Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Jon Gosselin & Jennifer Aniston Dating

Yes, I know the headline is absolute crap but over the next few months I bet you can expect headlines similar to that one as the Gosselin's spread their wings like a flock of seagulls. Sorry. I had to go there. You just cannot miss an opportunity to throw in a hair joke. I think it is because of my own lack of hair. I refused to watch the show last night so did the next best thing and got updates texted to me and my mom yelled down the stairs about what was happening. My dad refuses to stay in the room while it is on and so my mom is forced to comment to someone. The fact that I am around a corner and down a flight of stairs doesn't make her less likely to share these opinions. The only other times she does that is when George Clooney is in something. Generally those comments are not printable though and have caused me years of therapy.

Anyway, the paps will have nothing better to do now that the show has shut down for the summer than to follow these two everywhere they go. Oh, yes, if you didn't hear about it the show is shut down until the end of summer. TLC says it was because it was too hard to get stuff on tape. I think it is because they are going to start doing setups and dates and things like that and want to organize it all.

My prediction is that Jon will date a string of 18 year old girls and spend a great deal of his money doing so. There will be hundreds of embarrassing photos of him being drunk at frat parties and doing other things usually confined to Spring Break and for which his kids will be humiliated to see every day they are in school for the next 12 years. I am up in the air about Kate. Part of me says she will date the bodyguard and part of me says she is going to try and soften her image. I know, I know, but she can try. Part of me thinks some huge scandal will hit her or get busted for cheating on her taxes. I can't read her. I just can't get the scandal thing out of my head though.


  1. You know you wanna say it: Ick. Nast.

  2. i hope she takes advantage of the halt in production to grown her hair or get extensions.

    that is all.

  3. I only started noticing these people when Dlisted started ripping on her hair, which is truly awful, and have since watched a few shows. What. A. Wreck. That woman is such a control freak mcfakerson and he is so frigging slow on the uptake that it's embarassing to watch. I don't know if that is their true nature, or if years of feeding on one and others souls have made them like that. Either way, it's no good.

  4. Anonymous10:37 AM

    maybe by august they will have faded from memory and will just never come back. one can dream....

  5. I'm witcha AnonMom ..ICK NAST. I dont know if anyone watched last night, but what a freakin crock of shit they spewed to America. Its all about the kids, its the kids house, blah blah blah. I dont think there is one reality couple out there, sans Ozzie and Harriet, I mean Sharon, who have last longer then their show was on the air. Am I wrong?

  6. As long as whatever they're up to provides plenty of fodder for The Soup, I'll be happy.

  7. All together now:

  8. "i don't want to be alone, i don't want to do THIS alone" - Kate.

    well too late honey! he's checked the fuck out! anyone watch last night? the man could barely contain his sheer joy! he has moved on in every sense of the word and Kate is gearing up for the victim role and impending Victim 2009 Tour starring Kate Gosselin, Octomom and Perez Hilton.

  9. This is absolute crap!! I don’t’ understand how the show can shut down for the summer if the Summer Season started just three weeks ago… I think the real deal is this show is done regardless of what TLC tries to sell the viewer…
    I feel badly for the children as they are the innocents here and perhaps the adults in their lives can gain some true perspective on the situation.

  10. She is totally making herself out to be the victim here, saying that she will go on alone. Um, she's got nannys and all kinds of folks working for her AND she's on constant book tours AND Jon's there half the time (as is she). The whole thing is a trainwreck but I don't appreciate her spin and I don't appreciate her not taking any of the blame.

  11. Kate really likes her hair style. She thinks people are asking for it - a la "The Aniston" years ago. She has been a bitch since the show started, she just was better at hiding it. Then she found herself so darn amusing and let it all hang out for the world to see. Jon may not be perfect, but he deserves a little happiness after getting away fro her. I hope he gets his balls back as part of the property settlement.

  12. I predict she will get a boob job and pose for Playboy. You won't know what's her beaver and what's her head! It's a mystery for the new millennium!!!

  13. I dislike these people in a very big way.

    HERE'S a novel idea: how about getting off the TLC gravy train and do what's best for your kids?!!! Remember them - the little "plus 8" darlings that made you famous in the first place? Unfortunately, all 8 of them have some serious therapy in their futures.

  14. Anonymous10:59 AM

    I had the eyeball-searing experience just last week of seeing a woman in my office building actually wearing a "Kate". I hope to never run into her again.

  15. I am holding my position. I predicted the show would shift. They would separate. Kate moves to LA.
    New name-Kate and 8 in LA....or something in that order. I didn't watch the show because I already knew. Hell ,Ray Charles could have seen this coming and he is dead and blind (no offense to the dead-I love Ray).

  16. Ugh. As much as I wish that they weren't on the air anymore.... how the hell can they provide for 8 kids on normal job wages? I think I read somewhere that he was an IT guy, and she was a nurse. Not exactly high paying jobs. I wonder if they'll do specials now... I can just see it now 'John Minus Kate Plus New Mistress Plus Eight'. I'd watch that shit!

  17. I have been leaning more towards the "Leave John ALOOONE!" side, but he's just as bad as her. Just because you love your kids (which I think they both do) doesn't mean you are a good parent. Or good person for that matter.

    That being said, I think tax evasion or some other financial scandal is highly plausible for Kate.

  18. 2009 victim tour? LOL, good one, Jax.

    I've only caught glimpses of this show. I couldn't take her and he's got the personality of a potato. I tried to watch a little of the big show last night, but decided going to the gym was a better idea.

    I glad Jon is free of the bitch. Maybe now he can get a personality and she can get an extreme makeover.

    Does it bother anyone else when she treats the kids like crap?

  19. She really does treat those kids like crap, the little I've seen of the show. From what's been written about them and some info that's coming out, they're already starting to act out.

    What I'm waiting for is for the kids future reality show: The Gosselins: The Rebellion Years.

    Maybe it will be a Suleman + Gosselin kids show -- "I grew up on a reality show: get me out of here".

  20. I agree with Jax. "hair plugs" did check the fuck out. He wants nothing to do with her and he is not taking her shit anymore.

  21. Where's "aaa" now to comment?

    Anyhoo, my guess is that TLC is feeling the backlash of televising a marriage disintegration, and that's why they pulled it. I did watch this, just to see the PR mechanism in play. Whoo boy, what a gift that keeps on giving that was!

    My biggest fear, is that Kate is now going to go after those still sympathetic (you know who you are) and spin this into some "independent divorced working mom of 8" bullshit.

    And sadly, I believe people will buy it hook, line and sinker.

  22. Pleasepleaseplease tell me she's not a nurse.

  23. Sorry Gladys, she sure is (used to be).

  24. GladysKravits...She was a nurse.

  25. I watched it for like 3 minutes (when CNN went to commercial--I'm riveted by the situation in Iran, seriously), and was blinded by the flash of Jon's new bling-y earrings. Big ass diamonds. In my head, I tried to be kind, but I failed.

  26. I have never watched the show, but last season I remember seeing a preview commercial that J+K were renewing their vows in Hawaii. It was not that long ago, maybe less than six months ago?? What the hell was that about??

  27. Kate used to be a dialysis nurse way back before she generated her litters. Jon was an IT guy (and a bad, lazy one who's gotten himself fired from his last job).

    Don't worry about those kids, they've got their futures paid for. Pennsylvania set up a college fund for ALL of them when they were born. Plus, the show paid them approximately $72,000 per EPISODE! There 40 episodes per year X 4 seasons so far = PRETTY DAMN RICH. Unless Miss C.U.Next.Tuesday doesn't spend it all on teeth whitening and tanning sessions. She should use it to buy herself a nicer personality!

  28. Laura - that was all about the ratings.

  29. I predict that Kate is going to try to get a daytime talk show with cooking tips and time saving ideas for us moms on the go.

    Then there will be the big scandal. I'm thinking topless pictures with a dialysis patient.

    Jon is going to be a KFed style dad spending some time with the kids and spending more time in Vegas and whoring around where ever the balding losers are whoring around.

  30. Anonymous2:21 PM

    Probably a book and movie are in the making.

  31. However I feel about them doing the show, or her hair, or the way she was always criticizing him, I have to say that I actually feel for her. Jon Gosselin wants to be young again, and he is behaving like a moron. As she said last night, he won't even talk to her about what has been going on in his head. Also, she's been hard on him, but am I the only one who thinks he's basically useless and in effect, the ninth kid?

    I'm sorry but she's mean because he's an idiot, and at least she figured out a way to make the money to put the kids through college. While I have strong feelings about them doing the show in the first place, I get why they did it. That said, it really needs to stop so that the kids have some small shot at normalcy.

  32. ditto kat, word for word. saved me the trouble of typing it out. thanks

  33. Do you think John is out there singing:
    " And I ran
    I ran so far away
    I just ran
    I ran all night and day
    I couldn't get away"

    Not the actual whole song just the chorus.
    I can't watch either of them they make my teeth hurt from grinding together.

    I could def. see Kate getting in a scandal as the other woman but the man would be RICH and possibly have bad vision because her hair is ICK NAST.

  34. Elsiefire, here I am! I worked late today.

    I think the way some people have developed such a powerful hatred for Kate (or any celebrity, pseudo-or otherwise) tends to say something about the person doing the hating. I think in this case, a lot of the Kate hatred is plain old Mean Girl, high-school type cattiness, with some resentment and envy mixed in. Kate isn't the most touchy-feely character and never made apologies for who she is or how she runs her life and I think that pisses a lot of women off. She doesn't act how we feel we as women "should" act. She's more of a man's woman than a woman's woman.

    Now Kat has brought up a really good point and I'm glad someone has posted what was running through my mind last night: LO-SER. What kind of a fucking tool harps on how he "had 8 kids by the time he was 28", "wants to be on his own", "needs his freedom" etc etc except someone who's having some kind of early mid-life crisis? If he was sick of Kate's bitching, how exactly does that translate into him moving to a bachelor pad in NYC? They don't make condos in PA? And someone posted that he'll have the kids 'half' the time while she'll constantly be on book tour...come on. Book tour's over, and weekends doesn't make half time. Weekends mean Daddy drops in to do the fun stuff while Mommy's the one who handles homework, play dates, running the house etc. Jon wants the goodies without the responsibilities.

    And you know what? He'll get it. And my take on her snappiness to him has for a long time been that she has been trying to get his attention (WAAAY before this last year). He's either slow-minded or just plain spacey. Eventually he'll clue in that he traded a close relationship with his children for the right to "par-tay". Kate will be better off.

    I kind of think people assume that she must have found pleasure in being bossy with him - maybe so, but maybe not. I can tell you from experience that for several years I was in charge of my family's business, and I wound up working 12-14 hour days for months at a time because there was nobody I could turn certain things over to that were critical to us staying afloat. I had some gossipy ladies on staff who criticized my every move - not only was I "snooty" for not going to lunch with them, but on the few occasions I asked them to help with special projects, I was "stressing them out." Sometimes being in charge absolutely SUCKS and you do it because you have no options - and making it from one day to the next is a success. It is a very, very stressful way to live and it makes it even harder when you have no time to stop and think and convince someone that you're not quite the bitch on wheels they keep saying you are. Any woman reading this far will know the type - way too eager to criticize, and way too happy to let everyone know exactly what you're doing wrong. There is no winning with those people.

    Kate's not perfect; neither is anyone else. But at least our family turmoil hasn't been on the cover of Us for weeks on end, and we don't have millions of people feeling free to size us up and tell us how awful we are.

  35. Kat, he may be useless in your eyes but he's the one there caring for the kids while she is gone up to 4 days a week (overnight) on her fucking book tour.

    i really don't know why women bother defending her, she is a horrible excuse for a women, wife and mother. you don't treat people like shit day after day and expect them to stick around. the day those kids turn 18 they'll be gone.
    and then Kate and her fucking bad Ricki Lake Talk Show Guest hair can FUCK OFF.

    sorry-end of rant..imo.

  36. aaa, most men feel that way with young kids underfoot, they just dont verbalize it becasue they have decent wives who don't emasculate them and brow beat the fuck out of them at every turn.
    throw in the fact that Jon got his balls ripped off in every episode in front of millions of people and that has got to be humiliating for ANY man.

    ladies, if you treat your man like this, he's either leaving you or cheating on you.

    she has no one to blame but herself. you get what you give.

  37. What could Kate possibly have done that would have satisfied the haters? Given Jon his freedom but still remained married to someone who wouldn't speak to her? Changed everything about herself to satisfy someone who (from the look of things) cheated on her and was determined to do his own thing? Paid a visit to the Duggar family to learn how to be a more submissive wife, and Jon could've learned how to be in charge (for once)?

    What should she have done? Surely after watching last night, some of you can admit that maybe Jon was a difficult partner to have, just as she was.

  38. wow. i will say this jon and kate more than likely share equal blame for their marital problems and this pending divorce.

  39. About a year ago, a buddy tells me there's this show on TLC that his wife and daughter-in-law just LOVE and that he thinks I might like. Yup, J&K+8. I give it a try, immediately fall head over heels for little Collin, and watch the entire series in repeats within a couple of months. I in turn mention it to several other co-workers, who all strangely were just as obsessed with the show as I and who would discuss it endlessly with me. I eventually quit watching the show when Jon and Kate's interactions became so venomous that I could no longer stomach it (this was right around the time of the "cupcake party" where Kate had a meltdown--I believe for the tups' 4th birthday). So, yes, I really am informed in my opinion. :)

    Two things about all this really bother me. First, these KIDS are the ones suffering at the hands of their ignorant and selfish parents. We may joke about these children needing some serious therapy in the future, but at least one of them--Mady--has long been in need of some drastic help. The only time I saw Kate even register just how messed up Mady is was when Mady was exploring the concept of "accident" after she pushed one of the little kids and then claimed it was an accident. She posed a series of scenarios to Kate to see if they would be acceptable as accidents, and finally she asked if her mom would consider it to be an "accident" if she poked one of her siblings in the eye with a pencil. Kate did seem a little shocked (not when Mady asked her the question, but later when she relayed the story to the off-camera interviewer), but all she did was laugh it off. I was horrified. This child was probably 6 years old at that time, and was already displaying seriously sociopathic tendencies. Has she received any help that we know of? Or is this behavior just "expected" because it's stressful being in such a big family and in front of the cameras all the time? It's too sad for me even to contemplate.

    Second, while I am no defender of Kate and her Shitty-Shitty-Bang-Bangs, what bothers me about all the vitriol is not that people rag on these two for being bad parents and generally nasty people, but that they do so in such sexist ways. I read an article on some quasi-legitimate news source (though I can't remember what it was now, LOL) that Kate actually deserves that Jon cheated on her. The idea was that she was treating him poorly--and yes, we all see that she does--and so it was her own fault that he cheated. WTF? The author compared Kate to Elizabeth Edwards, who served as the example of the woman who did NOT "deserve" to be cheated on. I'm sorry, but having a mid-life crisis (at any age) does not give you permission (or an excuse) to cheat. Even having your nuts ripped off and then shoved back down your throat every day for years doesn't give you an excuse. You have to decide either to work on your marriage or to get out of it, but you don't get to bitch about situations that you have played an equal part in creating. They are both pathetic--her for her emasculating behaviors toward her husband, he for his utter immaturity and disrespectfulness in the face of their problems, and both of them for their selfishness in hogging this "spotlight" and neglecting their children's very obvious needs. They both make me sick.

  40. Hey Jax,

    I totally see your point and even agree to a certain extent. The thing is, I don't have any unmarried friends, and all of them are parents, and I can tell you that in every single house the dynamic is the same: the mom is the one who has to keep things on track. This isn't a criticism of men, far from it, it's just sort of how it works in traditional households (this does not include single families, obv). Nearly all of the arguing and bickering between the parents has to do with the fathers being a little too laid back and concerned about things that the mother doesn't think is important. Now, you take Kate who has eight children, all under the age of ten, and she's trying to squirrel away the TLC dough before the novelty wears off, and he's whining and moaning about how he feels like he doesn't have a life because she's the one who is doing all the work. And, as a mother, I can tell you that I hate being away from my kid, and as much of a control freak as Kate is, I imagine she feels even worse being away from the home because she has no control when she's gone.

    I think Kate has major social issues, and I also think she is every bit the control freak that people say she is, but I have a feeling that this divorce is hurting her more than it is the eternal frat boy she married. I saw the footage of them when they were dating and in love, as well as on their honeymoon, and she clearly loved the guy.

    Of course, we don't really know these people ;)

  41. This is when I am proud that I don't have cable. I will never put a dollar in their pockets.

  42. Jen and Jon - no way. Now Angelina and Jon - that would be a match. Ange could convince Kate to join a USO tour to improve her PR, plant a little baggie of horse on her, and tip off customs so Kate ends up in some foreign prison. Then Ange dumps Brad, swoops in on Jon, adopts his 8 kids and BAM - she's caught up with octo-mom.

    I bet Ange could manage that in a month and birth and/or adopt two more kids while she's at it.

  43. Blankprincess: you effing nailed the whole situation perfectly, down to the creepy feel I got from Mady.

    I think the Gosselins fell into a trap that many couples with far fewer than 8 kids have. They put their kids first, instead of their marriage. It is supremely necessary that you put your marriage first, which comes before, and is supposed to extend beyond, the long period of raising children. If your marriage is strong, your kids are happier anyway.

    Kate had those sextuplets, and fell into her nurse tendencies of managing the babies' situation in a very controlled, organized manner, and that turned Jon from being her husband, to being her orderly. Jon was happy to let her run things initially because he was scared and clueless about how to handle the load, and they sealed their fates.

    No woman, even one who seems happy to run things, wants an emasculated husband. She emasculated Jon to shame him into stepping up and becoming the man the family needed, but her plan backfired. Instead, he just withdrew, and has now withdrawn right out of their marriage.
