Wednesday, June 03, 2009

Octo-Mom Goes Off On Kate Gosselin - Kids To Have Dance Off

Nadya Suleman has been feeling left out as of late. Earlier this week she signed on the dotted line to exploit her kids and no one even noticed. They didn't notice because the whole world is watching Kate Gosselin. I understand the frustration of Nadya. I mean Nadya has 14 kids and is a single mom while Kate only has 8 and has a husband to help. 8 kids must be nothing to Nadya. Hell if she only had 8 kids she would actually have time to shop.

In an interview with Nadya, RADAR got Nadya to say what they wanted her to say so they could have a story. They also made Nadya look stupid, which, really is not that tough at all.

The way they made Nadya look stupid this time is they showed her a tape of Kate on the Dr. Phil show where Kate bad mouths Nadya. Nadya then says, "She needs to stop being so judgmental and stop pulling at straws for attention. My children are extremely healthy, strong and happy. Don't you have, like, a lot of issues in your life? A lot of marital problems? Why are you so desperate to glob on to my life? For attention?"

First of all I think it is Nadya that is using Kate to grab attention. Nadya can't even get a cover right now and her income from tabloids is shrinking every week. I can't imagine anyone wanting to glob on to Nadya's life. What I think would be a great idea though is for Kate & Nadya to set up a play date for the kids while Jon and Deanna have sex upstairs with a live play by play from Deanna's brother saying Ick, Nast at opportune times and selling other belongings of Deanna's during the event. I think this could be Pay-Per-View and for $29.95 you get all of the above, plus you get a very special visit from the Duggar's.


  1. i saw the vid...nadya appears to have the maturity of a 13 yr old. there's a lot of eye rolling and squirming. it was sort of sad to watch. not that kate is any better, but at least she's been on tv for a while and is a tad more polished and has the condescending act down.

  2. I'd pay to see Jim Bob Duggar get it on with OctoMom.

    Or...maybe not. His super-fertile sperm might cause her to instantly explode with nontuplets.

  3. They can both choke on a dick and die as far as I'm concerned.

    That's how mature I am! *L*

  4. Anonymous11:29 AM


  5. A very special visit from the Duggars?


    I bet Michelle and Jim Bob could have both of those families sorted by noon and still have time for homeschooling and to build a new house.

  6. I'd happily pay the $29.95 Pay-Per-View fee to NEVER see ANY of these people AGAIN.

  7. Dear Nadya, Thanks for the chuckles. You’re a real card.

  8. I don't like Kate and have No felling for Nadya though I wish her luck in all her endeavors....I do actually hope that all the Baby Mommas with more than the allowable 2.3 children to have decent lives for the children’s least !!YES another day with Ick! NAST!

  9. I'd take Kate of Nadya any day. Kate may be difficult and calculating, but at least she has some grip on reality and appears to want the best for her kids. The other one is off her freaking rocker and wants what's best for herself. They're both annoying, but I'll take borderline personality disorder over absolute crazy any day.

  10. The Duggars seem almost normal compared to both batshit-insane Nadya and Superbitch Kate. Don't get me wrong, the Duggars still creep me out, but I'd take them over either of the latter two any day.

  11. Harriet ITA with you! LOL!

  12. Aren't the Duggars supposed to be religious? If so they'd sprinkle holy water on both of these two cows and get rid of this IVF competition fuckery.

  13. I believe the word she is looking for is GLOM.  You do not GLOB onto someone's life or anything else.  Sorry, I had to get that out of my system. 

  14. well at least Kate has an education, what does Nadya have besides busted plastic surgery and some tired Jolie weave?

    her show is going to tank.
    people are jumping off the kiddie train with all the BS of J&K+8.
    couldn't happen at a worse time for Octomartyr!

  15. Agreed with Kat. Kate over Nadya all day. At least Kate is somewhat honest about who and what she is. That being said, I'll leave them both.

    @ kathryn - haha! I thought that, too! Then again, they say I'm a grammar bitch.

  16. @ babs - hahaha, i totally agree...

  17. You all have made my day when it was rather crappy! Thanks!!

    How many of us wish the child on the swing would get up some momentum, put out it's feet,hit Octo in the chin & knock her on her ass-peraion? Anyone but me? (I know the little tyke is too small for that but I am holding out hope.)

  18. the duggars belong to an evangelical sect called 'quiverful.' you have all the kids you can. you just have one kid after the other, and i guess when your uterus falls out, you can stop.

  19. I can't get over Nadya's meltyface. She is hard to look at, fo sho.

    Plus crazy. Way, makes-me-uncomfortable crazy.

  20. Octo- and Septo-Moms are trainwrecks, and should be forgotten and left alone.

  21. Do the Duggars do a bit called The Aristocrats?

  22. As a IVF Mom, I am sad and hope these poor kids get into a real family with "Parents'- who will guide them into adulthood,

  23. You know what I'm looking forward to? The documentary in about 20 years, with the Gosselin and Suleman kids sitting around talking about how happy they are to be alive!

    Gosselins: "Can you believe we made it through that fuckery"

    Sulemans: "Well, it got a hell of a lot better when your Auntie Jody and Uncle Kevin got full custody of us."
