Tuesday, June 23, 2009

1 - 2 - 3 She Lied

For the first time in recorded history a child has done something wrong and then lied to their parents about it. I know, I know. What has this world come to when a kid lies to their parents. Last week I wrote about Kimberly Vlamnick and her 56 star tattoos and her yarn about how she fell asleep and was going to sue the tattoo artist because she wanted three stars and he gave her 56.

I think every person who commented all agreed she was lying because she had got in trouble at home. It is no different from all of the actors who say they are going to sue over some sex allegation because they had to tell their wife something and so they come out and threaten a suit.

Although Kimberly said she was going to sue, now she admits that she lied about the whole thing and that she knew what was going on and that she loves them. She loved them right up until the second her dad got pissed and then she hated them and blamed her tattoo artist.
Look at the guy. Who would want to blame him for anything. Does he have to eat with a straw do you think?


  1. HAHAHAHA. Holy hell. I'm all for individualism...but...wow.

    Thanks for the laugh during the workaday!

  2. I would hate to wake up naked and hungover next to that thing. yak gag shiver. woof.

  3. Two words.

    Ick. Nast.

    (Oh and you have to love the glasses).

  4. He's going to be sorry when he's 80.

  5. Little Wayne is starting to look good. =]

  6. fuck, Wayne Newton is starting to look good.

  7. Anonymous1:43 PM

    that will haunt my nightmares for awhile, thanks Ent. I know I wouldn't have been able to control my curiosity had you just put a link.

    sheeit, I don't understand the point of ear gauging/plugging.

  8. In the words of hubby..."Gyad dang, poor guy!"

  9. And I added "you think that dude gets high?"

  10. It's not that the facial "artwork" is bad now, it's going to be horrific 20 to 30 years from now. Horrific.

  11. Anonymous2:01 PM

    I don't mind the tats but that is a little too much on the guy.

  12. Do these idiots have no concept of their future as an unemployable freak?

    Enty, a little warning next time in the header okay? Please?

  13. AAAA! Tusken Raiders!!!!

  14. so is that a trachea or a caterpillar on his throat?

  15. Anonymous2:39 PM

    A friend of mine thinks people who make themselves visually standout so extremely are really shy.
    This outward appearance is a way for these shy (and of supposed similar interests) people are kind of signaling to each other without having to try to talk to a stranger.
    An interesting and sympathetic theory, to be sure,
    but looking at this person really makes me think, "Is THIS really easier than 'Hi'??"

  16. Obviously he doesn't travel anywhere were metal detectors are involved. And then what comes to my mind is, what happens when he gets sick or gets a cold?

  17. those two would make a lovely couple!

  18. Anonymous3:24 PM

    M - you just made me realize he has inch-sized plugs on the side of his nose. ew ew ew.

  19. meet my boyfriend the pincushion!

  20. actually, there were a couple of people who seemed to believe her story. to them, i recommend in career in criminal defense law.

  21. He needs to just say no or make himself a billboard and get paid for it.

    Come on match.com would bought the forehead space right?

  22. Je ZUS I didn't even notice the plugs on the side of his nose. Takes "special" to a whole new level.

  23. That is scary. I am all about tattoos and individuality, but that scares me like a giant zombie wasp from hell.

  24. Tat faced people all have the same distant, far away look in their eyes saying, "Fuck, no one told me I'd never get laid again for the rest of my life. Anybody? Anybody?"

    Don't those nose plugs look like beer caps?

  25. well...at least we know the guy doesn't have commitment issues!

  26. I can't figure out what the hell I am looking at.

  27. OH. MY. GOD.

    seriously. way too far. i know tattoo's can be addictive, but SHEESH! know when to say when

  28. lucy was way up in the sky- just thinking out loud.

  29. Well, that kid has made sure that people will only remember one thing about her when they meet her, for the rest of her life. Silly little girl.

    Yikes, that guy! You have to wonder what prompts a person to make themselves so aggressively ugly. Is it a big 'fuck you' to society, or 'this is the only way I can be different'?

  30. I can't even commit to one color of lipstick. How does one pick permanent facial art?

  31. SMDH...I am trying to understand the motivation behind this umm act. Either he was butt azz ugly from the door and used the tats to cover it up or. I just don't know what to say. And he were regular glasses which is really has me reeling. I can't breathe!.
