Monday, May 18, 2009

Ryan O'Neal Wants To Exploit Farrah Fawcett Just A little More

Ryan O'Neal has not had this much camera time since the last time he got arrested for drugs. He is loving the attention Farrah Fawcett's condition is bringing him. He is loving it so much that they are filming Farrah as we speak so they can show another installment of her fight against cancer. I'm sure that if and when Farrah passes away, Ryan will be right there with a camera in hand with Alana Stewart standing right next to him making sure he gets the right shot. Enough already. Why do we need more? Why do we need Ryan O'Neal calling in to the Today Show to tell us all of this? Oh yeah. NBC showed the first part, and was number one in its time slot. OK, so NBC wants more also. Nothing like death to get those numbers up.

Oh, and remember how a few weeks ago, Farrah didn't even know Redmond was in shackles when he came to visit? How she was so out of it she had no clue he was in jail or wearing his prison jumpsuit to visit her? OK, so then how do you explain this quote from Alana Stewart about Farrah watching the special?

"I was a little nervous. She cried a few times. It was quite emotional for her. When it was over [I asked her], 'OK, so did you like it?'"

Fawcett apparently responded "very much".

Uh huh. So, Farrah stayed awake through the entire two hours? Uh huh. She was probably crying because she couldn't believe Alana wanted to be paid double to keep filming her dear friend. I hate the lot of them.


  1. Anonymous12:16 PM

    Her condition at the end looked like it was pretty dire - she didn't even seem to register Redmond was there. I half expected to read the news Sat or Sun that she had finally lost her battle. To read that she was fully aware watching the broadcast on friday and commenting on it, doesn't ring right.

  2. I really wish she would pass away and be out of pain and away from these so-called "dear friends".

  3. what's worse than death?

    having these 2 vultures circling you, that's what.

    the thing about dying is it gets pretty boring. she'll go to sleep and stay that way for a period of time and then she'll die.

    so what will they fill it with this time? themselves, perhaps? gee, i hope they catch that one last dying breath---GREAT for ratings!!!

  4. Ryan ONeal and Alana Stewart are monsters.

  5. Ryan and Alana are scum. How do they sleep at night - other than with each other? Disgusting.

  6. no doubt about RON and AS being ghouls but I was also taken aback that anyone would want to go through that crap, the experimental treatments, the chemo, all of itas FF did. I know it is to each his own but I think that it is ok to die a good death-to not do these things and go thru this pain and butchery.

  7. Anyone wanna lay bets on exactly when Ryan and Alanna will become a couple following Farrah's death?

  8. audieh_1,
    Alanna has already been with every other celeb so I wouldn't be surprised and I'd say they deserve each other. I kind of think that Ryan is enjoying being "relevant". Sad.

  9. This is all so bizarre. I have worked in clinical cancer research for 10 years. I see patients at her stage wanting to go home to be with family to die or still trying to fight, but they are in so much pain it's oxycontin 24/7 at high doses. Maybe Farrah is trying to catch a last few bucks for her kid, too. I don't know.

  10. I didn't watch the whole show, just saw one little portion as I was passing through a room and it was about trying alternatives in order to save her famous hair.

    I found that appalling. Maybe I misheard or misunderstood what was going on but if they delayed proper treatment for cosmetic reasons how asinine is that.

    Am I right on what happened?

    I really don't care to watch the whole thing as it seemed depressing.

  11. I watched some of it last week and was alternately transfixed and repulsed. Maybe it's the unrelenting and redundant on-air coverage of every step of her decline that puts me off so much, because the source of the hyping has got to be O'Neal. I would hate to think that Farrah Fawcett is the one driving all of it, but who knows. Celebrities are weird.

  12. robert, i also caught that part and thought 'huh?? did she forego any treatments because of her HAIR????' i don't know if she did or not, but it did get my attention.
    they also recommended a colostomy from the beginning and she refused it. that's her right, of course, but then when i heard the hair thing, it made me wonder how realistic she was being about her treatment.

  13. As repulsive as Ryan and Alanna are, Farrah surrounded herself with them before she got cancer. I can't imagine if she were aware of their doings that she would be surprised. She knew what they were before.

  14. oh, i don't mean ANY treatments---i mean the ones that would have resulted in hair loss. it sounded like she only agreed to those very late in the game.

  15. I watched part of it and it actually made me cry. I give her a lot of credit for sharing her story. It really puts a face on the ravaging effect of cancer. I am certain that Farrah is doing this to help others and to raise awareness.

    Who knows with Ryan. I remember when Ryan was battling lukemia and Farrah ran to his side and helped take care of him and nurse him back to health, so he does owe her big time. Farrah supposedly asked Allanah to do this for her, so not sure I want to hate on her.

    I think it is quite apparent that Farrah knows she is being filmed and is more than OK with it, and is also OK with having her friend and Ryan with her at this time. I think there really is love there on all sides. At least I hope.

    It is just so sad to see her in this state, or anyone for that matter. It is scary to see a young beautiful woman turned into this poor sick woman. The whole thing just made me cry and I really hope (Pollyanna that I am) that everyone is doing this for the right reasons.

  16. It's so vile, I just don't know what to say.

  17. Well, I've had a lot of family members die of cancer. It is what it is, most of the time, very painful, brutal and tragic at any age.

    I don't need to watch Farrah to understand that.

  18. Farrah was filming herself in the beginning then asked her friend Alana to do it. I don't see why people hate Alana so much for this.

  19. I don't know. I have mixed feelings about the whole thing. A good friend of mine had colon cancer and also refused the colostomy - but he didn't have the privilege of being able to fly first class to Germany for alternative treatments. I can't judge her trying and using her means to get other options. I mean, who in this world wouldn't, if they had the money?

    The Ryan thing. I don't know. I want to believe he's there for her. I really do, because cancer is horrid.

  20. When I see stuff like this I wonder if anyone in show biz is really your friend unless they can make a buck off of you.

  21. Haven't watched one damn minute of this snuff shit . nor will I.

    And a big AMEN! to your feelings on this EL. They are scumbags.

    I wish .. if for no other reason than I have had 3 members of my immediate family die of cancer .. Farrah could just pass in peace without these two scuzballs trying to whore out her final days.

  22. Agree with all of you. If that's possible.

  23. I think it's a little of everything. People are emotionally spent around death and dying. I do think Ryan O'Neal is on a roller coaster of emotion here. He has always been a man's man and a ruffian. I speculate that when Farrah first came up with the "idea" of filming he probably pooh-pooed it as men will do thinking it a crazay idea, but now that it has become so huge he wants to step in and "protect" Farrah, because she doesn't know what she's see typical male testrosterone. So he emotionally reacted and threatened Mr. Nevius. I don't know what Alana is doing. She's always been a crazy dingbat to me, however, she's probably scared out of her wits here, but, she wasn't scared enough "not" to ask for $200,000 dollars and a "producer" credit. Now, I wonder did she share this tidbit with Farrah or perhaps maybe she did and Farrah told her to go for it. I think Farrah is generous like that and I can see all of this happening. I pray for them all and as long as Farrah is surrounded by people and friends who love her...hey...if she likes em, I loves all I can say. God bless Farrah Fawcett truly. No hating on the players, they are there for a reason. Nothing is happenstance in death.
