Friday, June 12, 2009

This Is Why Celebrities Suck - I'm Talking To You Miley Cyrus

Miley Cyrus called into a radio station this morning in Tampa Bay, Florida. She called in as apart of a press tour of radio stations because she wants them to play her song on the radio and promote her concert tour and whatever else she can think of to promote. When the radio station does this Miley makes a ton of money and the radio station doesn't really make any because instead of selling commercial time they are giving free ones to Miley. The object is that their listenership will increase and so down the road at some point the station will make more money. Obviously though it is the performers who come way out ahead. To make things even worse when you have someone who is controlled like Miley is the radio announcers are only allowed to ask pre-approved questions and only discuss pre-approved topics. Why is that? To make sure that nothing ruins the image and to make sure the performer gets the chance to plug as many things as possible in the time in which they are on the air.

In this audio clip, the host asks Miley if she was aware that he was only allowed to ask her certain questions? Miley didn't say much of anything. The host then said, that he thinks some questions should be answered, and they should. If you don't want to answer certain questions then just stay at home and give interviews to Kneepads. Why is it that you as a performer think you can control the questions and make the rules? You can't expect to take and take and take and not give anything back in return. The problem is there are too many stations and too many morning shows (Ryan Seacrest, Good Morning America, Today Show) who let it happen and are willing to never make a wave and sacrifice any kind of credibility.

When I first heard the clip I thought the host was going to ask a really tough question or ask her about the revealing photos she is always taking and that he was going to do something so outrageous that he deserved the hangup he got from Miley. Instead he asked if she had ever received an actual apology from Jamie Foxx. That is all he asked and as soon as he asked it, Miley hung up on him. F**k that. You can't pick and choose. I hope that every single radio station from now on asks her that question. They won't of course. They will all be afraid of ticking off a 16 year old girl and Disney. Losers. Step up and ask a question. If everyone asks a responsible question then they won't be able to play the game anymore. Don't ask Idiotic questions, but questions that are newsworthy and should be addressed. When they are answered then give a plug.

You have two choices here. The entire interview before hangup was about 5 minutes long which you can listen to here. I will warn you it is painful and Miley is extra annoying. The relevant portion is about 45 seconds and for that you can click here.


  1. She hung up over that? Pathetic. I figured at least it'd be something about her possible break-up.

  2. I think this is another case of her being puppeted by her entourage. There's no way that this girl can in any way handle anything by her own merit as she has been bred from day one to be a groomed & handled object. She probably got spooked by the unexpected or was queued by those in control to terminate the call. They probably didn't want her making an ass of herself by answering in an inappropriate fashion or perhaps they didn't have a rehearsed retort ready and acted impulsively. We have to cut her some slack in that she is simply a product of those unpalatable hangers-on that surround her.

  3. wasn't her manager right there and isn't that who actually hung up?

  4. I really don't have a problem with this, particularly since Foxx is a douche and Miley was the one who was his douchery. Why give him the free publicity?

  5. I think it was one of her "people" that hung up. She also called in to Kidd Kraddick this morning and the same thing happened, although they were asking anything inappropriate. After a commercial break, the DJ came back to say he got a hold of Miley's publicist to find out why the call was disconnected and the guy said "your time was up"

  6. Miley was cut off mid sentence. Her manager or PR person hung up. I think it was a time issue more than anything, but the DJ asked for it, by stating he clearly understood the rules and decided to not play by them with a 16 year old minor. I am sure that the Jamie Foxx thing was on the list of questions not to ask and if she was a virgin was not far behind...IMO

  7. I don't like Miley AT ALL! However, if she doesn't want to answer certain questions, what is the big deal? Most celebrities have their publicist make lists on what they can not be asked about. Also Mily is not an eloquent speaker she wouldn't be able to answer certain questions properly anyway.

  8. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Now if it had been a satellite TV interview, that's different - when I've seen those feeds and if the time runs out, it runs out. If it's a phone call, either party on the phone is in control.

    The publicist should have just said - the call got dropped, and the time to get it reconnected would have impinged on the next station.

  9. Generally, I'm not sure controlled interviews are a big deal if everyone involved agrees to the rules. If the station doesn't like it, it shouldn't do the interview. Bland Q&As may seem obnoxious of the celeb -- and maybe Miley and/or her people were being oversensitive here, if the call wasn't dropped -- but considering how hypersensitive folks can be about celebs' images (were Miley's Vanity Fair pics really THAT big a deal?) I think that's a bit understandable.

  10. I don't like Miley either (or anybody in her nightmare of a family) but I agree that it was the publicist/handler that hung it up. She was about to say something and they put a stop to it.

    Still, there's no excuse to hang up even if it's a time issue. It's rude and only causes your client to look bad.

    Having said that, I hate pre-approved questions and softball questions. I have no interest in listening to the same thing over and over again.

  11. I see your point(s), Enty and others, but I also see another side. the record companies put their artists out for these kind of interviews to promote the concert or album. I used to be on the receiving end of those calls and while I rarely was told not to go in a particular direction, the publicists who regularly dealt with me knew that I understood the "rules." I saw and heard many interviews from colleagues who do everything BUT discuss the product that the artist is pitching. (BTW, radio stations get TONS of free merchandise for doing these things, which they give away and the DJs hide away for themselves in return for "playing the game.")

    In Miley's case, I'd say that a little extra precaution could be taken. Though she is a seasoned entertainer, she's still young. A more mature artist could be expected to take the flap and put the DJ in his place.

    Also, think about this: How'd you hear about this? Sounds to me like some DJ wants his own free publicity, too!!!! :-)

  12. she didn't hand up. that was her people. no need to hate on her for that...simply question the judgment of her management/pr peeps. it's sad, really.

    yay, enty, for going back to calling kneepads, kneepads. also, never underestimate the power of payola. you should know it's a alive and well, regardless of artist interviews.

  13. I also heard the interview she did on Kidd Kraddick this morning and they treaded very lightly on the Justin thing. They just asked her if she was doing ok and mentioned Nick Jonas being out visiting her and she made the comment that she is completely single and unattached...after that little segment they were about to ask her about something completely different and her people hung up on the show. So rude and just obnoxious.

  14. if you don't answer ,the journalist will say you're a jerk !
    Look Christian Bale during the promotion of Terminator,the only question who was interesting for the press:why the tirade against the DP? why are you so angry? why are you a jerk? why do you never smile?
    Chicago Sun Times wrote Bale didn't want to promote and answer on his anger but in the middle of his interviews,he spoke on his anger!

  15. Miley Cyrus. Please. SIT DOWN.

  16. Dear Jebus,

    Please let the backlash against this obnoxious hillbilly start NOW.

    Thank you,


  17. I wish the obnoxious little hillbilly and her one-hit-wonder father would stfu and go the fuck back to whatever tractor-trailer they crawled out from under. They have such a disgusting sense of entitlement and are nothing more than white trash who got lucky. They make the Spears family look high class, ffs.

  18. This comment has been removed by the author.

  19. The DJ was MJ who can be a flaming a$$ but was really restrained here - I'm impressed but he did get honked off on the air afterwards :) I do not like 'Hannah' Cyrus.

  20. Would have loved to listen to the interview of Miley .. but that picture had me projectile vomiting about a nanosecond into the post ..

    Other than that .. I wish she and her "daddy" would just go the hell away.

  21. It was clearly her people that hung up. So arrogant and pathetic. What is this world becoming?!

  22. Everything Ent wrote could be applied to Billy Bob, too.

    And I guess that DJ didn't watch Jay Leno when Jamie Foxx was on because he apologized then.
