Friday, June 19, 2009

Ryan Reynolds Avenges Betty White On Fallon

Ryan Reynolds was on Jimmy Fallon last night and took the opportunity to avenge her recent loss in Beer Pong. This time though it wasn't beer pong. Nope. It was Beer Shuffleboard. Since shuffleboard is basically curling without the ice, and Ryan is Canadian, the result for Jimmy wasn't pretty. Also not pretty was the week old beer that Jimmy was forced to drink.


  1. ok, so maybe Ryan Reynolds is an asshole in real life, but you've gotta admit he has pretty good comedic timing...loved it! "bender in tijuana!"

  2. cute and all...but no where near the awesome greatness that is betty white.

  3. @pookie-quite right!

  4. ryan scored some points with me for this one. cute idea! "this one's for b-dub!"
