Thursday, May 07, 2009

Paula Abdul Live!

I guess "Live" means lip syncing these days.


  1. I caught the tail end of it.....NOT GOOD !!!!! IMO, she looked a tad bit too old to be up there dancing the way she was.

  2. She was so stiff, I thought she might break a hip. The hair in her face drove me crazy.

    No Doubt, on the other hand, was awesome.

  3. Late first post today, Enty. I guess that drink from yesterday turned into a "few." Hope the headache isn't too bad. :)

  4. i wonder if paula ever envies the kids that have actual talent...let's face it, she's cute, but she can't sing for crap.

  5. An international superstar!


  6. I only made it a few bars into the song. Seriously - lipsynching is one thing if you're going to dance and stuff (even though I think she could have done it on a show other than American Idol, for obvious reasons), but the amount of auto tuner on that song is ridiculous. I still don't think she is MV, as "S", the singer behind MV is described as "very, very good". Whoever is singing on Paula Abduls records is mediocre at best.

  7. Guess I had too much wine last night, 'cause I thought she did a good job with the dancing.

    BTW - Paula was in a meeting once and the guy holding the meeting called Paula a 'Star.' Paula put her hand on his knee and said "Superstar." She was NOT joking.

  8. no no...she performed live.
    just didn't sing live.

    it's all in the wording.

    either way it was like watching my Nana shake it to Kylie circa '99.

  9. I disagree Harriet, have always thought she was MV, always will.

  10. The BI about the pop star who is pulling a Milli Vanilli by having someone else sing her tracks.

    This is not her voice at all, it does not sound like the same voice as in forever your girl or rush rush or vibeology, etc

  11. Remember when Milli Vanilli got caught lip synching? Scandal of the century. These days it's bordering on acceptable, so it makes one wonder why people pay so much money for concert tickets for people who can't sing.

  12. No Doubt was awesome, as usual. Gwen is an amazing live performer.

  13. Stardust, me too, only my beverage was Bud Light not wine. Maybe my expectations were low, but I thought she did a pretty good job.

    Hell, not falling off the stage and at least trying to move her lips to the words of the song (hear that Brit) were good enough for me. How 'bout that swan dive? That took guts (or a bunch of pills). LOL.

  14. No kidding blondy - there were a couple of times I was afraid they were going to drop her on her head. Can you imagine the psychobabble that would come out of her mouth at judging after that??

  15. i have to add its pretty sad when the contestants can sing rings around the talent.

    i'm looking at you Gwen.

  16. I was afraid she would fall, she seems so unsteady and always drunk that I'm shocked she pulled this off.

  17. Did she destroy whatever voice she did have at some point? I mean seriously why do her her new "songs" have so much robotic production on her voice?

  18. Yup Jax,

    What was with Gwen last night? It's like she had no idea that moving and singing are difficult to synchronize (which is why so many of the others opt not to actually sing while performing). Actually, a few of the 'stars' who've come on to perform have really, really sucked and I find the standing ovations afterward to be partronizing. I mean, are they deaf? I had been looking forward to No Doubt only to be really disappointed with the quality of the performance. But, it must be said, Gwen still looks good.

    And, Paula has always been a horrible singer, but the girl/old girl can totally move, extreme pain and all.

  19. IMO, if you are a singer or want to be qualified as one, you have to sing live no matter how much you're going to move/dance during the song.

    If you want to dance, not sing, go call yourself a dancer.

  20. I don't understand why there isn't a big uproar that the JUDGE of a SINGING COMPETITION whose entire purpose for being selected as a judge is for her so called star (-oops, SUPERstar sorry Paula!)talent in singing can't even sing live herself. What a joke MV!!!

  21. Wa, or do what Madonna does (or used to do). I remember reading many years ago that she mostly sang live, but did pre-recorded for the most strenuous dance sequences. That seems reasonable to me.

  22. Or, do what most professional (not necessarily famous), which is vocal exercises while RUNNING. That'll build a shitload of stamina. Me, I can barely stroll and hum scales at the same time...*LOL*

  23. Paula looked like an older, brunette Britney Spears

  24. Harriet, that reminds me, I saw the Rolling Stones in concert and that's basically what Mick did - sang while running from one end of the stage to the other. That show blew me away.

  25. kat- I agree, Iv'e seen Gwen live and that was really a shortwinded preformance from her. Is California getting the wind blown pollen like we are in Seattle area?

    I can hardly breath and have a squeeky voice myself- along with the eyes etc.
