Monday, June 01, 2009

Speidi Knows What They Are Doing

I dislike Heidi Montag and Spencer Pratt almost more than any other pseudo/celebrity out there. I do know one thing though and that is they know exactly the format of I'm A Celebrity Get Me Out Of Here and how it is played. Doesn't anyone think it is surprising that all these reports of Spedi wanting to leave the show are hurtling through the internet on the very day the show premieres?

The rumor that the pair wanted off the show came from Ryan Seacrest. The same Ryan Seacrest who has Spedi on his radio show at least once a week. The same Ryan Seacrest who actually plays Heidi's songs and doesn't laugh.

"They wanted to be treated like stars," a high-level source on the series tells E! News' Ryan Seacrest. "[Spencer] literally thought he and Heidi were staying in a Four Seasons, working out and getting a tan."

I don't buy it. Spencer is an a-hole but he is not stupid. I am sure the little nasty celebutard has watched every episode of the British and American versions and knows exactly how to play it to get the most publicity. Despite being some of the least known non-MTV type celebrities on the show, they now have the publicity lead and this show depends on viewers to determine a winner.

"I wish they got some real celebrities like K-Fed," groused Montag, per the network insider.

As much as you you hate Heidi, do you really, really think she would say this? She would have said some movie star, not K-Fed. The entire thing is planted and probably by Seacrest as a favor. I'm convinced Spencer must have pictures of Ryan in a position or situation in which he would not like to be seen.

Some good did come out of this though. Now we have this hideous picture of Heidi to show all the time and can see what a terrible actress she is as well. I believe she might be trying to cry. Or burp.


  1. Anonymous10:04 AM

    If a Seacrest-Spencer sextape leaked, that would be beyond epic (and might actually turn me on... sadly).

    I agree, Enty. Everyone's talking about it, and now people are going to tune in to see what happened that was so awful to make them want to leave.

  2. DN, I'll give you Seacrest, but Spencer? AAARGH!!!

    There isn't one single thing Spencer does or says that isn't completely planned out in advance. And Heidi does whatever he tells her, 'cause she loves the attention.

  3. I think horsey face has got the sads because no one will give her an apple or a carrot.

  4. That picture is PRICELESS. LOL ...

  5. Obviously nobody told Heidi that fake crying makes a person look hideous.

  6. well i hope this show is at least better than the yawn fest last night that was The Hills season finale.

  7. yeah, i thought this was pretty obvious when i first read about it this morning. i hate these 2 dirtballs, but they're shrewd. they know exactly what their image is, and they play to it---successfully, i might add. gotta keep that 15 minutes going!

  8. eep, heidi really is rather unfortunate looking w/o full makeup, proper lighting and staged camera angles...

  9. This photo Heidi makes me really, really happy. Schadenfreude much?

  10. Well, she deserves some credit for daring to get ogly for the part, right? I think thats what they give out oscars for these days.

  11. Poor Heidi should know a bobo kitty face doesn't look good on anyone over 3yrs old. Do you think the reality of being married to that dork Spencer has finally caught up with her?

  12. I completely forgot this show was on tonight. This is COMEDY GOLD!

    "Is that a real monkey?" - Heidi. Ent, I do believe she meant K-Fed. She will be the new Jessica Simpson.

    Janice Dickinson's face. They should make masks like that for Hallowe'en.

    Has anyone heard of Frangela? Anyone?

  13. I really never knew what a douche was until I did it and these two came out, HATE UM

  14. The above picture is the prettiest she has ever looked to me.

    That fact alone has had me laughing for the last 10 minutes.
