Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nicollette Sheridan's Boyfriend Convicted Of Receiving Stolen Property

Apparently Michael Bolton didn't have enough of an edge about him for Nicollette Sheridan. OK, lets face it. Any human being alive probably has more edge to them than Michael Bolton, but still, this is definitely going to the opposite extreme. It seems that Nicollette's new boyfriend plead no contest to buying stolen horses back in 2000. Four horses were stolen from a ranch in California and her boyfriend Steven Pate bought the horses knowing they were stolen.

When a reward was offered by the rightful owners of the horses, Steven came forward and said he had information about the horses but wanted the $10,000 reward. Instead he got arrested and charged with five felonies including Grand Theft Animal. Uh oh. That plan didn't work out did it.

Steven plead no contest and was sentenced to jail. After completing his jail term and probation, the felonies were reduced to misdemeanors. Nicollette of course has to spin this the best way she can. I'm surprised she didn't dump the guy, but maybe she is waiting until they buy a house together or something and then try and keep it. Anyway, her spokesperson said, "Steven didn't know the horses were stolen when he received them, and was the person who brought the information to attention of the authorities."

Uh huh. Then why did he plead no contest and go to jail?


  1. *had no idea there was such a thing as "grand theft animal"* thx enty!

  2. Damn1 First Sizemore is holding up a Verizon Wireless, now we got a dude caugth with stolen horses. Is this ghetto theft day at CDAN?

  3. Yes Pookie - I couldn't stop laughing at grand theft animal either.

  4. "but maybe she is waiting until they buy a house together or something and then try and keep it"

    LOL, soo true with this one!

  5. "but maybe she is waiting until they buy a house together or something and then try and keep it."

    sounds like they deserve each other.

  6. How did I miss her and Michael Bolton breaking up? I'm losing my gossip touch - or maybe I just don't care about them enough.
