Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Snakes In An Apartment

I am always willing to abuse the Snakes On or Snakes In title from the Snakes On A Plane movie. I love that title and is really appropriate when you have one of these stories. In New York this morning, and more specifically in the Bronx, a woman was wandering through her apartment. An apartment mind you when all of a sudden a four foot long snake slithered by. Are you f**king kidding me? I would have dropped dead right there. Don't think so? Last night I had some kind of nightmare and woke up with a jolt. I could feel my arteries. I also decided that when people die of a heart attack during the night that is what happens.

Anyway, the woman who has three kids seems to have handled this much better than I would have. She rounded up her kids and called 911. No doubt she was probably hung up on 3 or 4 times until someone believed her story. Animal Control came and removed the snake and they were going to take it somewhere to determine if it was venomous. OK, stop right there. They were going to determine if it was venomous? That means it wasn't a python or boa or something like that. The Animal Control people didn't know? That is scary. What if they tell her oh, yeah it was some kind of snake that kills you in three seconds if it bites you. Do you think she is going to be able to sleep for a week? No way. Not a chance. That has to be the biggest shock in the world.

No one has figured out how the snake got in the apartment. Yeah, that is great news. Probably more where they came from.


  1. Anonymous11:46 AM

    probably it belonged to one of the neighbors.

  2. Yeah, someone's illegal pet. Or maybe it mutated from the alligators in the sewers?

  3. eek!

    *jumps on illegal pet theory*

  4. Have you ever noticed that tons of these exotic animals on the loose stories ( or exotic animals attack ) seem to happen a lot in the buroughs of NYC? I have seen more tigers, snakes and other random wild animals in the Bronx and Brooklyn than anywhere else that comes to mind.

  5. ** meaning illegal pet exotic animals of course **

  6. This is crazy because I watched The Cosby show on TV Land around 5am or so this morning and in it Rudy found a snake in their basement. Didn't they live in the Bronx on that show?

  7. It was a yellow rat snake. Nonvenomous. (Snakes aren't poisonous, they are venomous.) It was probably the pet of a resident in the building.

  8. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I would have crapped my pants. It's bad enough here in SD where there are little garter snakes everywhere and bigger snakes when you get out of town. 4 feet of snake and I'd be a brown stinky mess.

  9. I was working on the pool pump the other day and a 5 ft snake was about a foot away the whole time.

    He didn't mess with me so I left him alone. If it had been a cottonmouth I'd have had to kill it though.

  10. Oh, and as for "biggest shock in the world" I vote this:


    Imagine walking out your front door early in the morning and being in a hurry and half awake you stumble through the spider on that guys hand. The web is very strong, sticky as hell, completely covering your upper torso and head AND THAT SPIDER IS NORMALLY RIGHT IN THE CENTER. Freak out city.

    I win.

  11. Miss: I was wondering that, myself. I live in Manhattan, so I guess we're safe...

  12. Call me whacked, but I'm not afraid of snakes, not even huge ones. I'd have said, "This is cool!", then got the kids to call Animal Control.

    This coming from someone who's held boa constrictors and loved it.

  13. A situation not unlike this happened a few years ago to my late best friend, however the roles were reversed.
    He was the one keeping snakes in his apartment and one got loose, turning up in a ladies apartment some 2 buildings away.
    Of course she freaked, building maintenance got involved, freaked, and all but called out the national guard to handle the snake.
    What was it? A little corn snake about a foot long. As in orange and yellow banded, totally non venomous.
    By the time he heard about it from maintenance, it had morphed into an 8 foot coral snake.

  14. Hey DN, I'm planning a driving trip down to SD this summer with the fam, so I'll wave on the way through, 'k?

    Up here in sunny Manitoba, we have a lovely tourist attraction, called the Narcisse Snake Dens. Tens upon thousands of red-sided garter snakes, coiled together in a "mating ball".

    Yeah, sorry for the nightmares in advance.

  15. Snakes don't bother me and I love spiders as long as they're not too big or furry. I will pick up a spider and relocate it to the front yard. No spider murdering at my house!

    Bats, on the other hand, kill me. I can't even watch them on TV without breaking into a cold sweat.

  16. Snakes I'm just fine with. Bat&rats make me freeze and want to puke.
    When I was a very little girl and on a walk at night with my Mom a bat thought the barretts in my hair were lighting bugs. It swooped into my very long hair and got caught. I was a hysterical mess.

    Why God made rats I don't know and then to make them
    aerodynamic ---

  17. i should not have read that. Scary! I don't think I'd be able to stay in that apartment.

    And I thought I was pretty much over my fear of snakes. Thanks, Enty, for proving me wrong.

  18. The Huxtables lived in Brooklyn, and that Bengal tiger was in Harlem. Yep, the 400 lb pet tiger was in a Manhattan apt. Police repelled down the outside of the building to tranquilize it from a window. Also? The tiger's roommate was an alligator.

    Why this harmless, 3-ft pet snake made the national (or even the local) news is beyond me. Not like it's a slow news day or anything.
