Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Thank You VH-1 - Tom Sizemore Joins Up For Celebrity Rehab

Finally a reality show with some actual drama that won't need to be staged. Tom Sizemore has signed on to do the next season of Celebrity Rehab 3. Oh, and to make things incredibly fun, Heidi Fleiss has already signed on to do the show. Apparently when Tom showed up for shooting yesterday he was really messed up from withdrawals and had to be admitted into the hospital. Oh, and the first Heidi knew that Tom was going to be there was when he showed up. And VH-1 got it all on film!!

Oh this is going to be so good. I actually don't think they will be able to make it all the way through the show together. In a way it is a really bad idea because they pretty much bring each other down and he did go to jail for beating her so everyone will have to be extra careful about that.

The show will also have much bigger names than in the past. The list includes Mackenzie Phillips (One Day At A Time), Dennis Rodman, Mindy McCready (country music singer), Lisa D’Amato (America’s Next Top Model), Mike Starr (Alice in Chains), Kari Ann Peniche (ex-Miss United States Teen), and Joey Kovar (Real World Hollywood).

Mackenzie Phillips is one of my Facebook friends and honestly she seems to be pretty normal. She updates all of the time and they are generally coherent. She seems to watch a bunch of television. Who wants to bet that Mindy McReady has sex with Tom Sizemore and that Dennis Rodman hits on everyone male and female?

The show isn't going to be on the air for a few months which sucks. I want it now. Do it Big Brother style and have it available to us over the internet 24/7.


  1. I'll keep my fingers crossed for Mindy, she's the only I care about.

    I cannot stand Heidi though (she looks like Tom Petty in bad drag), and I like Tom Petty :-(

    Still, it's pretty mean to not give her a heads up about Sizemore!

  2. this is going to be a GLORIOUS trainwreck. i can't wait.

    i agree, 24 hour feeds would be phenomenal.

  3. I believe I read that Mackenzie is going to be the sober coach or sober mentor coach or whatever.

  4. wow, heidi's an addict? i guess i shouldn't be surprised, but i had no idea.

    yeah, the sizemore addition is going to make this a trainwreck to watch...but i think there will be some degree of manipulation on the producer end. this may be the most "real" if the reality shows, but you can bet it's not all left to "rehab process" chance.

  5. grace, i read that too...i wonder if she's this season's crazy gary busey?

  6. Holy cow. Someone's getting their hair ripped out.

    Lisa D'Amato? She just will not go away.

  7. Joey is gonna lose it and fight Rodman, well in my version anyway. Dude is crazy when he's drunk or high.

    people will od anything to be on tv these days. i'm still surprised how many celebs will go on this show.

    I'm waiting for Celbrity Sh*t Club.
    I mean really, is there anything sacred?

  8. LOL @ Nancer....GLORIOUS INDEED!!!

  9. LOL @Lisa - Tom Petty in drag for sure!! This is going to be AWESOME!

  10. Yes this is worth watching but unfortunately I don't have cable. I wish they would show it over the internet.

    Also I didn't know Lisa from ANTM needed rehab. Does anyone know what type of addiction she has?

  11. not on my dollar:


  12. Well, those of you who read my story in the comment section of the last Tom Sizemore story will know I can't WAIT to see the reunion between Tom and Heidi. ;)

  13. I was named after Mackenzie Phillips' character on One Day at a Time....and got made fun of for being named after the "ugly sister" for years.

  14. Hahaha...it's tragic, but I will most likely watch this.

  15. I'm actually kind of interested in seeing Mike Starr from Alice In Chains. I had no idea he was even still alive.

    The Heidi/Tom thing should be really uncomfortable too. It will be a guilty pleasure/when no one else is around watching kind of thing for me.

  16. I can't wait to see this. I bet Heidi & Tom keep blaming one another for their addictions and that they get into a physical fight.

    Lets hope Mackenzie does well. I wonder how long it will be before Speidi fakes an addiction to get on a show like this.

  17. Lisa (original): I'll make a bet with you now that by the end of the show, you won't like Mindy M one bit. Everyone I know who's met her (me included) couldn't stand being around her. Somehow, from what I've heard, she hasn't stopped being annoying.

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to another season of guilty pleasure! I may screw up now and then but I ain't THAT screwed up LOL

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. Jesus, Joseph, Doggy Style Mary!
    Now we are finally getting some Must TV!

    I am all ready planning the weekly themes for the my new Celebrity Rehab Watching parties.

  20. I don't think it's right for a woman to have to share space/spend time with the man that abused her, no matter how fucked up they both are.

    I thought Mackenzie Phillips was clean and sober.

  21. Hm. Celebrities, drugs, tattoos, and sex. How original. But the guy on the bottom right definitely needs rehab. Nothing like getting paid to "clean up". But, wait! Wasn't it their addictions that capped their celebrity status to begin with? There...will...be...nothing...left.

  22. I think that really sucks and is just.. wrong. or 'wrongheaded' as my bf would say. Why put out the idea that you are trying to do something of service out there to people who obviously need help and throw gas on the flame? Why not throw Daisy and rest of the ROL bunch in too. One big reality o'thon in the jello pool.
    goooood times.

    SOrry I'm sick of reality.

  23. Shakey, Mackenzie is on the show as a sober coach.

    "I'm sick of reality."


  24. I cannot wait for this! Put me in a coma for the next few months and wake me up when it starts!

  25. And here I thought they couldn't possibly equal the internal combustion that was Busey versus Conaway.

    I hope they don't shuttle off the people from last year entirely in favor of "bigger celebs". I'd miss the old guard. This is the only reality show I watch. Literally. The key thing is the people actually appear to be helped when they thought they were going on "another reality show".

  26. Okay, what is up with the hair of the person at the end of the top row? Also, the only people I "know" are Heidi, Dennis, MacKenzie, and Mindy (only after I read where she is going to be on, kinda figured out which one is her). I know about Alice N Chains, but didn't know the names of the members. I can figure out by the photos which one is ANC and which one is the RW weirdo.
