Thursday, May 28, 2009

Prescription Meds Are Pricey - Courtney Love Sued

Apparently prescription medicines are more expensive than I thought. Either that or Courtney Love has some truly awful insurance. American Express is suing Courtney because Courtney refuses to pay them for the more than $350,000 in charges she has racked up. They have revoked her gold card. Uh oh? She didn't have a Black Card? Well, I guess we know why. I mean if she can't even pay off a lousy $350K then there is no way she should have a Black Card.

How in the hell does Courtney spend $350K? She dresses like crap. She stays in all the time rambling on her various blogs and sites and when she does travel somewhere it is usually on the dime of someone else. That only leaves meds. I know, I know there is probably more to it than that, but $350K is a lot of shopping. I wonder how long they let it go before they stopped her from using the card. If one of us were a day or two late they would cut us off, but I bet someone somewhere at AMEX didn't want to be the subject of one of her rants and therefore let it go as long as possible. I wonder where she finally got declined. I'm guessing at 7-11 when she tried to buy a carton of cigarettes.

I don't know where she spends all her money. She sold a huge portion of Nirvana's catalog and got a ton of money from that, but failed to pay the $1M to the firm who negotiated the sale. She says that people have been stealing from her, but I think she has a bunch of different names she calls herself and they have been stealing.


  1. Anonymous12:12 PM

    'Twas Francis Bean!

  2. I guess Valtrex and cosmetic surgery ain't cheap.......

  3. It's the Oxy - that stuff is expensive!

  4. She's starting to look like Felicity Huffman to me. Not that that's such a bad thing, but she doesn't even look like the same person at all.

    Plastic surgery & cigarettes - tobacco's gotten mighty pricey lately.

  5. *wishes my CCs had those limits*!

  6. To paraphrase Dolly Parton, it takes a lot of money to look that trashy.

  7. She was making fun of Pamela Anderson the other week because she didn't have a credit card.....

  8. not every well-to-do or rich person should have a black amex. some of those people are late with payments and such. american express would be idiots if they let every celeb have one.

  9. hush money.

    or maybe she had a bunch of tee shirts printed up that say "I had my husband killed and all I got was this lousy tee shirt."

  10. My mother used to say "There are 3 things in life that can take all your money and keep you out all night- drugs/alcohol, sex or gambling". Since I have never heard of a gambling issue w/Ms. Love I'd say it's the 1st two.

  11. jax, it's so wrong of me to laugh at that, yet here I am, spitting doctor pepper all over the screen...

  12. From following her on Twitter, my guess is she spent most of it on designer clothes and furniture/ interior designers. Then again, her tweets are quite hard to decipher sometimes and she updates like every 30 seconds.

  13. courtneylover79:outliers waits and im only on chapter 2 teh 10000 hour rule amerex come on i have a good feeling about your solid i bet taurean ass!


  14. she's just plain nuts, isn't she? she's the epitome of white trash with money---and now she doesn't have any left and owes out her ass.
    i do find her blogs pretty funny though. reminds me of when i did my psych rotation just reading them.

  15. This is your brain on drugs. Any questions?

  16. although amex has gotten really nasty lately. apparently i was a week late one month, and they called and i paid them online immedietely. a few months later, i paid off the entire 17k balance, and as soon as they got it, they lowered my limit to 1k. needless to say, i was a bit peeved.

    oh, and kellylynn- oxy ain't that bad with insurance!

  17. Oh, dear goodness. one of my coworkers passed by as the pic for this thread was up and said about C. Love: "Who is that girl? I kind of like her haircut!"


  18. Jax, are you going to be taking orders on that shirt?

  19. oh i so should!

  20. jax, sign me up for a medium!

  21. Bunny, it ain't just AmEx. All the credit card companies have opened the gates of hell and let the evil out. They've exploited people for years, been a big part of causing the financial crisis, (I was once offered a $100,000 limit card, and I have a $35,000 annual salary!) and now that people are suffering they're getting even more vicious. They're planning to bring back annual fees for everyone, in addition to lowering limits and raising interest rates. I've got a year left on my repayment plan, and after that I don't intend to ever have a credit account again. (Thank goodness for debit cards for making hotel reservations & car rentals.)

    Sorry for the rant, but I HATE the credit card companies.
