Monday, June 15, 2009

US Weekly Drops The Ball - Again

I'm picking on US Weekly, but only because they ran with this headline. "Madonna: I Am Ecstatic To Adopt Mercy James." All of the other tabloids were a little more subtle in their love of all things Madonna. Apparently her publicist Liz Rosenberg must scare them and they don't want to say even one thing negative about Madonna. In this article from US they report exactly what Liz told them to report and nothing else. No one bothered to even ask Madonna or Liz why if she is so ecstatic that she couldn't be bothered to pick up Mercy.

I know I discussed this in detail Friday but it continues to tick me off and then to have all the tabloids just take it for granted that this is the norm just further pushes me over the edge. I wasn't expecting Madonna or Liz to actually answer the question, but it would have been nice to know someone at least asked and there was no reply or a no comment or something to show they at least made the effort to pretend like they were journalists.

Is it so much to ask to not just regurgitate press releases of famous people, but to actually show that perhaps you do have a spine. Celebrities like publicity. I am sure that whatever ban you would get from a publicist would not be long lasting. I know they are loathe to report anything negative about a celebrity, but at some point don't you just get tired of being a sheep and doing what publicists tell you to do and say?


  1. Don't worry Ent, Madonna will pick up the dropped balls.

    I've lost count how many balls she's picked up!

  2. I just don't know how to feel about this whole thing. I do wonder why Madonna isn't going to get the girl. I did see pics of the girl with sores all over her arms, so I think she will have better health care and educational opportunities. I am concerned about parental love from Madonna, but I am not sure what kind of love and attention she was getting in the orphanage.

  3. WWJD?

    whatever Madonna wants him to and he better make it snappy! she'll send the boy toy over in her private jet to pick up Mercy.

  4. i'm more interested in learning about the publicist's ability to scare the media into submission.

    *ready to take notes*

  5. You know what this story needs? GUSTAVO! If only Madonna had been on the red carpet last week at the Michael Douglas thing.

  6. Pookie: I wonder about that, too. Maybe the carrot/stick the publicists wield is "access". If the mag/site is "friendly" to the celeb, the PR person will give exclusives.

    Except: what good is an exclusive if it's just more fluff? So the mag/site just gets more canned and pre-written garbage?

    Blech. Who needs that?

  7. Maybe the chance of added complications or extortion are less is she isnt there.

  8. Anonymous2:29 PM

    These so call journalist/writers will always be controlled by celebrities.

  9. i hear ya, ayesha. def the publicist/media relation carries a ton of weight. it's sad sometimes, just how much so.

  10. The only way to get the non-BS in print would be to start your own mag, Calling it:

    Celebrity F.U. (fans unite)

  11. I'm just wondering if Madonna didn't go to pick the child up to avoid a media feeding frenzy that would have upset and frightened the child. She's not seen many white people, and she could have ended up surrounded by paps, and press with big white men screaming her "Mercy, Mercy" at the top of their lungs. She's only 4 years old. I don't think I would have subjected that child to a possibility of that happening. I would have snuck her in and started introducing her slowly, as she did with David, who was 2 years younger.

    Just sayin' maybe that was the reason, and not that Madonna didn't care or was too busy.
