Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sarah Jessica Parker Surrogate Has Home Invaded By Greedy Cops

This is a strange, strange story. It seems that two Ohio police chiefs are being investigated for breaking into the surrogate of Sarah Jessica Parker's baby. The reason? To dig up dirt for the tabloids and hoping to make a quick score. According to E!, a court prosecutor has been appointed to look into the charges.

Can you imagine two police chiefs doing this? This isn't just two guys off the street or two rookie cops. This was the chiefs of two separate Ohio towns. The television station WTRF says that the surrogate doesn't even live in the house anymore which was broken into. Allegedly. I can't believe someone put these two idiots in charge of the police in their respective cities. One of the cities is Martina Ferry which is where the surrogate lived. You would think the chief would have known she moved out already. Of course you would think a chief would also be moral enough to not break into a house to sell dirt to tabloids. I'm guessing neither of these guys are the smartest people in the world.


  1. Yes I can absolutely imagine 2 police chiefs doing this. You need to read

  2. I'm still astounded that SJP decided to sell out her surrogate. She could have just as easily announced the birth of the baby after it had been born and brought home! The poor surrogate didn't sign up for this sort of crap, SJP & MB did!

  3. I read the agitator every day and cops are at the very least as stupid and corrupt as the general population.

  4. eep! i know the popo aren't the highest paid professionals out there...but to stoop to this? esp. by popos in command?! wth is wrong w/ these people...

  5. Corrupt police?? NEVER!!! Hate the poh-leese.

    The surrogate understood that she was dealing with two celebrities. This sucks and she doesn't deserve this. Regardless, she shouldn't have been surprised she would've gotten attention from sleazy media sources. Or corrupt police chiefs. Blegh.

  6. What I don't get is there really enough demand for info that the tabloids really needed to hire these two goons, which I'm sure did not do the work for free? Would this info even sell any magazines? Does anyone really care? I don't know who's stupider, the magazines or the chiefs.

  7. *going to visit agitator right NOW*

    And I agree w/ Lisa O --why was the surrogate's ID revealed to begin with?

  8. you don't understand small town police forces. to rise to the rank of chief in a small community police department doesn't take much.

    i hate the police---i didn't used to, but more and more i think they're thugs. nothing surprises me anymore.

  9. IIRC, SJP only revealed the surrogate/twins thing because one of the tabloids found out and was going to press with it. SJP wanted to beat them to it. Who told the tabs to begin with - I think it may have ben someone in the surrogate's family.

  10. i love SJP and the whole SATC cast...but even i dont' give a fuck about her babies.

    nice work cops, tomrrow they will break into Southfork to find out who shot JR.

  11. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I haven't trusted the police since I found one in my basement when I lived in NJ - I was about to call the police, then discovered the intruder WAS the police!

  12. @mikey--
    Ahhhh, yep, that makes sense.

  13. I didn't think SJP and MB revealed the surrogate. When it was revealed by some mag or tab, they owned up to it.

    These two dumbass cops need to be locked up with the dangerous prisoners.

  14. Small town cops. I'm imagining the likes of Barney Fife.

    Isn't SJP originally from a large family in southern Ohio?

  15. I can totally believe these cops would do this. In fact, that seems pretty mild compared to a few of the local cops I've known.

  16. How bizarre! Same page, Pookie. What is wrong with these people?

  17. @ little miss-
    nope. barney had some morals.

    i'm not really surprised, and i actually still have respect for most men with badges (even though i spent most of my childhood being molested by one). in the 70's i lived outside of atlanta, so i've seen the small-town redneck cop mentality. and the above mentioned was LAPD, and there's good and bad there.

    what i really hate is the last ditch publicity grab on the part of MB and SJP. sorry, just my humble opinion.

  18. I live near the Ohio border and you sadly underestimate the corruptibility of their cops.(Not that I'm saying all police persons are bad . I know some decent ones.) But in Youngstown, Ohio the mob was known for buying cops as recently as 1996. You think the tabs would have gone about breaking into her house SMARTER but sometimes the sharpest person isn't always boss.

  19. It is not just small town cops. My sister has lived in NYC for years and says they have a terrible reputation.

  20. I am so sorry to hear that, BB. That is awful. I am glad to hear you are still able to be nuanced.

  21. I used to live in Martins Ferry, so this story intrigues me. Thankfully I moved out 6 years ago; that place was a hole.
