Monday, May 04, 2009

Matthew McConaughey Is A Super Hero

The in thing for celebrities right now must be to be a superhero. Two weeks ago we had Elisha Cuthbert and her miraculous feat of strength when she jumped over a cab that was about to run her down. Yes, that was a great story, but she was only saving herself. What we need is an actor who not only saves himself but saves his baby from evil. Or a ram.

Matthew McConaughey was on vacation at the Grand Canyon with his girlfriend and 10 month old son. They were just wandering around. Matthew of course was not wearing a shirt and was posing to no one in particular, but still kept finding shiny rocks to check himself out. Anyway, when he got distracted by an imperfect looking muscle, he let a ram sneak up behind him and his baby who he was carrying.

The ram started kicking up dust in their direction. What could Matthew do to save his son? "I'm holding eyes with this ram getting up real steady.... I need something to get behind in case he charges. I ended up snugging up behind this briar patch... I sat there for about a 15-second stand-off. Then he popped up over the other side of the cliff. Four lady rams were on the other side."

That was a close one. Stay tuned for our next actor hero adventure.


nancer said...

lady rams?

he's such a dipshit. i don't believe a word of this story. he should have made it a grizzly or something---it sounds much better than being threatened by a killer sheep.

lmnop123 said...
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lmnop123 said...

WTF Matthew? Your movie didn't do very well at the theaters this weekend so this is the best you could come up with?

Shut up and take your shirt off already.

That's all you're good for.

figgy said...

Enty, you are hilarious!

figgy said...
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jax said...

come on you can't see MM saying "Lady Rams" ??

LOL, hilarious. I can totally hear him now and then following it up with a story about the time he rescued a duck from an alligator in the florida wilds after wondering too far on a LSD trip after Burning Man.

A Pimp Named DaveR said...

"So I look at the ram and he was like, 'dude'! and I was like 'alrightalrightalright' and it was totally cool then, brah. Rams, man. Rams."

ElsieFire said...

ROFLMFAO, Pimp! You nailed it!

Ms Cool said...

Perhaps he was playing the bongos a few minutes prior.

FrenchGirl said...

LOL!!! said...

Tom Cruise will be saving a life in

ardleighstreet said...

HAHAHAHA! Maybe the Ram thought the Poser was in danger of "romancing" his sheep or was attracted by the bongo playing.


He saved the baby from the Ram by hiding in a BRIAR PATCH? WTF! Who endangered the kid more?

ardleighstreet said...

"Wash that Gray" Great one Enty!

Annie P. doesn't age.

I thought Dean W. was doing "Itsy Bitsy Spider" or counting on his fingers.

It seems like Eva also needs some pants.

Brooke (shakes head) what an unfortunate hat. My grandmother use to have throw pillows for her sofa that looked similar. Hand made doiley included.

Love Ms. March's hat.

Thank you Kriten J. for gaining some weight. I was scared there for awhile she was going to vanish.Good to see she feels better.

Mr.Mellencamp looks like Ron White.
Maybe he can be TaterChip.

Funny Tom Cruise joke.


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