Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Movie News - Lots Of Movie News

I generally don't post movie news unless it is something big, but there just seems to be so much of it yesterday and today that I thought, what the hell, might as well.

Footloose - I'm not so sure they needed a remake, but as bad as Kenny Loggins looked last week, I figured what the hell, and give him a chance to maybe make a buck or two. I'm not saying they will be using his old songs, but they might throw him a bone and let him cut a new track for the movie. The lead in this thing was originally supposed to go to Zac Efron, but he decided that he would much rather fade into obscurity that much quicker and so took a pass. So, in second place comes the official signing of Chace Crawford who I think is actually a much better choice. He is a little edgier than Zac, and Kevin Bacon was not exactly some goody goody in his portrayal. In disturbing news about the movie it is being rumored that the female lead is going to go to Miley Cyrus. Yeah, that is the way to destroy it quickly. Lori Singer was sooo not Miley Cyrus. Worst casting decision. Ever. The only thing that could possibly make that decision pale in comparison would be if they let Miley record the title track. Oh, and if they let Billy Ray play the father.
Ghostbusters 3 - Dan Aykroyd sat down for an interview with the LA Times this week and said that Ghostbusters 3 should start filming this winter. The entire original cast, including Sigourney Weaver is now on board. I know Sigourney had been holding out, but honestly, I don't think at this stage in her very illustrious career she should be thinking of passing on a movie which will be guaranteed to break $100M at the box office. The big holdup though appears to have been Bill Murray, or as Dan calls him, "Billy." Billy boy owns 20% of the concept and had been reluctant to do a third installment. Probably because he has been working regularly while Dan hangs out at The House Of Blues and wonders if he can somehow figure out how to make another Blues Brothers movie. Don't get me wrong, I LOVE Dan Aykroyd. I'm the only person I know who can watch Dr. Detroit more than once a year. One thing I don't like about the movie is that the idea is supposed to be a passing of the torch. The original characters will only be in it for a short while and then pass it off to, for now a group of female Ghostbusters. Dan likes Alyssa Milano and Eliza Dushku. At this point I guess I will take what I can get and hope for the best.
Zoolander 2 - The folks over at /film had a little chat with Ben Stiller about the possibility of a Zoolander sequel. I liked the original a lot. It was right on that dividing line between good and painful and so it worked. I'm not so sure they could pull of that balancing act again. /film agrees with me to the point they don't think the world is ready. This is not something that is close to happening so don't get your hopes up. The movie would take place about 10 years in the future with Ben's character running a modeling school and raising a kid. Meh. Sounds like almost any sitcom any day of the week on tv. Just substitute modeling school owner for some other job.
Twilight 4 - In probably the least surprising movie news of the day, Robert Pattinson took the time while at Cannes to share the news with the world that there will be a fourth installment of the Twilight series. Shocker I know. I mean, they are filming 2 and 3 right now, so I think anyone could have guessed they are going to go the whole way with this thing.


  1. Don't think I'll see the Footloose remake. But please, can we finally just let Billy Ray Cyrus' career die already?

    Everything I've seen Ben Stiller in is just a little too far on the painful side for me.

    I don't like "Billy" Murray.

    I don't care about Twilight. I think Rob Pattinson is homely. And I know all the Twi's are gonna come out of the woodwork because Enty wrote about him today, and I will catch hell.

    Boy, am I full of piss and vinegar today.

  2. whole_lotto_luv not so full of love today? lol

    so you don't like Bill Murray or you don't like the nickname "billy"?????

    if it's the former i have to say....why not???????????

    you might get more hell from the bill murray thing than the twilight thing ;)

  3. Well I'm not a Bill Murray fan, either. He reluctantly pulled me in with the first Ghostbusters, and I did like him in Lost in Translation (very subdued). Anything else? No way. Still can't forgive him for What About Bob.

    Let Zoolander be. Yes, it's one of those movies that grows on you and becomes hilarious, but we don't need anymore Blue Steel.

    I agree whole_lotto_luv - he is homely. Look how photoshopped that picture is. Flame away kids, you will not change our minds.

  4. well, there's no accounting for taste....

  5. Bodie, sorry, I don't like Murray. He irritated me when he was on SNL and I've never been able to let it go.

    I never claimed to love anyone or anything except the lotto, which I hope one day to win. Reminds me, need to go get a powerball.

  6. I think Robert Pattinson made a very good Cedric Diggory -- had just the right amount of dreamboat charm to pull off the part, however lately he has looked pastey, scummy and frankly, I can smell the stank of him right now off my computer screen.

    I'm not a Twilight fan, so I could care less, but I've heard my Twilight-obsessed friends say that the fourth book was just awful. Curious to see how they film the demon-eating-the-fetus-out-of Kristen-Stewart's-womb scene.

  7. Why must Hollywood remake everything? It's so unnecessary. Same thing with sequels. I loved Zoolander, but I'm iffy about doing a Zoolander 2. Just let it be! Ghostbusters ... maybe? Or will it be just like the new Indian Jones?
    Twilight? I'm not surprised to hear about the 4th installment. All I have to say is that I don't like vampires and I don't care for vegetarianism. Pass.

  8. i saw zoolander again not so long ago... and i have to admit, it wasnt great. on the other hand, it is the only ben still movie i have sat through, so that is saying something

  9. RPatts nothing for me as an actor or person, but the character Edward Cullen? HELLO!

    i know, i don't get it either. everything in my heartless soul should reject this nonsense.
    i am powerless, send help. i resisted with all of me being watching the shit wreck known as Twilight forever....finally caved and now i own the freakin movie.
    my bad.

  10. i'm so not into any of these remakes. i'll try to get excited tho.


  12. Jax, I'm officially revoking your membership in the Heartless Bitch Club. Shame on you for betraying our values!!! ;)

  13. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Jax, you made me spit out tea. I am ashamed, too. Hated the books. Loved his intensity in the first Twi. Kill me now.

  14. I'm still pissed that Kevin Bacon et al got robbed - ROBBED I'm tellin' ya - by The Academy. Footloose should've swept the Oscars.

    Miley in Lori Singer's role? No. Give her fake teeth, shove her in a fat suit and let her play Ariel's virgin friend who has no lines and gets paired off at the prom with "Man in Blue Tuxedo #2."

    As if.

  15. I have to say, Jax, I am a bit surprised too... :)

  16. But good for you! Hey, I am a sucker for Harry Potter, so who am I kidding?

  17. i know i suck! it spoke to my inner tween, what can i say?
    I'm not reading the books, not going to stalk the cast and I won't become a Fanpire!

    bloody hell, the makeup job in that movie was freakin terrible,but damn! Cullen brought out the giddy girl in me and i will forever hold my head in shame.

    i have let you all down, my apologies.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Can't anyone in Hollywood make an original movie instead of simply re-doing another one? How lazy can you get. Is there some sort of
    re-make workshop weekend all studio executives go to?

  20. i didn't even need to read this whole thing. so it's more sequels and remakes with people i don't give 2 shits about in them.
    count me out on all of them. the movie biz in this country is dead to me.

  21. oh, jax...

    I didn't read any of the books, and I don't intend to. And as homely as I think Pattinson is, I put Twilight on my netflix list and got it the day it was released. And I watched it. And I liked it. Didn't rip a copy of it, but I'd probably watch it again.

  22. speaking of vampire novels... i loved true blood, and i want to read those sookie novels the show is based on, but i also don´t want any spoilers! Has anyone here read them - are they ok?

  23. Pattinson was great in Little Ashes. I haven't seen How To Be, but the reviews for the movie are pretty good. I cannot help myself. I am in love with him. I am not surprised that they are making the 4th Twilight movie. Look how much money they are making!!
    I loved Zoolander, but one certainly is enough.

  24. Linnea, I haven't read those, but I really like Charlaine Harris's "Harper Connelly" series. I'd bet $ than they're a hell of a lot better than the Twilight books!

  25. Anonymous2:03 PM

    Re: Ghostbusters, I'm upset that they weren't able to use Ghostbusters Go to Hell the concept Aykroyd's been trying to do for years. :(

  26. Pattison is pulling a 'blue steel' face in the photo below the Zoolander one. It's hilarious to see them so close to one another... hmmm, which one is real and which one is mocking?

  27. I'm chiming in on the Sookie Stackhouse series. I've read all but the latest book. Harris is now just trying to draw out the series. The first 5ish were great...after that I feel like she just kind of wrote for the money.

    As far as Twilight...I've been a fan, will always be a fan. RPatz...not so much...Edward Cullen...swoon! He's super hot as Edward! And I'll take Jasper too, thank you very much! And now I'm gonna go watch the movie...again LOL

  28. I read all the Twi books over a weekend. They are puff. Interesting retake on the vampire canon, I'll give her that. Also makes Potter look like Greek mythology. But not a bad read, better than a romance, as far as I'm concerned. I liked the movie too, my expectations were pretty low, so I wasn't disappointed, unlike the Underworld "prequel/sequel" YOU BASTARDS WHAT DID YOU DO!!!!

  29. Reading Jax's comment about what brought-out the "giddy girl" in her got me to thinking. That might be a good subject for a Friday It's Your Turn - who brings out the giddy girl (or boy) in you? I'll start: I'm a 50-something woman who still loves cute guys in bands. My new favs are the King of Leon. I watched them online at the KROQ Weinie Roast last saturday and I must say that these young men and their music are sex on a stick! Lordy! I was definately feeling the giddy girl. You?
