Monday, June 29, 2009

John Edwards Sex Tape - And No More Academy Award For Best Song

There is a whole lot of Michael Jackson. It's crazy. I could really write about it all day and never touch the same topic twice. The problem is that this will be going on for a few months and if I write five posts daily on Michael everyone will be sick of it when actual real news comes along and not the figments of the imagination of tabloid editors.

So, with that in mind I wanted to find other juice to discuss and it was either how the Academy is going to screw over the one part of the show everyone likes by not having a Best Song category every year or we could talk about John Edwards and how he gets more pathetic by the second. The Oscars decided that songs were being given awards based on how well they sold and not by how they contributed to the movie and so from now on when voters vote if no song receives a high enough score, the Academy just won't include the award that year. Huh?

The reason some people watch the show is to see the actual singer perform the song that goes with the movie. There is usually some great drama about it also. I have no idea what the Academy is thinking, but they are getting more and more f**ked up.

Speaking of f**ked up, one of John Edwards' aides and the other choice for father of the baby, Andrew Young just signed a book deal with a publisher. According to the NY Daily News, Andrew tells a lot. He says that John and Rielle Hunter made a sex tape and then left it in a box where Andrew found it. Andrew also says that John & Rielle wanted to get married when Elizabeth died and even discussed what music to play at the wedding. I know, I know. This is some good stuff and just throws even more on to the how disgusting is Edwards pile.

On the political side, the book says that Edwards and Kerry disliked each other and that until Edwards affair became public knowledge that he was going to be the VP candidate of Obama or Attorney General.


  1. I am starting to think that in order to be a politician, you have to be a complete and total douche bag. The only reason I am holding out totally believing this is that my ex husband still hasn't run for public office. Least, I don't think he to google.

  2. "The Oscars decided that songs were being given awards based on how well they sold and not by how they contributed to the movie "

    And that's different from all the other awards how?

  3. Enty that was two different topics that deserved two separate posts.

    If the Academy Awards eliminates the best song category I will stop watching it.

    John Edward and his piece Rielle are two bonafide douches who deserve each other!

  4. way to keep shooting yourself in the foot, john edwards. ass.

  5. I can't hold it in any longer. I effing HATE John Edwards now. I was originally planning on voting for him. What a douche. I was diagnosed with breast cancer the same week as Elizabeth Edwards and I have always felt a weird bond with her about that. I just can't believe that after everything she has gone through (and I know what most of it is) that man could be such an ASS.

    Had to get that out. Thanks, everyone.

  6. Scum. Bag.

    That's all.

  7. Okay, as much as I dislike JE, I just have to believe he wouldn't be stupid enough to (knowingly) make an actual tape. Not because I have faith in him, but because I try to have faith in the basic intelligence of humankind--I know, I know, humankind conspires to prove me wrong--but really, a politician isn't trying to promote an album or reality show. Sex tapes *destroy* politicians' careers. Unless RH secretly filmed it to *make* hers...

  8. Kerry has said that he was pretty much freaked out by John Edwards. Apparently, during the campaign, JE told him a story about his late son and said that he had never told anyone about it. Not long afterwards, Kerry overhead him telling the same story to someone else and again saying that he had never shared it with anyone.

  9. I'm not sure you can use the word politician and the phrase "stupid enough" in the same sentence without being at risk of an oxymoron. However, yeah, I think he is that stupid.

    Bramblewitch, hope your doing well.

  10. I am doing great, thanks for asking BigMama. I wish Elizabeth Edwards was doing as great, but I was getting regular mamms, so no worries.

  11. Anonymous1:36 PM

    The news about the Academy is disappointing, but I kind of agree with the reasoning. Very few songs actually meet the criteria (which is why every year is pretty much guaranteed at least one song from a Disney musical), and the ones that do tend to fit into one of four categories:

    1) utter crap
    2) inofensive and forgetable
    3) something that gets a lot of attention because it was done by a big celebrity
    4) genuinely good songs that actually have a strong connection to the film

    Most of the time, it seems the winners are from group #3 - even when the song has little connection to the film (and almost always plays over the credits), and that really bothers me. I'd rather have a mediocre song that relates to the film win an award for something related to film than a hugely popular (if often mediocre) song with little to no connection that gets attention primarily for being by a well-known artist. It may be for a song, but the award is still because of a movie, and I think that often gets lost.

  12. Ugh. I feel queasy.

    Bramblewitch - I am glad you are doing ok.

  13. Anonymous1:48 PM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Anonymous1:49 PM

    I wonder who else will be caught having an affair in the political circle LOL.

    As far as I see it John E. is a chicken shit. Don't understand why the wife would even keep that piece of shit around. She should be like the other lady that threw her idiot husband out.

  15. Cheryl, I've never heard that story before, and it freaks me right the hell out. There's NOTHING that creeps me out more than compulsive liars. Euw.

    I hope Elizabeth is doing better.

  16. you guys really need to switch to an animatronic version of politicians like we have in Canada.
    that way you won't be so dissapointed when you find out they are actually dickwads.

    The Harper 3000 is our most popular model currently. it can withstand blatant criticism, several kicks to the balls and a call for a disbanded gov't....all while ignoring the public,making jobs dissapear and pretending to be straight!

  17. Anonymous2:36 PM

    lol@kicks to the balls

  18. Ewwww, a JE sex tape!! Does it come with its own complimentary barf bag?

  19. JE disgusts me now. Once uopn a time I actually liked him and bought into the whole myth of his loving his wife.

    So the Oscars are going to get even more boring?
    Way to go Academy! Your viewership will be so astounding. I think they have lost complete understanding of the people who watch.(Sigh) Stupidity reigns supreme today hunh?

  20. LOL @ Goodgrief - my sentiments exactly!

  21. Jax! You gave me the biggest laugh! "Harper 3000"....he he he.

  22. Jax - that is HILARIOUS! And true. I'm going to swipe that for my quote on facebook.

    In response to the music category:


    Yeah. Feels good.

  23. The change makes since for songs. Most of the time they were put in there as Oscar bait to begin with, tacked on to the final credits but generally not adding anything to the movie, which considering is the Oscars is kind of the point.

    So if no songs are used that are critical to the movie that year, no awards should be given out.

  24. Maybe they could make an Oscar for best sex tape. It would allow many celebrities to have a serious shot at winning and it wouldn't be hard to find enough of them to get five good nominations.

  25. jax, you crack me up!

  26. jax-

    No offense, but most of us here in the US do NOT want to be anything like Canada. Socialism and having the distinction of being the most immigrated nation on Earth might work for you all, but not for us. Why be more like America Jr., especially because we're freaking AMERICA! America...FUCK YEAH!

    As for John Edwards, he's a repulsive scumbag. I hope there's a special circle of hell just for him. Sleazy could anyone have been surprised by this? From day one it was glaringly obvious that he was a weasel! I never saw his appeal, but that's probably because I've never seen ANY appeal in ANY Democrat, ever. Too bad they didn't shred him like they are with Mark Sanford, but you know, double standards and all.

    Although I do give the Enquirer props because without them, the MSM would have never touched it, so good job Enquirer, on exposing that soulless, lying, cheating pile of garbage! God, my heart just breaks for his wife. That poor, poor woman. I'd rather die alone than stay married to that turd, but to each their own I suppose.

  27. Amanda Rae: I do take offense at what you are saying. We are NOT "America Jr.". We are a separate country, with a separate and distinct culture. Calling us "America Jr." is like calling the United States "England Jr." It doesn't make sense.

    Jax was simply making a joke at the expense of our politians and a darned funny one at that.

  28. People like amanda rae are the reason I'm proud to be Canadian.

    Jax that was great!!

    and Shakey- you stole what i was gonna say about Phil Collins!!!! LOL

  29. Amanda Rae -

    Who says "most of us here in the US do NOT want to be anything like Canada?" We already are! Our language and culture are similar. Our ancestry is similar. Our openness to various ideas and beliefs are similar (or at least they're supposed to be). So what you're saying is YOU don't want to be like a Canadian. Don't include "most" everyone else in the US in your opinion because MOST people in America have their OWN opinions, thank heavens!

  30. We should all write 'Dear Richard...' letters to the Academy.
