Friday, June 19, 2009

Jeremy Piven Lies And Kneepads Enables

It is bad enough that Kneeepads Magazine is the biggest kiss ass in the free world. OK, well they tie with Larry King, but Kneepads is still the biggest in print. Oh, wait. Larry King has a column doesn't he? Well, anyway you get the idea. What Kneepads doesn't usually do is lie. Until now. Maybe they would not call it a lie. Maybe they would use a different term. I will let you decide.

Jeremy Piven was interviewed last night and told Kneepads that he had not had any fish in ten months. This is of course because he is still dealing with the fallout of his "mercury poisoning" and has to pretend he hasn't had any fish at all because eating it would put him on his deathbed.

Kneepads of course printed everything Jeremy said. "I haven't had a piece of fish since the doctor told me to lower my blood mercury level. So, it's been almost 10 months now." Piven then went into a diatribe about how he really was close to death and how everyone should be concerned about him and that he blah, blah, blah, close to death, blah, blah, text me girls, blah, blah, blah.

If Kneepads would have bothered fact checking before kissing ass they would have seen that in March which was 3 months ago, and not 10, that Piven was spotted eating calamari (which is not technically fish) and also tuna tartare which last I checked is fish, and raw. Oh, and has the highest mercury count. (thanks to libby for checking the archives and not letting Piven or Kneepads get away with it)


  1. he's an asshole, but he sure is well dressed.

  2. I remember when he was Ellen's cute chubby cousin on the Ellen show. Then he lost the weight, joined entourage and became your typical stuck on himself, sh*t don't stink, Hollywood @$$wipe we all know and loathe

  3. I just want to know about that damn rug on his head. Did he ever address it? Is he unaware that people know it's a rug?
    It kills me.

  4. Thanks for posting this -- thanks to Libby's detective work, I was able to point out the discrepancy on another news site!

  5. go libby & enty!

    omg, i can't believe this idiot still gets interview time w/ kneepads.

  6. i love it. he's quite specific too---not 9 months, not a year, but 10 months! lying sack of shit.

    can this be used in court? isn't he still in mediation?

  7. I like the comment "blah, blah, text me girls, blah, blah.." I think Enty just answered that BI from a few weeks back about the loser who had a contest among a bunch of women - the first one to text him got to sleep with him. That Piven...what a classy guy!

  8. tuna tartare? isn't that sashimi?

  9. @shegundala: It was the first one to show up. And I believe a model confirmed it earlier this week when she called out another model for going to his room.

  10. I just saw part of "Smokin' Aces" on TV yesterday, yet another movie where he plays himself.

  11. Anonymous12:02 PM

    @Robert - I saw Smokin' Aces and got embarrassed for him every time he did that magic hands motion.

    (And aside from a 5 minute scene with Jason Bateman, that movie sucked.)

  12. Maybe he has a fish dependency.

  13. Wow, Enty, you thanked me!

    And thanks for everyone else's nice words.

    I can't believe they are complicit in his trying to get out of paying those Broadway producers.

  14. great job libby!
