Friday, June 19, 2009

Weekly Thanks

Many many thanks go out this week to everyone who sent me stories and tips. There were some great ones and I used a lot of them. I want to take a moment and thank the three sites which link to me the most and encourage you to visit their sites if you don’t already. Michael K over at Dlisted. Happy Birthday Michael. I hope you enjoy the photo of your boo. Celebitchy is great and Kate does a fantastic job there. And finally, Gawker who also links just about everyday. Thank You.

To all the readers who advertise on the site, I really appreciate it and I encourage all of you to check them out when you need something they are selling or doing or just to take a look. If you need summer concert tickets, don’t use any other reseller but Ticket Liquidators. I love them and they are not owned by some faceless monolithic corporation. The A to D list site is really adding names at a furious pace but the site only works with your help and support so make sure you check them out. Second City Style has a great site dedicated to fashion and shopping and has a magazine and a blog and links to all kinds of great products. If you are booking a trip and going to use an online site, go to travelatime first. Check out the price and if it is the same, then give them some of your business. Panic Away has one of the best banners and their product is just as good also. Finally, is Dragon Search Marketing and they can boost the visibility of your website or product and are the best at what they do.

For those of you who are Fathers or Mothers who are also fathers, I hope you have a great Father’s Day weekend. Don’t worry, you can always spill some ink or get some printer toner on that new tie your kid gets you. Be safe, and enjoy the quality time with your kids. I know my dad is looking forward to spending quality time with me. Actually he is looking forward to having our annual beer drinking contest and who can eat the food which has been burned the most because we were too drunk to notice. Good times.


  1. love michael k/dlisted
    gawker is great
    but don't waste your time with's gone down hill. writers try to rip off of dlisted and full of complaining women..the worst!

  2. Saw that pic and instantly thought of Michael K/Dlisted!

  3. Anonymous3:09 AM

    Could not agree with you more, m. I used to hang out on Celebitchy all the time, but won't even go there any more, the commenters are too busy sniping each other, the news is old, and one of the writers comments on her own articles and gets in fights with the commenters who don't agree with her. It used to be a classy site, now it's the one writer's little playground.

  4. aww, enty, you're the best!

    happy father's day to the CDAN dads out there, most especially the EntyPapi! hope your quality time together takes place outside the basement. ;)

  5. Enty, how classy of you to those sites a shout out.

  6. Michael K and Enty are the only gossip sites I read. LOVE YOU BOTH!

  7. Thanks for the props to moms who are also dads. I am lucky enough to have found a great step-dad for my daughter, (who is also the father-to-be to our up-and-coming september baby) but a few years ago i would have really appreciated that!

    We all love you too Enty :)

  8. Agreed, Caroline. I mean, is pretty awesome, but I wouldn't call that a gossip site. I read Dlisted and CDAN like some religious folks read the Bible. These sites are my religion.

    Enty, that's awesome that you wished Michael K a happy birthday with a picture of "Mah Boo" Anderson Cooper.

  9. I just want to give shout outs to all the dads and fathers (there is a radical difference between the two)..."Happy Father's Day!

    To Enty, A special shout out to you for taking the time to let your readers and advertisers know that you appreciate them. A rarity indeed! There needs to be like you. Thanks alot.

  10. Ent, thanks for shouting out to MK and others. I read your site and Dlisted religiously.

  11. Have fun with the Dad Unit, Enty. May the best gut win.

  12. Happy Sunday to Dads, Moms, and Moms who are Dads and Dads who are Moms.

    I just want to say that I have an absolute angel from heaven for a Father and anyone who knows him will say the same. Jeez, I'm getting teary just writing that.

  13. Karmen, those are my 3 fav sites too....I have been a regular commenter on Dlisted for over 2 1/2 years......MK is fucking fantastic.

  14. ENTY - Thank you. For bringing us all this yummy goodness.
