Tuesday, June 16, 2009

I Don't Think It Matters Hef

Hugh Hefner confessed to FOX News that he can't tell his twin girlfriends apart. "I have one little trick, one has a little mark," Hef said, motioning to his neck. "Other than that, I don’t know." I'm guessing that it really doesn't matter in the scheme of life and I am also pretty sure that as long as the checks he is writing don't bounce the two women probably don't care if he calls them Holly and Kendra or whatever else he wants.

Wow, is this what my day has come to? Writing about how an 83 year old man can't tell his twin 19 year old girlfriends apart? Does anyone think they actually do anything together? I guess writing about this is better than writing about how Chris Brown has that Rihanna look-a-like he is dating or screwing or just using to get attention so people will take his picture.

Anyway, back to Hef. At some point I think it would be ok for Hef to not have to worry about having three girlfriends and pretending to be something he isn't. There is nothing wrong with him just puttering around the house and not having to go out to clubs where he has to take a nap all day just so he can stay up at the club until 10pm. I am pretty sure that is why he has a curfew. It isn't that he is strict, I just think the guy can't stay up later than 9 or 10. I mean he is probably eating dinner at 4 in the afternoon or something.

I think the Holly, Kendra and Bridget thing should have been the end and everything from now on is just kind of embarrassing for everyone.


  1. I agree completely. Hef has aged dramatically in the last year or two. Time to just sit back and enjoy it - stop with all the show. His guest shots on "Kendra" oughta be enough for him.

  2. I'd rather read about Hef than Speidi, Ent.

    The Rhianna lookalike thing is MESSED UP, though.

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Could not agree more. He was a legend, he doesn't have to keep on being one.

  4. He likes them young, blonde and boobtastic. And I think he is aware that none of these girls would be his girlfriend if he wasn't who he is or didn't have the money that he has. I think he's living "the dream", because HE CAN.

    Having said that, if I had teenage twins who were dating the same 83 year old man, no matter how rich, I would be freaked right out. Then again, I think it's safe to say there is no daddy in that picture.

  5. the girls' mothers must be so proud

  6. Agreed, Enty. I don't think he's doing anything with them. He just likes to have pretty girls around him and can afford to pay for it.

  7. hahah im probably missing the point here... but is the chris brown thing true??

  8. I need to take a nap all day just so I can stay up at the club until 10pm. I'm not sure how much of a boyfriend he is, more of a companion maybe? When he's awake?? What happened to Holly? She's over Cris Angel, right??

  9. The Chris Brown thing is messed up. But, par for the course I guess. I was shocked at how much that young lady looked like Rhianna.

    As far as Hef, he seriously needs to stop it and stop it now. Instead of paying barely legal girls to live with him, he should pay for some upgrades to the manse. That place is a mess.

  10. TedC had a Blind Vice awhile back about some old guy who tried so hard to make everything think he was such a hetero horn dog, but was really gay. Consensus was it was probably Hef.

    'Course, unlike Enty, TedC never reveals his blinds. Which is one reason I hardly read him anymore.

  11. Totally agreed, even the last couple years seemed kinda stupid with the Kendra, Holly and Bridget deal. Retire that act. I saw him a few years ago at a club and he looked like a grandpa dozing away in the corner while all these cheap blonds with him were flirting with everyone and partying hard. It was sad to see a legend like that. He didn't look happy at all. Not a stud, just the dumb old guy footing the bill.

  12. ewww!!!

    that jilian ann book hefnerland details the so called sexual going ons. teehee. i believe some of it.

    if he's healthy enough, he can still pop the viagra or cialis. i'm guessing that the erection only lasts five minutes. teehee.

  13. Agreed Enty!

    Just completely embarrassing.

    Any credibility he once had is gone gone gone.

  14. i think hef's finally run out of testosterone. he should just sit around in his robe and shut up. i hate to seem him go out looking like a silly old fool.

  15. Kimi~ what a sad story~ grampy footing the bill and can't even stay up to enjoy it!


  16. i don't care how much viagra he pops, he jumped the shark way long ago. granpa sit DOWN.

  17. Anonymous1:31 PM

    He says-aloud-that he can't tell the difference between his two "girlfriends" except for one distinguishing physical characteristic. While I'm sure those two are about as deep as a glass of water, if he's going to pretend they're his girlfriends, shouldn't he also pretend to respect them? Geez, what year is it?

  18. Ha ha haaa, pookie. That was funny!

    And he's just gonna get stingier the older he gets, since I heard he was a skinflint already. So his girls will just get cheaper.

  19. Pookie, he is old enough to be a great-great grandfather.

  20. From Gustavo last week:

    "Hugh Hefner looks OLD. He had three handlers in addition to three blonds and seemed as if he didn't know what the hell was going on."

    That about sums it up.

    Peepaw needs to retire the act.

  21. He can still live off his legend.
    He doesn't need to keep up the game.

    Their parental unit(s) must be so very proud of their little girls.
    Paid bimbos to a codger and they pose nekkid for profit. What more could a mama want for her little girls?

  22. I am so disappointed every time I hear that Rhianna "look-a-like" crap. Is anyone actually looking at these women? Teyana Taylor looks nothing like Rhianna. Teyana is a singer, but better known as a socialite. Personally, I am not a fan of either women, but this bothers me. It seems as if one person mistook her for Rhianna, everyone ran with it, and this whole look-a-like thing was to save face. We all know how a false comment can spread and be accept as fact online. She has been photographed with him and Rhianna in the past, so it strikes me as odd that suddenly she is a copy of the other. I don't really care for any of them, but this still bothers me. Come on, Enty, they are way off.

  23. Candi I agree Rhianna and Teyana look NOTHING alike.

  24. Damn Hugh ... I love you but even I don't believe these chicks are anything more than nursemaids for you at this point. Ugh .. please give up the delusion. You are just embarrassing yourself at this point.

  25. I don't think Hef is having sex w/these two. It is all an image he still thinks he has to maintain.

    Teyana Taylor has her own sense of style. She is more the skater of the chick look. Which differs from RiRi. Maybe it was lighting or the angle of the shot that has folks saying that they look alike. More likely it was the photo of Brown that made someone want to find a missing link, that unfortunately was never there.

  26. I don't think Hef is having sex w/these two. It is all an image he still thinks he has to maintain.

    Teyana Taylor has her own sense of style. She is more the skater of the chick look. Which differs from RiRi. Maybe it was lighting or the angle of the shot that has folks saying that they look alike. More likely it was the photo of Brown that made someone want to find a missing link, that unfortunately was never there.

  27. Those girls obviously have to thank some higher power from being born twins. Apparently their boyfriend doesn´t really appreciate them seperately...

  28. Did you guys see the pics of Teyona? She had her hair styled just like Rihanna, and that isn't something you see every day. :)
