Friday, May 08, 2009

Rihanna Does The Naked Cell Phone Picture Thing

I generally ignore the naked cell phone picture type things unless it is someone big. I ignored all the Cassie pictures this week because, except for dating Diddy she hasn't done diddly. Cute huh? Plus, I'm pretty sure it was all for publicity anyway. But, Rihanna naked is an entirely different kind of story and I am wondering who decided to leak all of these. This should be a very interesting story. Click here to see the NSFW ones. The picture below is from the same session. It is allegedly Chris Brown. Notice the mirror in the background and then compare it to the mirror in the NSFW photos and you will see it is the same.


  1. Chris beat-her-down leak, anyone?

  2. andrea2:37 PM

    I think this is all very suspicious. Chris Brown's camp is manipulating her image... I mean, somehow we all blame Rihanna for staying with CB. She is the dumb ho. She looks bad. Now, naked pics. If she wasn't a dumb ho before, she is after these. She looks really bad - and Chris Brown? He'll be back soon. They are working overtime to tarnish her image.

    We also don't know the timeline of these. And what's with the red eyes in that picture? She looks like she was crying. I have a feeling we're talking about someone whose been abused pretty bad... there's a lot we don't know.

  3. She looks stoned outta her head.

  4. Really classy Chris.

  5. None of the nude ones show her face, this may very well be someone else. There is no doubt in my mind that Chris Brown or someone in his camp leaked these pics.

  6. Anonymous2:54 PM

    Harriet - ONTD has built the case. There is an additional picture of Chris Brown in the same room (tattoos match, sheets and mirrors on the wall match). Her hip tattoo is visible in the shot with the writing on the mirror (not a nude), but the one where she's cupping her crotch and a pierced tit hanging out, she's wearing a bracelet that matches one she's been seen publicly with.

  7. Anonymous2:54 PM

    i agree with @angela-
    very suspicious!
    all of that news about how they reconciled but not a shred of real evidence proving that they were even together in florida (when the jetski pics were taken)

    i have to admit that his PR people must be pretty good because with the severity of the situation coupled with the images of her bruised face- chris brown has not completely gone down in flames yet careerwise.

    i just dont get it.
    anytime i hear him on the radio in any capacity i immediately change the channel. no thanks!

    and nude pics of someone does not mean that chris brown should get off for beating her. i dont see how these pics prove anything about rihanna's character and hopefully the public will not turn on her.

  8. Anonymous3:22 PM

    just saw the pic of the writing on the mirror. it says "I love you. I miss you. Robyn" which is her legal name. wut a jerk

  9. Won't play as well as the battered pictures to a jury.

    Naked cellphone shots to a boyfriend are nothing new or shocking anymore. Especially when you're young, legal & everything is still in it's place. (If I was her age with that bod you couldn't keep clothes on me!)

    Sadly for the ex, NOTHING justifies a beat-down like she got.

  10. Anonymous3:33 PM

    I dunno Rihanna doesn't really have big boobs that picture of her boob hanging doesn't really look like her and her legs look more toned. Rihana has some beefy legs. The first picture could be her but the rest are iffy.

  11. this is lame, who cares that she sends naked pics to her man (even if he is an asshole). This just seems like their pulling at straws. I mean if he can beat her and not lose his credibility as an "artist" she can strip and keep her "artist" stature as well. I'm not 100% sure the pics are really of her and if they are again who cares.

  12. Why would it ruin her image? She's got a great ass. She's not bound by the rules of being a beauty pageant queen. If this is the best Chris can come up with, then he's even dumber than he looks.

  13. Which is pretty damn dumb, by the way.

  14. Anonymous3:56 PM

    did n e you on her blaming chris as usual, call him up personally and ask him if he leaked these? if you did what did he say? no you didn't so shut the fuck up!

  15. Anonymous3:57 PM

    get the fuck off chris nuts already!

  16. Anonymous3:59 PM

    If I were Chris, I would have spent more time smacking that ASS than her face. Regardless, I believe it's her because she's that stupid to let him take those pictures. She's a whore and he's a typical douchebag brutha.

  17. I just don't get why these famous types don't think before they take naked shots of themselves. They are exactly the ones who people want to see (as Enty said, who gives a crap about Diddy's bit of gear).... sadly, it's usually the teenage/really young ones too.

  18. Anonymous4:49 PM

    God I just love Fridays anonymous feature *eye roll*. I notice this is the first time we've seen a pro-Chris Brown statement here.

    At any rate, I bet these won't even hurt her career. She looks great, and he's just trying to discredit her and shame her into silence. Don't let it work peeps!

  19. WHERE ARE THE NAKED FAMOUS MEN? Is it because they're not dumb enough? Tired of all this T&A from talentless bimbos!

  20. The pictures of fully naked "Rhianna" and half naked Rhianna are not in the same bathroom which I think makes it seem kind of fake- plus in all the pictures where "Rhianna"'s face is not showing but actual nudity is, the person has long, black nails. In the pictures where Rhianna is dressed and we actually see her face she has short, not black nails. Could have been taken at different times but I am very skeptical about the validity of these pictures.

  21. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Son, you got a panty on your head.

  22. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Get over the Chris Brown thing already. Did he beat your mother, sister, aunt, daughter? No but you want to crucify him. What he did is between Rhianna and him. What he did was wrong, let the court and God decide his fate. If you dont want to support him good but dont get mad when others support him. Why would he leak the photos when he would be prime suspect #1

  23. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Whose to say she sent the pics to Chris? Diddy and Jay-Z have been pretty tight for a minute maybe its like trading cards diddy showed his "gal" now Jay upped the ante and showed his. LOl I'm reaching but in the entertainment world anything goes.

  24. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I don't know if he leaked them, if they're real or what, but I wouldn't be surprised. He's already shown us the kind of guy he is.

  25. X17 says these photos were being shopped around long before Chris beat Rhianna.. They say an ex of Rhianna released them and he also released the Cassie ones.. Is X17 even remotely reliable? i don't know much about them.


  26. Anonymous7:33 PM

    the pics seems too clear to be a cell phone

  27. She looks like she has a busted upper lip in picture #5.

  28. HIBAPITA is dead-on! ...Rihanna is clothed in EVERY pic that shows either her face or her hair - You never even see her HEAD in the nude pics! It's also interesting that she's wearing black nail polish in all the "nude" shots, but never in the clothed ones. Also - did ya notice that the "unusual" mirror is seen ONLY in the background of the nude photos (& those of CHRIS BROWN), but it's nowhere to be found in the pics that show Rihanna's FACE/hair/head? (This is the part that convinces me Chris IS involved in this mess.) Also - nothing against Rihanna, but her thighs/knees DO look bigger/more muscular in the clothed/robe pic (and in other photos, such as THIS one) than they do in the nudes.

    Think for a second: Just how EASY would it be for Chris/anyone with $$$ to find some chick/stripper/wannabe with a body similar to Rihanna's, to pose for these photos?? Pretty damn easy... Then just intersperse them with the REAL (perfectly innocent/"boring") photos, and WA-LA -- SCANDAL!!! ...And how the heck is Rihanna supposed to prove (instantaneously) this isn't her? She could probably prove it in a court of law, but on the Internet?? Not a chance. Once those pics are out there, people will believe what they want to believe... And that bastard KNEW it.

    Of course, it shouldn't even matter if these were real... She's young & thought she was "in LOVE" with the a-hole. Does that make her a criminal? HARDLY. Sadly, though, photos like these can affect a woman's reputation... which is why it MATTERS that they're extremely likely to be FAKES.

    Ugh... This just makes me sick.

  29. I am totally with you Carolyn. And as for the "cb didnt beat up his mom so we shouldnt care" - are you for real? Jeeez.

  30. Anonymous5:40 AM

    That's not Chris Brown. Chris Brown has a tattoo of Jesus on his shoulder. I don't know what that tat is, but it's not Jesus.

  31. i think it looks like her nails are black in the clothed pics...maybe she isnt showing her face in case of them ever getting leaked, like they did, so she could deny it by saying her face isnt visible...

  32. Doesn't Rihanna have more tattoos than the naked chick? I dunno, because I can't really see any. I thought she had a lot.

    Anyway, the Chris Brown pics and the nudes look like a hotel room, but the "I love you, I miss you" shot is in a different bathroom.

    How far-fetched is it to imagine Chris Brown interspersing his OWN pictures, of a girl who could be Rihanna, with a sweet photo that Rihanna herself took and sent to him? He's an amoral beater. He certainly could be capable of cheating.

    Also, her boobs look whiter in the "I love you" shot than in the nude shot. But that could be a distortion of the flash.

  33. And yes, she does look like she has a bruise on her cheek and a healing busted lip in the face shots.

  34. everybody's doing it these days, eh? We'd all better jump on the bandwagons and get those phone cameras clicking away.

  35. Yes I bet nobody "complained" to Google about this, did they?

  36. This shouldn't be a scandal. I've sent my man pics of me and I'd b crushed if he ever leaked them. All the ame, I am not a celebrity and unless he sent them directly to my family and friends, they would never see them (come on, how many nude pics are there of random girls on the net?)

    Rihanna is a celebrity and because of that fact this is "scandalous". BUT she really has nothing to be ashamed of, whereas whoever leaked the pics (and i'm kinda thinking it's not cb) should be very ashamed....
