Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Jon & Kate Crack Me Up

I know lots of you can't decide which team you are on in this debacle, and I think that is part of the fun. I go back and forth everyday depending on what happens or who said something idiotic. Yesterday though, both of them said something idiotic. In a statement from the couple released on TLC which last I checked is part of the media, the couple said, "During this very difficult time we will be working to focus solely on the needs of our family. This includes no longer commenting publicly or reacting to media stories and speculation. Our goal is to do the very best for our children and that will be done as privately as possible. We appreciate the understanding, support and well wishes from so many. Thank you."

So, basically what this means is they are going into lock down to build up for their August 3rd show. Of course between now and then, TLC will need to shoot some video and do interviews and the cameras will be all over the place, but they are going to focus solely on the needs of their family. Fine. If you want to focus solely on the needs of your family, then do it. Send TLC out the door. Tell them to never return. Once they are out the door, then live your lives. The world is a 24 hour news cycle and I figure it will take us a few weeks to forget about you and you can live a relatively normal life. Sure, once in awhile someone will want to do an article or an interview, but you can have a relatively normal life. The thing is they won't. They are addicted to the attention and the money and fame and won't give it up for their kids.

Their entire statement is designed only to build up interest in their return to television. When they announce they are quitting the show, then I will believe that statement. Not until then.

In other news, Kate's book publisher wants to hold off on releasing her next book. It was due in November, but as The NY Post put so eloquently "Suddenly, the book jacket promise -- "an inside look at one of America's most close-knit families" -- doesn't have the same ring it used to."

Agreed. Plus she won't want to talk to the media to promote the book. You know because of family and the kids.


  1. "Excuse me - did you hear me? We're not going to talk to the press anymore... Hey! Over here! I said, we're not going to participate in any more interviews. Hey you! WE SAID WE'RE NOT GOING TO GIVE ANY MORE INTERVIEWS AND THAT'S ALL WE'RE GOING TO SAY!"

    Give me a freakin' break.

  2. Her Glasses suck!!! I wish she and He would just slink away and do the ultimate job of rearing their children..

  3. My thoughts exactly, Babs! So true.

  4. i agree vitazza. they are both a-holes.

  5. It's so funny how today's hot topic can suddenly become yesterday's has beens. Ha! Ha!

  6. If they really wanted to focus the needs of the family they would quit the show and go to counseling or make their divorce arrangements and get the kids settled.

  7. As weary as I am becoming of the media frenzy surrounding MJ, at least he was a true celebrity with talent who made records, went on tour, and won awards. He had a career worthy of headlines and magazine covers.

    The Gosselins? WTF? Simply famewhores. As Letterman said recently, "who the hell are Jon and Kate?" They're nobody, that's who.

  8. Exactly, Babs, exactly. The best thing they could do is turn their backs on the media and forget they ever let TLC in the door. Will they do it? Hell no.

  9. Up until a month or so ago I had no clue who either of these asshats was, and now they just. won't. go. away. I couldn't give less of a crap about either of them, and I feel bad for their poor exploited kiddos.

    And what did she cut her hair with, a blender? Sheesh.

  10. last year i had a few friends bother me about watching the show. they said it was "so interesting" and "just great" and other blase non-descriptive terms. it took me about 10 min. including commercials to deduce that these people were total assholes and their marriage and their attitude about "family" was total bullshit.

    i still don't understand what the interest was in this show. it was stupid - even the background music was irritating and STUPID. why can't they just GO AWAY!!!!

  11. I actually saw a woman last week here on our floor at work with the Kate 'do. I couldn't believe it!!

  12. Little Miss Smoke ITA with you.

  13. the beginning of the end may actually be a good thing. yay!

  14. Anonymous1:00 PM

    They will get every drop of money they can squeeze.

  15. I would so love for them to be interviewed somewhere by say Al Roker and have him say those words.
    "If you want out of the public spotlight why do you keep giving PUBLIC statements and why are you staying on TLC if not for the fame and the $$$$ ?"

    So are they going to rename the show? I vote " Two Asshats and the poor kids who are stuck with them".

  16. They had a tough week. Two stars, a pitchman and Fred Travelena died. You know they are going to disappear off the covers of the tabloids this week and probably won't be back. The Jackson family and it's insanity will dominate covers for weeks on end.

  17. About that book jacket - I'm guessing that's not the only thing that's a lie. The whole book must be.

  18. That just goes to show we're all right about those two famewhores; Michael Jackson dies and every one forgets about John and Kate, so naturally, they need to release a statement telling the world to leave them alone.

    Where's Bin Laden when we need him...
