tattooed on his arm. I'm guessing he had that done before he found out she wasn't going to inherit daddy's millions?

  29. A picture of her before or after she turned into an actual skeleton?

  30. Number one, that is MJE.

    Number two, I beg of all CDAN American readers unfamiliar with MJE to not confuse her to be a completely sympathetic creature. She is anything but. Ask any Canadian familiar with her and they will tell you she is a shrill, sarcastic bee-yotch. Jax hit it on the money when she called her the Canadian Aniston with a personality more harsh than Kate Gosselin. Seriously. This woman fancies herself as something along the lines of Grace from 'Will & Grace'. What she thinks is biting humor & quick wit is nothing more than a completely nasty personality.

  31. Linnea, before. It actually looks pretty good for being Tori Spelling. :)

  32. Anonymous6:37 AM

    So, let me see if I have this right...Mary Jo is a b**** so...she deserved to be cheated on and left with 2 children? Wow, in that case I hope none of us have ever acted b*tchy in our life!

    I don't really see how she's exploited the situation for cash. If that's all she wrote about it in her book, then I would say it's pretty mild. As opposed to Tori & Dean, who have turned their marriage and children into one big money making machine. And Tori Spelling is definitely no one to talk as far as tell-all books go!

  33. Who the F*** cares about MJE... shes a nobody (wll not in the US). PPl only get a once in a life time opportunity to meet their significant other, obviously tori n dean were married to ppl who were not right for them. OK yes, they shud not have cheated on thir partners but both thier marriages were growing sour any way. dont hate on TORI for taking action, hate on MJE for not doing anything to improve her marriage b4 tori came along... tori has a better personality anyway!

  34. Tori Spelling is hideous inside and out and also married to a man with the closest set together eyes on the planet. He is fat and ugly and also a golddigging adulterer. Anyone who believes you can find your soulmate while you are still wearing a wedding ring is confusing souls with sex. They are two different things.

  35. Just want to add to everyone else's comments that I can see why tori and her mom don't see eye to eye. I'm sure her mom does not like her behavior. She made a big mistake. Tori and Dean are going to reap what they sow. It is no one's business about his marriage to Mary Jo. He should not have betrayed her like that. He should have handled it differently. He's going to pay for what he did. I think Tori's mom is embarassed for her daughter and just stays out of it. And you can tell by Tori's attitude that she doesn't give a damn. It's really sad when you bring all these children in the world and they have to suffer behind idots. You should be very careful how you treat people. What goes around comes around. Just wait and see.

  36. stop whining mary jo...u are just trying 2 write a book 2 get revenge on tori and dean..i have been a fan of tori since 90210...and i have seen every episode of tori and dean...get on with your life and stop putting tori down!!!!!!!!!!!
