Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hugh Grant Goes Nuts - In A Kicking Kind Of Way

I will be the first to admit that some paps go out of their way to antagonize celebrities in order to get a reaction which will sell better or make more money. That doesn't appear to be the case here. A TMZ cameraman was trying to talk to Hugh Grant as he left The Waverly Inn last night in New York. Hugh seemed to be joking with the pap and called into question whether the pap had actually ever had sex. It seemed very good natured and then without warning Hugh decided to try and kick the guy in the groin. It isn't the first time Hugh has kicked out at photographers and he seems to have a very short temper when it comes to any kind of attempts to film him in public.


  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    I don't like him think he is an ass :D.

  2. Both he and the pap are asses. Kicking someone is an assault, but I have a feeling Hugh didn't make contact with the guy.

  3. Kicking? What's with the kicking?

  4. he was out of baked beans, silly!

    this guy has turned into such an ass,how sad.

  5. Somehow, I have a feeling there's more to this than the pap is whining about. I'm not an advocate of violence, but who's to say the pap didn't flip him off or something to provoke him? Anyway, this whole thing is nothing that I'm going to spend any time worrying about :-)

  6. Yeah, I wonder if he pap is entirely innocent.

  7. How come its always TMZs paps that are attacked?

  8. I don't like Hugh Grant AT ALL, but if i was being followed around by annoying paps all day, I'd probably have wigged out a couple times and dealt out my share of beat-downs too. I get annoyed when people just stare at me, let alone follow me down the street trying to take my picture!

  9. Hugh is well known to be an irritable SOB.
    I bet the pap was not innocent here, he provoked Hugh somehow. And lo and behold, he (or the cameraman if he was not TMZ) got what he wanted - saleable footage!

  10. On one hand, he shouldn't have kicked. On the other hand anything that happens to a pap anywhere anytime is OK with me.

  11. The bad news: I was kicked by a celebrity.

    The good news. It wasn't Mickey Rourke or Mr. T. It was Hugh Grant.

    Hope he didn't hurt his foot.

  12. What a jerk, the guy should have him charged with assault. He's lucky anyone cares, he's possibly the worst actor to ever cash a check for his doing his "job". Just a giant douche.

  13. That paps nutsack must hang really really low if that kick made contact with his groin. It was more of a sweeping motion...
