Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Sean Penn Is Taking A Break - Wants To Focus On Marriage And Family

I hate to give Sean Penn any benefit of the doubt so when he decided to pull out of two high profile projects to spend time with his family, I have serious doubts. He hasn't cared about his wife for years and years so why should he start now? He filmed movie after movie for years and never seemed to care what it was doing to his kids so why now? I will admit that pulling out of The Three Stooges is big. I still probably won't see it, but there was no way I was going to see it if he was in it. Anyway, I don't think this has anything to do directly with family. There are ways to work and still be with your family. He can have them with him the whole time, he can spend the night with his wife instead of Mel Gibson's Russian castoffs. Or is that the other way around? Yeah, I think Mel was probably taking from Sean and not the other way around.

What would everyone think of the idea that perhaps Sean needed some time to deal with other issues. Perhaps there is a little drinking or substance abuse problem? That could explain the lengthy absence. He knows he won't get better without a break from acting and so this would be a good time for that. And if he did have a problem and did get better than maybe the relationship with his wife and family would be better as a result. Therefore if you say you are pulling out of movies to focus on your family, it is true in a very round about intervention-esque kind of way.


  1. sniff sniff....whatever problem could you possibly be referring to ?

  2. Haaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.....ohhh!
    Just, gasp, just read that heading.

  3. Is it possible to get a personality transplant?

  4. Wasn't there a blind about an actor who was going to say he was going on vacation but was really going to rehab....? Or am I imagining things?


  6. lol! like he's ever given a crap about his family...ain't no body buyin' what he's sellin'.

    chk your ass into rehab, you overrated piece of crap hack.

  7. I would not see a movie with this man in it anyway so it is just as well. I used to say "ok he is a jerk but he is such a great actor" but these days his acting ability just can't overcome my disgust. And RWP pisses me off for staying with him.

  8. OK, it was the NY Post Page six on the 8th of June:

    WHICH actor is on hiatus due to a drug relapse? He claimed he needed time off because of the heartbreak of his public split, but he's actually headed to rehab.

  9. There is definitely a substance problem. I wonder if that's part of the reason Robin's being (ridiculously) forgiving of his behaviour?


  11. If he's really getting help, good for him.

    He always seemed like such a big know-it-all I can't see him ever thinking HE had a problem. He's probably in rehab telling the doctors what to do.

  12. I second your thoughts, Dijea!

  13. This headline sounds like such an oxymoron.

    Why do I feel like this is a hint to NY Post Blind a few days ago?

  14. R E H A B

    Rehab rehab, rehab, rehab, rehab.

    We knew that recent blind was about Peen, didn't we?!

  15. Hey Sean, I aint pickin' up what you're throwin' down. In other words, I don't believe it for one minute.

  16. i was right then!

  17. totally fits with all that's been going on with him and robin. the violence, the fucking around, the separations, etc.
    i hope he succeeds.

  18. Everyone knows how this guy is so this is way too little way too late. They think we're idiots.

  19. He probably realized that Robin has finally decided that if her marriage is over, she's going to find another guy (i.e. Cannes)...not that Sean wants her...he just doesn't want anyone else to have her. He could be in rehab for the rest of his life...he'll still be a major ass!!

  20. So not buying the bridge he's selling.

    As for Robin taking him back. Yuck. Sure, it was the drugs who made him an abusive,whoring anal specter. Sure, sure, we'll buy that bridge to Doucheville. (roll eyes)

  21. i dunno, to me,
    "wants to focus on marriage and family" reads:
    "wants to beat wife back into submission and make sure the kids toe the line".

    that was the very first thought that popped into my mind.
    but i'll cross my fingers for rehab.

  22. I'm sure Robin is going to love all the extra attention *cough*

    If she's kidding herself that his behaviour is all down to drugs, than hopefully this little stint of his will make her see sense.

  23. Still. Can't. Stand. Him.

    And will never, ever see one of his movies again.

  24. has he still got that guy daulton lee working as his pa? that dude would not be helping with his substance abuse problems

  25. it's rehab. tyler durden just wrote about it...

  26. isn't it the third time he wants to stop movie?
