Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Daniel Giersch Is Getting Good At This Media Thing

The soon to be ex-husband of Kelly Rutherford is getting good at getting his point of view out to the media. A few months ago, Kelly and her publicists would say whatever they wanted and I don't think Daniel knew quite what to do. Not anymore. First of all the guy reads gossip sites, so despite the fact he looks like your creepy cousin who was "never quite right," at least he has gossip.

It turns out he didn't miss the birth of his daughter on purpose. It turns out that despite an agreement he and Kelly had, Kelly chose to ignore that agreement and gave birth herself. The first Daniel knew that he had a daughter was when he read about it on the internet.

OK, so yesterday was bash Daniel day and now it is Kelly's turn to be hammered. If you don't want the father of your baby to be at the birth, that is obviously your choice, but I would think you could show them a little respect and contact them and let them know they have a baby daughter alive and healthy and not have them read about it on the internet where he is getting trashed for not being at the birth. All that does is show that Kelly is vindictive and cares about herself more than her child. So, when the baby gets older and sees this then Kelly can come up with some story similar to the one the publicist tried to spin and which makes no sense.

Kelly had a natural birth, but her publicist said, "The doctors advised that no one be in the birthing room; [Daniel] was notified when [Helena] was born and was immediately invited to come see her." Well according to Daniel, and I believe him actually, he didn't find out until way after the baby was born, and it was probably by him making contact with Kelly. Further, I would really love to know when during a natural child birth which was reported to have no complications yesterday, why the doctor would keep out the father of the baby.

So, now that each of them has been taken to task on successive days, I hope they get their act together at least for the sakes of their now two children they have together.


  1. He looks like he could be her son. Ewww.

    Divorce can be such a nasty thing. I don't know how two people could go from conceiving a child to absolute mutual hatred in such a short time.

    I can't bash either one of them. I'm having too many flashbacks. I hope they both get counseling and work things out somehow.

  2. I have two children and one was an extremely quick and natural birth ( delivered 45 min after I got to the hospital! ) and never once did a doctor say that someone should not be in the room. They let that be your choice entirely.

  3. I don't buy the doctor saying no one else could be in the room. But I still think the mother had every right to keep out whomever she wanted. If she's a bitch to begin with, imagine how much worse that is during natural childbirth. He's legally not entitled to see her vagina any more. As far as her not calling him when the baby was born, I don't know that he's being honest about not getting a call from someone.

    I don't believe these two are ever gonna get it together for the kids, which is too bad. But I am not gonna bash her for not wanting him in the room. It should be her choice.

  4. Oh lord, he's complaining that she left their son at home while giving birth, and she isn't allowed to stay away from him for more than 3 hours at a time without calling him. I think she should have told him as soon as the child was born, but I think she had a right to be in labor without him knowing about it. They're both assholes.

  5. I feel so bad for that poor child. These self-centered parents are just going to use her as a pawn in their stupid game to always piss each other off. Mental abuse from bickering parents BLOWS. Hopefully they'll at least pay for a good shrink. I doubt that, though.

  6. You would keep the father out of the birthing room because the mother could become so stressed out that the baby would be stressed out, and in a serious case could lead to a C-section instead of natural birth. I can believe that having the father of the child there would or could have upset her that much.

    On the other hand she should have had someone call him when the baby was born, but again her body, she was doing the hard work, and will continue to do so while working. I hope they do come to some sort of agreement otherwise there will be some seriously screwed up kids and a life wasted by causing misery to each other.

  7. This whole thing is weird. Is he some kind of abusive whackjob, or something? I can't imagine filing for a divorce, pregnant, unless there was something really serious going on with my marriage. Not to mention going to a judge to prevent him from tiolet training their child. Either she's completely nuts, or there's something seriously off with him. I can't bring myself to take sides until I know more of the story.

  8. I totally understand not wanting someone or anyone for that matter in the room. Even people you get along with. I was supposed to have my husbands family in the room when we had our son but after a very stressful time I asked that it was just he and I and our Doula. However I think the father has every right to be called during labor. Its not so difficult to give a phone number to a nurse and ask that he be called but not allowed in the room. He has absolutely every right to see that child immediately after delivery as the mother has.

  9. I had no idea who these people were until Enty started posting about them, and I swear all I can think is she looks like the Mom and the husband looks like a 12-year-old kid cleaned up for Sunday dinner or something. Weird.

  10. Haaa! And I see Califblondy agrees. Icky.

    and he's obviously not much more mature than a kid if he can't even show up for his own child's birth, for chrissakes (unless he was in jail or something...)

  11. Califblondy!! That's exactly what I thought. And then I thought of incest and now I have to go scrub mah brain with vodka. Thanks, Enty.

  12. I'm agree with Miss. He doesn't have to come in the room, but let him know! I think she's just being a spiteful bitch because she's good at it.

  13. Selena , i think you're missing the point- he didn't even know about it until after the fact.

  14. Something has happened to him. I looked up other pics of him, and he doesn't look half bad. The shorter hair is not a good look for him.

    Didn't they split up when she was like 3/4 months pregnant? There has got to be a good story behind that.

  15. I'm getting more than a bit sick of people implying that Kelly didn't have the right to give birth without this swine being there! Especially Enty, Mike K., etc, basically, all the MEN who have never gone through that experience. Boys, let's allow your ex wives to witness you passing kidney stones, or having your hemorrhoids removed, and THEN perhaps you'll get the f@cking point! Giving birth is an extremely difficult, emotional, and painful experience. It's also when a woman is (in my opinion) at her most vulnerable. Why the hell should she have to have this pig dog of a man in the room with her if she doesn't want him there?
    Oh, and for the record: I believe HER reps who claim that they informed him of the birth. My ex claimed to have not been told he had a daughter for over a week after her birth, when in actuality HIS MOTHER called and told him within the hour of me delivering. They love to play the pity card; too bad it's almost always bullsh!t...

  16. Well, he's an idiot for going to the media. Just shut the hell up already!! I wouldn't want to see his heffer face while I was giving birth either, especially after all they've gone through and the stress..which is the last thing you need in the delivery room.

  17. Anonymous11:53 AM

    It's a bitter divorce so both will say what is more convenient to them.

  18. You're right, jax--in my haste to crack on their looks I never actually read the post until afterwards.

    So I'll add for good measure that she's an ass as well.

    POOR KIDS is the main point here, if these jerks can't be more civil for the sake of their children, then f*ck em both, whoever they are.

  19. I also agree nobody should be in the actual birthing room that the woman doesn't want in there. For chrissakes, genitalia is not the prettiest sight on a good day!

    I have a friend whose husband hasn't given her oral sex, nor intercourse without begging--and then only in the dark--since the day he watched their oldest be born. Poor thing.

    Moral to the story--leave the men their mystery, ladies! They don't need to see us in our "pickle jar" moments!

  20. She should have called him as soon as she went into labor so he could have picked up his son and taken care of him for a few days.

    I feel sorry for the kids. They'll have 18+ years of this crap.

  21. ok let me say- i dont have kids nor have i been pregnant,but don't all women in labour go abit...fucking nuts? most don't want their own husbands that they love there, and i think thats sad as shit,to be selfish to kick the father out and have him miss out on something just as important to him as the mom. when it's your child, there should be equal rights to the birth, not just cuz mom is going mental in the moment.

    fine if you don't want your extended family in there,but i don't think it should be solely up to mom if Dad is in the room or not.

    this isn't about your vanity ladies, its about the beautiful baby you BOTH made.
    suck it up, this isn't 1950.

    oh...IMO. of course.

  22. I have to disagree with you Jax. I am crazy in love with my husband but when I was in labor, I didn't even want him to touch me as I was in terrible agony. I can't even imagine how I'd feel if a bitter ex had to be there. I didn't want my sisters to even see me for a second though luckily enough my mom was there. It is an intensely personal moment.

    I feel for the father that wasn't allowed to be in a waiting room or the hallway but during birth, it isn't about anyone but the mother and the child. It isn't his right to be there - just a privilege that apparently he doesn't deserve anymore. I can't argue why he wasn't given the privilege by the mother as they haven't publicly aired everything that happened - yet.

  23. ok, he says he didn't know. she says he did---she says he was notified. i don't even know who these people are so i don't give a shit who's lying.

    the one thing i'm sure of is they'll ruin their kids. it's the american way.

  24. This is the doctor relaying the wishes of the mom - who is the one who rules in the delivery room. She may have thought it'd SOUND more official coming from the dr.
    Who cares? Baby's here; they've both seen her; they'll split the parenting.

  25. thats ok Ms Cool, i have to disagree back at

    to me-it's about the baby. and a quick decision made in the haste of labour can carry a lot of weight for years to come.

    nothing,nothing, can replace the look on a Dad's face when his baby comes into the world. we women aren't the only ones who form a bond...

  26. I've had two children (with epi - but NOT C Sections) and believe me - I would NOT want someone I despised in the delivery room with me. It was tough enough as it was - beautiful but intensely private. Having someone (even the father) in there if you despise him would be something akin to rape to me...

    In HIS favor - she SHOULD have let him know that she was in labor and that Hermes would be available to him to take care of. The children are THEIR children. Unless he is somehow a predator or unfit as a parent he should be allowed act as a father to those kids!

  27. I've had two children (with epi - but NOT C Sections) and believe me - I would NOT want someone I despised in the delivery room with me. It was tough enough as it was - beautiful but intensely private. Having someone (even the father) in there if you despise him would be something akin to rape to me...

    In HIS favor - she SHOULD have let him know that she was in labor and that Hermes would be available to him to take care of. The children are THEIR children. Unless he is somehow a predator or unfit as a parent he should be allowed act as a father to those kids!

  28. These people are pathetic. It should all be about the child. It seems these two are making their children a battleground or at the very least using them as weapons to hurt the other person. Grow the F' up people. Try to be more mature then the children you are raising.

  29. Hmmm. I'm still thinking about this one. I have to stick by my original opinion is the mother should be able to have whoever she wants in the delivery room. I was a friend's support at her birth this year (awesome experience, btw) and she would have preferred me being there to her husband as he didn't know how to support her through her previous births. Showing your privates, being in the worst pain of your life, being emotionally raw - these are things she should not have to share with her ex. The first time he sees the baby is special no matter where it is.

  30. I think that if the mom doesn't want the dad in the delivery room, then at least let him be outside. If she doesn't want to talk to him, then have someone else notify him.
