Thursday, May 07, 2009

This Just Keeps Getting Better

So, I end up having to stay in court all morning and rush back to see what is happening in gossip land, and wouldn't you know the Jon & Kate story is one that just keeps on giving. It is kind of like dating Paris Hilton. Of course that kind of giving is a lifetime thing, and this one will probably run its course in a few months.

So, Deanna Hummel who has portrayed herself as Miss Innocent 3rd grade teacher over the past week and has never done anything unseemly has a sex tape. No, it isn't with Jon, although that would be a definitely Very Special Jon & Kate. No, it turns out that Deanna had been with some other guy and they said, what the hell, lets make a sex tape. Then Deanna probably said, "I need to get famous so it will be worth something." Next thing you know she and Jon are getting it on and her ex-boyfriend sets up a website to sell the sex tape.

From the site:

When I read the news about her alleged affair with Jon Gosselin from the show Jon & Kate Plus 8, I have to say I wasn't surprised.

The Deanna I knew wasn't above cheating, even with married men, hence our eventual breakup. During our time together we made a secret amateur sex tape. It wasn't a hidden cam or anything, she was totally aware of the fact that I was taping. This has never been available to the public before. And it still isn't...yet! But I am shopping this tape and am currently in negotiations with sites like about selling it.

If anyone is interested in making me an offer, please email me at

So, they probably already have several offers. If she hasn't lost her teaching job yet, she will in the next few weeks. This just keeps getting better and better. If you want to see the screen caps from the tape, you can click here. It is semi-NSFW. I can't tell if the guy kept his socks on, which seems to be standard for sex tapes. She does have her shirt on.


  1. Gee, doesn't EVERYBODY have a sex tape nowadays, YAWWWWWWNNNN?!!?!?

  2. I just thank god her brother didn't shoot the tape.

  3. Well that just makes me want to make a sex tape ;)

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wow, she really has a good head on her shoulders!

    ya i felt sorry for her yesterday but the more people who keep coming out to slag her off....and the fact Jon is the only person standing up for her...makes it hard to feel sorry for her.

  6. This really is starting to sound like a big setup....

  7. And here is another example of why we should never make a sex tape.

  8. Interesting timing of all the events, with Kate's new book and all.... :oP

  9. Mooshki, they couldn't let her bro tape it. He'd keep saying "Ick Nast". That would REALLY kill the romance.

  10. She must have really screwed over her ex's. That's pretty rough.

  11. LOL! "Ick, Nast" is the big new internet meme, and I love it.

  12. The timing of this with the new season is suspect. Come on. A sex tape now? The problem with this whole thing is that every single adult person in this story is completely unsympathetic.

    Except for Deanna's brother. I gotta admit, I am developing a soft spot for him. Felon and all.

  13. ick nast, christine. ick nast.

  14. I never cared for them until now. It is finally starting to get more interesting than potty training sextuplets. At this rate they might have move the show from TLC over to Spice.

  15. eep. jon likes 'em klassy.

  16. just another cautionary tale for husbands with roving eyes.

    hey, i have a question. how the hell did jon end up on videotape leaving her house? who filmed that??

  17. I don't have any real sympathy for this woman, but what exactly about having sex with your boyfriend and filming it is so scandalous? This guy is shopping it around because why? Don't most of us have sex at some point or other? Does this mean that anyone you've had sex with in the past has the right to ruin your life just because they stand to make a buck? It's like everyone involved is out of their everlovin' minds and the thing that gets me is that she'll probably lose her job over it, while the show will skyrocket with viewers. Nuts.

    Kate's a pain, that's true, but she is dealing with eight kids and she has to be a little bit of a drill sargent, what with a frat boy for a husband. The whole situation is sad.

  18. nancer, I'm curious about that too..who is camped outside of that house-a reality "star"s mistress' one at that-at 7:30am? This whole thing is reeking of suspicion. Let's face it-their publicity is through the friggin' roof now!

  19. I'm with Kat on this one. Jon and Kate are like everyone else as far as personality flaws, bad judgment etc goes and the only reason this is of any interest whatsoever is that the dynamic of the show has turned into "Kate the bitch" vs. "Jon the victim", and a large percent of the population is slobbering to see a bitch get taken down. The way I see it, someone has to be in charge of that household and Jon isn't gonna do it, no matter what. Either Kate takes the reins or there's chaos. She may come off overly aggressive at times but I'm sure the show is edited in such a way to get people talking...and isn't a "megabitch" type more fun to talk about than the "Saint Mommy" type (who wants to talk about Michelle Duggar??)?

    Seriously, this is sick. They aren't actors, politicians, or even what I would consider "public figures." Even if Jon was sleeping with everyone in PA, is it really Us Magazine's business to out him? IMO, absolutely not. The only reason they're famous is because of their reality show based around their family...and their family is being attacked for no better reason than because people want to gossip. It's sickening.

  20. I know it's legal, but I believe it should be illegal to publicly release a sex tape unless both parties sign off on it.

  21. Is this a publicity stunt?

    Is the marriage of Jon & Kate going to implode soon?

    @Paisley, I agree with you.

  22. that guy must have a big ego cuz' the rest of him isn't! uck I want to wash my eyes out with soap!
    I watched the show (Lie to me) yesterday and my eyes are still burning from that:(

  23. charlie - I am curious, dont you think they make themselves public people by having that reality show, and thus put themselves out there for scrutiny?

  24. Her brother wasn't filming...he was in charge of the lighting.

  25. Linnea, in my opinion, no, I don't think they are public figures. Their show is only meant to be a look at their own particular family. They aren't claiming to be anything other than who they are, two flawed people with a whole bunch of kids. I guess when I wrote "public figures" I was thinking more along the lines of Martha Stewart, Oprah or even Miss California - not an actress or a politician but someone that is widely known for their work or lifestyle.

    Just because someone is on a reality show doesn't mean (to me, anyway) that their entire life is up for public scrutiny. The only exception could be if they are purporting to be a certain way so as to gain or continue their fame, when in reality they are the exact opposite. An example that comes to mind is the latest Bachelor, who was marketed as the quintessential Mr. Nice Guy whose heart had been broken when the REAL reality was that he proposed to one girl while conducting a relationship with someone else.

    J&K aren't selling a lifestyle or hyping up how perfect they are as a couple or as individuals, and in fact Kate jokes about what a hard-ass she can be and how she's working on it, and Jon has often said how passive & indecisive he is and how the family needs someone like her just like it needs someone like him. I think the vitriol directed at her in particular is unfair. And I think it's a very scary thing when a magazine has made it its sole mission to uncover, or create, scandals about people who are known only because they're on a TV show about their family. Us Magazine will wind up ruining this family's life and I think it's disgusting. Even if Jon did cheat, they could have weathered it privately however they chose, but the scrutiny has got to have made this 1000 times worse.

    Sorry this is long!!
