Wednesday, June 17, 2009

David Cross Explains Why Jim Belushi Is A Jackass

David Cross has a new book coming out in August, and in the book he finally explains why in the hell he hates Jim Belushi so much. If you have any respect or any part of you likes Jim Belushi, you won't after you read why David hates him so much.

It seems that back in 1995 David and Jim were filming the movie Destiny Turns On The Radio together in Vegas. So, being in Vegas, David decides he is going to hit the blackjack tables. While there he starts conversing with the dealer as will happen and she said that her 8 year old son was really sick and that her son would just die for Jim Belushi's autograph. Well, of course David agreed to get it for her. I mean he was going to be starring in a movie with Jim Belushi. How difficult could it be right?

Well, very difficult as it turns out. David goes up to Jim and explains the situation and how the kid is sick and could Jim take two seconds and sign an autograph. Instead of signing, Jim said, "Jesus, I thought you were gonna get me a blowjob."

Umm, no. An autograph for a sick 8 year old kid. A signature on a piece of paper. So, David asks him again and this time Jim said, "Jesus Christ, you're worse than my second wife!" He then turned and walked away and never signed the autograph.

Since that moment in time David Cross has never had Jim Belushi far from his mind which is why he always insults him in every performance and will seek any new way he can to make Belushi's life miserable.


  1. I love David Cross. This is now reason number eleventy bajillion and four.

  2. what an asshole.

    no one would even know who Jim is if he wasn't the brother of John.

  3. he's ok. he's a little too mucht of a bitter betty for me, but i guess he's funny despite it. i wanna like him, but he's all about bitching and moaning and after a while it just gets old.

    i do agree w/ him that the belushi thing was low tho. makes belushi a complete douche.

  4. Why didn't he vocalize this douchebagery 14 years ago?

  5. btw, that udon noodle soup he's eating in the pic looks YUM!


  6. Ok. I am still trying to figure out that specific ingredient that makes a movie actor/actress an asshole. You got a normal person, they audition, the casting person likes the performace, they get role, and then what happens?

    When I get a job, especially in this job market, I fucking am grateful

  7. A good friend of mine lived in an apartment next to David Cross for a few years and used to complain endlessly about what a lame douchebag he was - so while he may not do something like that to a sick kid, he's no fun irl.

  8. sassafrass, I have a theory that fame is such an unnatural thing that it does something to the brain and just messes people up. That's why so many of them are assholes and that's why the most famous ones are all out of their mind looneynutsbin.

  9. 14 years with a grudge? The guy is a sick bastard. I think Belushi read him like a book. He thought that he was getting the BJ for the autograph, not procuring one for the guy that came up with the lame sick kid story since he couldn't score with is own autograph. Seriously, anyone believes the dealer is doing small talk about a sick kid on a gambling table? She would be fired and with a sick kid.
    Not that I am a Belushi fan, he is just the person to blow that story, because he would be the kind of stunt he would pull.

  10. i've heard Belushi is an ass from various people over the years from shows he's done with House of Blues. fucking blowhard.

    if it weren't for an early death of his bro, he'd be working at the local car lot.

  11. afterthought: what is a beautiful and talented 26 yr old actress doing w/ the fug 45 bitter betty "comedian"?

    no accounting for taste, i suppose.

  12. I love David Cross. That fact that he tells a rather unflattering story about a guy who is a no-talent loser with a show I hate even more than Two and a Half Men (is that possible?) makes me smile.

  13. I thought it was well known that Belushi is a huge jerk.

  14. I think David Cross is even hotter now! I had no idea Jim Belushi is an asshole. That's too bad, because if it wasn't for his brother Jim's coattails, we wouldn't even know who he is.


  16. Oh Tobias, how I love thee.

  17. Regardless of the reason behind it, Jim Belushi should be happy ANYONE wants his autograph. Go David Cross!

  18. Jim Belushi should be giving out blowjobs to make people *take* his autograph.

  19. That looks like a bowl of Vietnamese Pho soup, which is the bomb! You can't stop eating it but they give you so hafta stop eventually. I highly recommend it. Even with crazy stuff like tripe it's excellent.

    Anyway, that was OT!

    I, too, love David Cross and say KUDOS to him for slamming a total jackass like JB for this long. That takes courage and dedication and I applaud him for it.

  20. People are assuming that David Cross is telling the truth- why? Why would an 9 year old just die" for Jim Belushi's autograph in 1995? It seems a little fishy to me. Certainly Jim Belushi can be a jerk, but don't just fall for this either.

  21. Yup, karma's a b*tch.

  22. i'm kinda with DaveR on this. i love cross as tobias, but his stand up is off-putting to me, and i've read a couple of interviews where he comes off as a whiney bitch.
    i don't know about belushi, but he's maintained a friendship with dan akroyd all these years, which makes me wonder. also, he does work with kids, love or hate the show, and i sure hope they wouldn't let that continue if he's a major ass.
    also, IIRC, wasn't he a writer on SNL during john's days?

  23. Jim Belushi=Asshole

    What the f*ck, how hard is it to do something THAT small as a kindness.


    I won't be seeing anything with him in it from here on out.

    What a little bitch.

  24. Jim Be-douche-i. Prick.

  25. I love tobias, but I never really understood Cross as a person either... So I dont know what to think about this.

  26. I saw Cross's show w/ Tinkle.
    It was amazing. From their opening acts until their show. Fantastic. Best money ever spent.

    But I could have done without the porn during their performance... made me a wee bit uncomfortable.

  27. Belushi is a stupid, stupid man. I worked in the health spa at Caesars Palace in 90/91/92 as a masseur. He was up there from time to time. My friend, the guy who juiced me into that job, massaged Belushi and he got a 10 tip, for the hour. Just a standard tip. In contrast I got one hundred dollar tips from Julio Iglesias. Yeah, not well regarded up there. He sucks as an actor and he is probably a repressed homosexual because he walks around like he's got something stuck up his ass.

  28. David Cross is a Colossal douchebag.
