Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Speidi Really Did Quit

Apparently Heidi Montag & Spencer Pratt really did decide they were too good for the jungle. According to TMZ, the couple left the show after the live portion of last night's show was completed. The show, which was excruciatingly awful to watch and will be the death knell of any further attempts to revive the format here in the US saw Heidi and Spencer attempt to leave the show twice and then return each time. At one point as the video shows below, Heidi and Spencer came back only to see that the rest of the celebrities had gone through their stuff and had claimed it as their own. Spencer went ballistic. Umm why?

If you are leaving the show then why do you need your stuff that you had brought to only use on that show? I think the remaining celebrities had full right to it all and obviously were clueless as to what prats the Pratts are. Like it? Yeah, me too. You really don't get to use puns quite like that one very often. Lucky for us, their last name kinds of leads itself to that kind of fun.

Anyway, Speidi did themselves no favors by leaving the show. They could have exposed themselves to the American public for four nights a week for several weeks and conveyed any image they wanted to convey. This was their chance to get off MTV and actually let the general public know who they are. You really don't get the chance to be in front of millions of people every night for weeks on end like that and this is something they will regret when they start doing auto shows at the local mall for a few hundred bucks a day and living out of their trailer they drive from town to town while living the good life.


  1. Anonymous10:17 AM

    Men who commit domestic violence may be found among a larger pool of men with poor problem-solving skills, but in addition they appear to have borderline-antisocial personality traits, certain types of hostility, ... may predispose them to become violent with their female companions. SourcePoor Heidi.

  2. The best thing I've read about this whole nonsense, from Sfgate.com's Daily Dish:

    "I think Spencer thought he was about to arrive in some jungle-top Four Seasons (hotel), not a camp in the middle of the jungle. ... He does make much of the fact that he's very pampered. He said to me, 'I can't do this; I eat five times a day and everyone of those meals costs at least $40.' I said, 'Well Spencer, everybody else is doing fine on rice and beans.'

    "He's calmed down and he has slept and he has eaten but we had some tempers thrown yesterday. He can be quite a frightening young man. ... Heidi's being a trooper. She had a truly devastating day... but she wolfed down a rat's tail like she was quite used to having a small piece of cartilage put in her mouth."


  3. She looks like Rumer Willis with a blonde wig in that picture. Woof.

  4. Spencer is a living textbook illustration of an abusive personality.

    What confuses me is, how does the fact that he's gay fit into all of this? Heidi seems to really be on this religious kick lately, so maybe she likes being a celibate wife?

  5. I will not watch the show if they did leave - it was the only form of entertainment. They were really funny - Heidi actually cried because the other people on the show took the labels off of her hair product. I couldn't tell if they were acting or serious.

  6. I couldn't get past the first 15 minutes.


  8. I recorded this so will watch it at home tonight.
    Although I can't really stand either of them, I'm starting to feel a little concerned about Heidi - Spencer seems a little...controlling.
    And Heidi without makeup = shocking difference.

  9. Maybe his creepy flesh coloured beard wanted to go home.

  10. i think the real reason they left was b/c some producer let them see the dailies and they realized how 1-fug they look w/o m/u and controlled lighting, and 2-how douchetastic they were being.

    spencer is King Tool tho...esp w/ all the references to all the 5 star treatment he's always claims to require. they knew off the bat they'd be hated all the more by the rest of america had they stayed.

    i believe all this douchstacity was planned, but i do believe it's backfired on them in a huge way.

  11. i will start by saying i don't watch reality tv but upon channel surfing i came across that last night and saw his tirade...WOW this guy is ...out there. He seriously has some anger/control issues. I'm guessing heidi will be Rhianna part 2 before long

  12. i apologize off the bat for not remembering where i saw this story, but i recall reading a blog about a month ago where someone said they met speidi. not only was he verbally and physically controlling, but that heidi seemed to just meekly follow along with that he "ordered" her to do and that she had a blank expression i.e. no life in the eyes, the entire time. of course this is all from someone's perspective, but seeing this clip, it seems like he has made her completely dependent on him for everything, including getting back at someone for ripping off her freakin' shampoo label.

  13. What little I watched was mostly of these two sleeping while the leader delegated chores around the camp. I did see where Janice threatened to slap the crap out of somebody and I was hoping she was talking to Spencer. I think the reason reason they left is Spencer was afraid of Janice.

  14. Anonymous11:20 AM

    AnonMom - lol the rat tail thing. Perfect.

    calif - I've never met the woman, but *I* am afraid of Janice.

  15. I watched the show. One of those trainwrecks you think you'll turn away from and 45 minutes later you're ashamed to still be gawking at.

    Heidi ate a rats tail! I HAD to watch that shit.

    Couldn't beleive some of what came out of their mouths though. Heidi saying she was only there because Spencer would "take care of her" etc. Does she not have an independent bone in her body? No. And, that's why her friendship with Lauren Conrad fell apart.

  16. you know i lik me some Hills, but even I missed watching this. mostly becasue of how fucking sad it would be to see Lou Diamond Phillips reduced to such shittery.
    "Not my Ritchie!"

    i don't know Moosh, about the gay thing. Methinks he may just be an abusive asshol-io! although closeted for that long and being Brody's bf would drive anyone to rage.

  17. Could someone please enlighten me as to why we all think he's gay? I really don't follow this asshattery unless it's covered here or on Dlisted, but I haven't seen anything to make me think, yup, he's gay.


  18. pookie, i think you got it right.

  19. TMZ is reporting that Pratt doesn't see himself as reality star:

    A well-placed source who works on the Costa Rican production of the show tells TMZ just before quitting the show, Spencer screamed at producers, "If you give me a script, I'll do what you want. I'm not a reality star. I'm on 'The Hills.'"

    Pretty damn funny, if you ask me.

  20. Jasmine - Lainey did that story. It was a little scary.

    Regardless - good work by Janice. I think she wanted them both off and saw Spencer as a threat to her winning.

  21. Didn't watch the show, but would have made an extra big sidestep if I'd known these two dingbells were on it. I am personally offended every time any talk show, blog or gossip site gives these two any recognition. I think it was one of the Olsen twins on Letterman who said Pratt had a 'really bad temper' when she went to school with him, like he was the biggest ass going, and somehow we have ended up with his face being plastered everywhere we go.

    I'd really like to see a ban on these two on this site. I don't think they're worth the time it takes to write about them. Add them to the list of 'why the hell are these people famous'? There's no reason for catering to their nonsense.

  22. Didn't Spencer blackmail an Olsen while in high school? He seems like he wouldn't mind pimping his wife off to some dude for a few bucks either. From watching the show a bit last night, she actually would be VERY likable if she wasn't with him.

  23. So I just read on DListed that they've already replaced them with another Baldwin (Daniel) and Heidi's sister.

  24. I also just read on TMZ.com that they're asking to go back. (Never underestimate the stupidity of a celebutard, no?)

  25. I'm not sure I agree with Enty that Speidi did themselves no favors by leaving the show. I think the cracks were starting to show and what you could see wasn't pretty. I agree with those who think Spencer's probably mentally unbalanced (a sociopath, perhaps) and certainly potentially abusive as well. My husband rarely watches shows like these and was entirely unfamiliar with Spencer and Heidi, but after stumbling on it while surfing his remark, stated with the utmost innocence, was priceless: "That blonde guy can't possibly know how much of an a**hole he looks like, right?"

  26. They are asshats. Did anyone notice that Heidi was spraying that product in her hair constantly? She was prolly paid to do it by the company. It was just too obvious. I can't believe these two are "famous".

  27. i want to live a life where the label being taken off my shampoo is cause for alarm.

  28. Crap, Rocket Queen, now I may have to watch. I like Heidi's sister. :(

  29. I think the reason they left was because of that phone call they made. Who the hell did he think he was to call the president of NBC and bitch about the whole experience then add the "thank you for the time and enjoy your dinner" bit. I wish there was a clip somewhere of that.

    The guy has definite problems, and Heidi is a tool for not seeing him for who he is.

  30. Anonymous8:09 PM

    He's totally a psycho. Watching him dart back and forth between tantrum and tranquility was startling. When he was screaming and foaming at the mouth, I was just hoping someone would start making ape noises and tearing around on all fours.

    I don't think I can watch this show with Spencer on it. As stupid as Heidi is, I'm sorry, he's just an abusive tool. She's annoyingly codependent but abused women are often just looking for someone, anyone, to show them an ounce of kindness. He's probably been manipulating her even worse than anything we've seen on the cameras.

  31. I haven't seen the show, and don't watch the hills (except for whats aired on the soup), but WTH is with his creepy flesh colored beard? its slowly beginning to take over his face in that clip!

  32. Harriet Hellfire - Lol! Damn it, now i have to youtube The Soup....

    I agree with those that call him abusive (i think a lot of his rage comes from the fact he's living in a closet - also his spoilt rich upbringing could be a factor). He is a scary little prick, that's for sure.
    I wish i didn't feel sorry for that living barbie. Stupid empathy.

  33. Chelsea Lately, how i love you:
