Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Today's Blind Items - Even More Cannes

For once this week it will not be about our B list actress. She really is a mess though. Not like Tara Reid kind of messy, but still, a mess. Anyway, for today, I guess it is a kindness. It might just be good manners. B list movie actor. He did the whole popcorn flick thing and it didn't work out so he is back to the co-lead or second lead in movies. He is definitely a dramatic looking guy. He doesn't really have that comedy vibe. So, he and his girlfriend I guess you would call her had been out and about doing what 20 somethings will do and apparently his girlfriend had a bit too much to drink. So much so that while they were in the taxi, his girlfriend decided to basically puke everywhere in that back seat. Truly awful. Needless to say the driver was not pleased. However, he was more pleased after our actor agreed to help him clean out the taxi and even gave the driver a $1000 tip.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Honestly, I don't see this as a "kindness"....rather more of an obligation.

  3. but would they say he was an oscar winner? what about emile hirsh?

  4. colin firth or emile hirsh?

  5. We need to cough up someone in his twenties who did popcorn movies and who's "dramatic-looking," whatever that means.

    I'd call Vincent Gallo "dramatic-looking," so I'm thinking of odd-looking boys.

  6. @ littlemanwhatnow: good point. Hmm.

    Jake Gyllenhaal? Though I think he and his "girlfriend" might be in their thirties?

  7. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Obligation is helping out and leaving a nice tip. Kindness is dropping $1,000 even after you've helped clean up.

  8. I think Emile is a great guess. Popcorn flick=Speed Racer. Pretty unique looking guy.

  9. I thought Emile was gay?

  10. Channing Tatum? Is he C list though?

  11. Tatum is doing G.I. Joe.

    Is Hirsch dramatic-looking?

  12. I think Channing Tatum is the star of his movies...I don't know if anyone goes to see them, but I think he's the star.

    What exactly is "the whole popcorn flick thing"?

    And the "he doesn't really have that comedy vibe" sounds like some sort of clue...

    all that said, I got nothin'

  13. That was an awesome gesture on the actor's part.

  14. I think popcorn flick means an action movie that doesn't overly tax the audience's brain. See: most movies with Bruce Willis.

  15. Am I the only one who read this as James Franco?

  16. Any guy who will clean up after a drunken mess is a keeper.

  17. Agreed with Bad Fish. And keep in mind that not all celebrities, let alone everyday people, help out or tip $20 to the cabbie.

    Definitely not Colin Firth or Vincent Gallo, because Enty refers to the B list actor and his gf as 20 somethings.

    Channing Tatum is in G.I. Joe and that's popcorn flick.

    That being said, I like the Emile Hersch guess.

  18. Ryan Phillippe?

  19. i thought of franco but he's 31. the blind says both the guy and the girl are '20 somethings.' that lets out franco, phillipe and adrien brody.

    i like the emile hirsch guess but is he really 'dramatic looking?'

  20. Capitol Hill, Franco was my first thought, too, thinking the lack of comedy vibe referred to Pineapple Express.

  21. oops, scratch that, didn't think Franco was that old.

  22. Elijah Wood is a weird-looking little guy with his bug eyes, has been in some massive popcorn flicks (the LOTR movies, "Sin City"), is 28, and is now back to doing indie stuff. Would he have been with a girl, though (unless she was just a friend)?

    @Cosi:Ryan Phillippe isn't "dramatic-looking," he's in his mid-30s, and he's never starred in a popcorn flick.

  23. How about Shia LaBeouf? He has an interesting look, and I think he was in the photos today.

  24. Ryan Phillippe was my first guess too Cosi

  25. "a dramatic looking guy. he really doesn't have the comedy vibe."

    Speed Racer(the popcorn flick) didn't work well for Hirsh. Since then he has been a co-lead. He and his "girlfriend" Brianna fit the 20's age group too. I would say he's a solid B lister.
    Too bad the cabbie gossiped after accepting such a generous tip.

  26. @ Lucky777: Shia' not finished with popcorn flicks (see"Eagle Eye," "Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull," the upcoming "Transformers" sequel), and he's not "dramatic-looking," but rather just run-of-the-mill-looking.

  27. Oh! and I forgot to mention Grisham's "The Associate."

    How he does all these action movies with a permanently ruined hand, I have no idea.

  28. My vote is for Elijah Wood. I would think that he is even more "dramatic" looking than Emile. His girlfriend is Pamela Racine from some group called Gogol Bordello; they've been spotted together as far back as 2006, according to a quick google search. After LOTR went back to indie movies, but due to his resume, I think he fits the B category better than Emile...just my 2 cents

  29. quick note: seems like Elijah is more apt than Emile to giving a $1000 tip...

  30. I am guessing Orlando Bloom.

  31. It can't be Shia his "girl" is much older then 20 and related to him. :)

    I'd say Elijah. He's been known to tip well in the past. He has also been known to be VERY polite to those in the service industries.

  32. as much as i don't like the guy....

    ryan philippe (sp?) and abby cornish.

    he has a permanent pout on his face and looks like he's sad or about to cry... hence the 'dramatic looking' and 'no comedy vibe'

  33. Okay, I take "popcorn" flick to mean that it's a big budget money that's expected to rake in major dough. That being said:

    Hate to sound repetitive here, but I'm also going with Emile Hirsch. He tried the "popcorn" flick with Speed Racer, which bom-bom-bombed! As far as dramatic, he's been in 'Milk', 'Into the Wild', 'The Dangerous Lives of Altar Boys' and 'Alpha Dog', which I think gives him more of a dramatic feel than a popcorn flick feel. He was also in 'The Girl Next Door' which earned something like $15 mil, not exactly a blockbuster.

    Also, Elijah has been in more than one "popcorn" flick. He was in LOTR trilogy.

    That being said, however it was deserves a Kadooze! for giving such a big tip after helping to clean the car.

  34. The real question is: How many 20 something starlets havent puked in the limo?

  35. On the Hirsch Wagon.

    Which came first Anotheramy, the starlet or the cocaine?

  36. Hayden and Rachel? Hayden did the whole star wars thing but don't see him doing comedy? And noone seems to think he is straight. So the "girlfriend" part fits...

  37. i think he would have mentioned the girl being a celeb too in that case. or do you mean he was with a man?

    cant really be wood, i would say LOTR worked handsomely!

  38. As BinkyM said Ryan Phillippe is 34 & the blind says they are in their 20s. Orlando Bloom is 32.

  39. I don't normally post, as I usually haven't any idea...

    but I think, as someone mentioned, Emile did "The Girl Next Door" which was definitely a comedy. I don't know if that's strong enough evidence to take him out, but I think it should be mentioned.

    Other than that, he's still probably the best guess :)

  40. Why am I thinking of Robert Pattinson? He's dramatic looking.

  41. "his girlfriend I guess you would call her" means it is someone he is sleeping with or someone who is bearding or with him for publicity. So I don't think Joshua because he and Diane Kruger seem pretty established as a real couple.

  42. Also Joshua is 31 so too old for this blind.

  43. WOW... What a great thoughtful person. I think it's Emile. Well, actually, I hope it's Emile, cause I really like him :)

  44. My vote is for Elijah Wood.
