Thursday, June 18, 2009

Jon & Kate Will Do Anything To Get You To Watch - Or It Could Be TLC

Everyone in the world it seems watched the season premiere of Jon & Kate. Since then, it has been just like the career of Lindsay Lohan. Straight down. Each week has seen the audience drop by about a million. Now, it is still TLC's biggest show by a lot, but I think they got excited at those huge numbers from the first week and want a repeat performance. How do you do that? Well last night they started running promos for Monday's episode which says, "Jon & Kate have an announcement." Kate then says, "Recently, we’ve made some life-changing decisions — decisions that will affect every member of our family, ones that we hope will bring each of us some peace.”

Now of course TLC wants you to think they are going to announce they are getting divorced or something like that. If you watch the promo you can see they want you to think that and to tune in on Monday. I think what they have probably decided is that Kate is going to get a new hairstyle. I mean that is life changing right? Maybe it is a new bed-time. The whole peace thing is the clue. I don't think it is a divorce announcement because don't you think it would have leaked by now? They don't pay the people that much at TLC. Someone would have said something to someone. This is just a big ploy to get people to watch. The problem with it is if TLC doesn't pay off big here no one will ever believe one of their promos again.


  1. Hopefully this means they'll be irrelevant and out of the gossip columns soon. They suck and I'm tired of them!

  2. Sounds like previews for the Bachelorette! Stay tuned, next week one poor guy can't perform in the bedroom.

    Ya, like they're going to show that.

  3. On Gawker someone just spotted Jon in NYC with a diamond stud earring and a cigarette. Awesomeness.

  4. Well, if it's them announcing a separation, all I can say it is DISGUSTING to promote it that way.

  5. califblondy I was going to say the same thing...I mean this seems like the same ploy that all the reality shows use. The classic soap opera cliff hanger that turns out to be something completely different than how it is portrayed. Gossip rags use it too…“BABY GIVES BIRTH TO BABY” (and the woman ends up having the name Baby or something stupid and boring like that)

  6. Pathetic as they are, i'm glad it has come to this. It means that they are on their way out (and we can piss ourselves laughing at Kate's future attempt to conquer Hollywood).

  7. Honestly, I hope it doesn't deliver on its promise and people just turn their tvs to another channel. Until a few months ago I only had a slight idea of who they are, and now I'm just sick of seeing them everywhere I turn. Whatever gets them out of the public eye sooner, I'm all for it.

  8. I sort of think this is going to be an announcement about their deciding to let the show go, as in, this is their final season. It's probably the only thing that will save their marriage, and reputations.

  9. Anonymous11:27 AM

    I am sorry but nothing will get me to watch their show at all. Can't stand reality shows.

  10. Anonymous11:43 AM

    Kat - Kate will never let that happen, she loves the money more than her kids.

  11. A diamond stud was just what he was missing, I would say,

  12. you're right, enty. if it isn't a divorce announcement, it could totally backfire on tlc.

    maybe that's a good thing.

  13. haha linnea, so funny. That and a big tattoo. Yeah. That'll show the world.

    Isn't the divorce a given? But how, HOW are they ever going to afford 2 households if not doing the show anymore?

  14. You are right Enty. If there is no big announcement (and we all know there's not), TLC is going to lose more viewers. I watched part of the first episode this season and I tell you I just want to rip Kate's hair off of her head. My theory is that she knew exactly what she was doing all along. As a nurse she has to know that when multiple embryos are implanted there is a good chance that ALL of them will take. She sounded like the only one with a decent job at the time, so she had to think about how they were going to pay for raising more than two kids (whether it was one or two more or six more). She is nothing more than an ugly child & husband-abusing freak. I eagerly await the older twins book when it comes out in about 15 years....

    and Jon is an idiot, but at least you can tell he loves his kids...

    Sorry for ranting, peeps.

  15. I have noticed that in recent pics, Kate has been wearing hats. I think the big announcement that will make everyone happy is she unveils she got rid of the reverse mullet.

  16. maybe they'll say 'we've decided it's in the best interest of our family if we stop doing this dumbass show and focus on our children.'


    oh well, then i'm guessing they'll say they're separated----earth crashing news, i know.

  17. or kate's pregnant. *L*

  18. Oh, she ain't giving up the money no how,no way.

    My guess is they are moving or remodling that way they can have a home makeover tie in.

  19. I had never even heard of these twits til this whole deal broke a few weeks ago. I am assuming it is either a divorce *GASP!!* ... the horror!! Or .. they are putting the kibosh on the show.

    As for TLC .. stopped that channel years ago when it was "Trading Spaces" 24/7.

  20. no, MK was right, it is about her hair.

  21. It sounds like separation/divorce but I really hope it's just going to be them announcing this is their last season. Probably not.

  22. Every promo I have seen this week for their shows was about them getting clubhouses for the kids. I haven't seen this promo yet.
    But I agree, the announcement definitely won't be anything of importance (the show ending, them getting a divorce)

  23. Mngdess, she didn't have the type of fertility treatments where fertilized eggs were implanted; she had intrauterine insemination. She had no more reasonable expectation that six fetuses would develop than you have a reasonable expectation that you'll get into a car accident on your way home today from work. If her main goal was a huge number of multiples, IUI wouldn't have been the way to go.

    We're all free to like who we want and dislike who we want but some of this venom kind of makes me laugh, when it seems to be based on a falsehood in the first place. No insult intended towards you but it seems like part of your disgust with her is that she "knew what she was doing," when no facts support that at all.

  24. I read that Jon is filing for divorce next week, but that could have been speculation presented as fact, and it was based on this promo.

    I think they will announce they're separating but I'm not sure they'll jump to the divorce word so quickly. That doesn't many any promotional sense. They need to get mileage out of first announcing the separation and then another round of publicity when they later announce they're getting back together for the kids, or divorcing.

    For extra value they can announce the separation, getting back together, separating again, repeat a time or two more, then finally divorce.
